

Aroscas Pomperipossa


Call Name: Aroscas Pomperipossa

Location: ()

Born: 1971 Mar 26 (54 Years 9 Months ago)

Sir: Ch-Ib Puhs Atos (Aroscas)

Dam: SE UCH FI UCH SE JCH Sandylands Mamba

Died: unknown

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Color: Black

Aroscas Pomperipossa is a Labrador Retriever born on 1971 Mar 26 .

If you have more information about Aroscas Pomperipossa and would like to submit more information about this animal please feel contact us.

If you own Aroscas Pomperipossa and would like to claim its ownership contact us.

If we have information about its ancestry and health you should be able to find it on this page.

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Name Sex Relationship Father Mother Birth Death Life Span Cause Of Death
Aroscas Fun Fair Female Progeny NORD UCH INT UCH SE JCH Aroscas Fight Aroscas Pomperipossa 1973 Apr 03


Name Sex Relationship Father Mother Birth Death Life Span Cause Of Death
Bryndafydd Atlas Male Uncle GB CH Sandylands Mark Passingridge Black Lace Of Brynafydd
Keithray Marianne Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark Kikia Of Keithray (aka Kicia) 1971 Oct 01
Sh Ch Keysun Teko Of Blondella Male Uncle GB CH Sandylands Mark Keysun June Rose
CH Allegheny Bezique Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark Ellerthwaite Jay 1975 Jan 21
INT CH Baronor Phoenix Male Uncle GB CH Sandylands Mark Baronor Vesta 1973 Jan 01
CH Biroshas Rough Male Uncle GB CH Sandylands Mark Ellerthwaite Bramblerose Of Mansergh
SE UCH FI UCH INT UCH Kamrats Jeanny Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark NO UCH Ramah Chocolate Chip
Libreen Lark TAF Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark Passingridge Meg Of Ballyduff 1976 Jan 01
MINIVANS BUSE Male Uncle INT CH Sandylands Geoff Minvans Caramelle
SH CH Sandylands Mercy Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark CH Sandylands Waghorn Honesty
CH Keysun Teko Of Blondella Male Uncle GB CH Sandylands Mark Keysun June Rose 1974 Mar 03
Ballyduff Maroon Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark GB CH Ballyduff Marina 1973 Jan 01
Mardas Mark Away Male Uncle GB CH Sandylands Mark Longley Tell Tale 1973 Feb 12
Sandylands Marksboy Of Langdale Male Uncle GB CH Sandylands Mark CH Sandylands Waghorn Honesty 1977 Feb 01
CH Sandyland's Make Do Male Uncle GB CH Sandylands Mark CCW Sandylands Good Gracious
Sandylands Morning Star Of Teviotcastle Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark CH Sandylands Katrinka of Keithray
Minivet Of Suddie Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark Tessa Of Suddie 1966 Sep 07
Sandylands Marcus Male Uncle GB CH Sandylands Mark Candida Of Coleshill
Sherry Female Aunt INT CH Sandylands Geoff Tosca 1967
Jayncourt Sentimental Sue Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark Jayncourt Vanda Lea
SE UCH FI UCH SE LCH SE JCH Kamrats Buse Male Uncle GB CH Sandylands Mark NO UCH Ramah Chocolate Chip 1969 Aug 04
Heatherborne Moira Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark Eng SH CH Heatherbourne Harefield Silver Penny 1975 May 01
GB SH CH Lasgarn Ludovic Male Uncle GB CH Sandylands Mark Lasgarn Louisiana 1972 Aug 01
Atos Male Uncle INT CH Sandylands Geoff PUHS MADNESS
Babs Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark GBSHCH Stanwood Leda 1971 Dec 01
GB Sh Ch Poolstead Postal Vote Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark GB Sh Ch Poolstead Pictoral
AM CH Powhattan Black Badger Male Uncle GB CH Sandylands Mark Powhatan Corn
Follytower Meg Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark CCW Follytower Spindrift 1974 May 25
ENG SH CH Ardmargha Mad Hatter Male Uncle GB CH Sandylands Mark Hope Of Ardmargha 1975 May 13
GB CH Poolsted Pin-up Of Fabracken Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark Poolstead Pincushion 1975 Sep 02
Candlemas Blythe Spirit Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark Huntergate Pale Sherry Of Springway
Bronzedale Brigand Of Frant Male Uncle GB CH Sandylands Mark Bronzedale Beeches Blonde Bella
Murmoch Malteser Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark Murmoch Miranda
Murmoch Malteaser Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark Murmoch Miranda
Philipstown Gay Duke Male Uncle GB CH Sandylands Mark Sandylands Good Tidings
Ballyduff Marksman Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark GB CH Ballyduff Marina
Pepperstock Redpoll Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark Oakhouse Oonah
Claytonholt Tamosan Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark Claytonholt Sharon
TARA Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark Castlemore Chlohelga
CH Sandylands My Rain Beau Male Uncle GB CH Sandylands Mark Sandylands Longley Came Rain
Sandylands Morning Pride Male Uncle GB CH Sandylands Mark CH Sandylands Longley Come Rain
Sandylands My Rainbeau Gelb Male Uncle GB CH Sandylands Mark CH Sandylands Longley Come Rain
Aust CH Sandylands Master Mind Male Uncle GB CH Sandylands Mark CH Sandylands Longley Come Rain 1977 May 01
GBCh Sandylands Newinn Colombus Male Uncle GB CH Sandylands Mark Newinn Amber 1973 Jan 01
CH Sandylands Midnight Maestro Male Uncle GB CH Sandylands Mark CH Sandylands Katrinka of Keithray 1971 Jan 01
Longley Morning Light Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark Longley In Brief 1975 Nov 01
Cilla's Sally Of Arodsel Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark Black Cilla Of Arodsel
INT. CH. KEITHRAY MARIANNE Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark Kikia Of Keithray
Tamstar Tranquil Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark Tamstar Catrina Of Lawnwoods
Charway Simona Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark ENG CH Charway Little Sian
Sandylands Charlston Male Uncle Eng CH Sandylands Charlie Boy CH Sandylands Dancer 1973 Apr 01
CH Sandylands Clarence Of Rossbank Male Uncle Eng CH Sandylands Charlie Boy CH Sandylands Dancer 1973 Apr 04
SE UCH FI UCH SE JCH Sandylands Mamba Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark CH Sandylands Dancer
GB CH Poolstead Purdey Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark GB CH Poolstead Popularity 1975 Jan 27
Wendover Black Agatha Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark Wendover Black Popsy
Othamcourt Peregrine Male Uncle GB CH Sandylands Mark Othamcourt Katrine
Jayncourt Cleopatra Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark Jayncourt Vanda Lea
Uk Sh Ch Newinn Harmony Of Peradon Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark Newinn Angelina
Puhs Gorgi Male Uncle INT CH Sandylands Geoff SE UCH FI UCH INT UCH Puhs Lilla Ru
NORD UCH Kamrats Angel Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark NO UCH Ramah Chocolate Chip
Heatherbourne Merrymaker Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark Eng SH CH Heatherbourne Harefield Silver Penny 1975 May 25
Heatherbourne Moira Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark Eng SH CH Heatherbourne Harefield Silver Penny 1975 Apr 25
Apollo Female Aunt INT CH Sandylands Geoff Puhs Atala
Sickan Female Aunt INT CH Sandylands Geoff PUHS MADNESS
CH Sandylands Markwell Of Lockerbie Male Uncle GB CH Sandylands Mark CH Sandylands Waghorn Honesty 1975 Mar 21
Ardmargha Sandylands Mirth Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark CH Sandylands Waghorn Honesty 1975 Mar 21
CH Sandylands Midnight Cowboy Male Uncle GB CH Sandylands Mark CH Katrinka Of Keithray 1971 Jan 03
Puhs Monona Female Aunt INT CH Sandylands Geoff INT SWEDISH NORWEGIAN CH Puhs Chocolate Beauty
Minvans Buse Male Uncle INT CH Sandylands Geoff Minvans Caramelle 1972 Apr 01
Rocky Male Uncle GB CH Sandylands Mark GBSHCH Stanwood Leda 1971 Dec 01
Wudgie Male Uncle GB CH Sandylands Mark GBSHCH Stanwood Leda 1971 Dec 01
Stanwood Witch Queen Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark Stanwood Peggy Sue
CH Poolstead Polyphoto Of Newinn Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark Poolstead Painting Book
NORD UCH INT UCH Baronor Phoenix Male Uncle GB CH Sandylands Mark Baronor Vesta 1973 Nov 05
Poolstead Postal Service Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark Sh CH Poolstead Pictorial 1977 Jan 01
AM CAN CH Powhatan Black Badger CDX Male Uncle GB CH Sandylands Mark Powhatan Corn 1972 Jul 20
Powhatan Black Moth Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark Powhatan Corn
Eng. Ch Ardmargha Mad Matter Male Uncle GB CH Sandylands Mark Hope Of Ardmargha 1975 Nov 12
GBCH Poolstead Pin Up Of Fabracken Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark Poolstead Pincushion 1975 Sep 02
CH Poolstead Pin-Up Of Frabracken Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark Poolstead Pincushion 1970 Jan 01
SHCH Brentchase Kimvalley Rosanna Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark CH Kimvalley Brentchase Anita JW
AM ENG CH Ballyduff Marketeer Male Uncle GB CH Sandylands Mark GB CH Ballyduff Marina 1971 Oct 28
GBCH Ballyduff Marshal Male Uncle GB CH Sandylands Mark GB CH Ballyduff Marina 1974 May 22
GBCH Ballyduff Marshall Male Uncle GB CH Sandylands Mark GB CH Ballyduff Marina 1974 May 01
CH Ballyduff Morella Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark GB CH Ballyduff Marina 1973 Apr 29
Ardmargha Merry Minx Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark Merry Kid Of Ardmargha
NO UCH CH Biroschas Rough Male Uncle GB CH Sandylands Mark Ellerthwaite Bramblerose Of Mansergh
Lenches Sequin Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark Sheila Of Suddie
Darnreb Solomon Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark Darnreb Dinah
CAN CH. Castlemore Bramble Male Uncle GB CH Sandylands Mark Castlemore Chlohelga
Friarsgarth Martell Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark CCW Sandylands Let's Dance 1975 Jul 11
Friarsgarth Miss Bolero Of Loxdale Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark CCW Sandylands Let's Dance
CCW Friarsgarth Miss Muffet Of Balrion Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark CCW Sandylands Let's Dance 1975 Jul 11
CH Allegheny's Bezique Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark Ellerthwaite Jay
Ardmargha My Favourite Of Lasgarn Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark CH Faith Of Ardmargha
Merrydonna Of Sussex Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark Nmefa Skye
Jayncourt Star Trip Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark Jayncourt Follow This
CH Strinesdale Old Spice Male Uncle GB CH Sandylands Mark SH CH Strinesdale Bianca
CH Sandylands Morningcloud Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark CH Sandylands Longley Come Rain
Eng Sh Ch Sandyland's Newinn Columbus Male Uncle GB CH Sandylands Mark Newinn Amber
Morella Of Suddie Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark Gaiety Of Suddy
Jayncourt Lucky Charmer Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark Jayncourt Michelle 1969 Jan 01
NO UCH Puhs Tongue-twister Female Aunt SE UCH FI UCH INT UCH PUHS Puhs Chocolate Prince Ryshot Bronze Glow
INT NORDIC CH SWEDISH DUAL CH PUH ATOS Male Uncle INT CH Sandylands Geoff Ryshot Bronze Glow
IR CH Sandylands Modern Millie Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark CH Sandylands Katrinka of Keithray 1971 Jan 03
Jomaree Jons Blossom of Greenworth Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark Kimvalley Bizzie Lizzie
Keithray Merietta Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark Kikia Of Keithray (aka Kicia) 1971 Oct 01
Sandylands My Lady Of Longley Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark CCW Sandylands Good Gracious 1970 Jan 01
ENG AUST CH Sandylands My Lad Male Uncle GB CH Sandylands Mark CCW Sandylands Good Gracious
GB CH Groucho Of Mansergh Male Uncle GB CH Sandylands Mark Sardonyx Of Mansergh
ENG CH Bradking Bonnie My Girl Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark Sandyland's Carona 1973 Jan 01
CH Bradking Bonny My Girl Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark Sandyland's Carona 1973 Sep 30
GB ShCh Keithray Marcus Male Uncle GB CH Sandylands Mark Kikia Of Keithray 1971 Oct 01
Lawnwood's Tamstar Trinket Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark Tamstar Catrina Of Lawnwoods
GBSH CH Sandylands Midnight Magic Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark GB SH CH Sandylands Katrina Of Keithray 1971 Jan 01
Strinesdale Jane Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark Contessa Of Keithray
Jayncourt Stormer Male Uncle GB CH Sandylands Mark Jayncourt Sweet Charity
Sandylands Busy Liz Female Aunt ENG SH CH Sandylands Blaze CH Sandylands Dancer
Sh Ch Sandylands Clarence Of Rossbank Male Uncle Eng CH Sandylands Charlie Boy CH Sandylands Dancer
CCW Sandylands Let's Dance Female Aunt ENG AUST CH Sandylands My Lad CH Sandylands Dancer 1972 Oct 02
SH CH GB Kimvalley Picklewitch Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark Shanbally Sapphire 1970 Jan 01
Roydwood Reveller Male Uncle GB CH Sandylands Mark Tanya Of Keithray
CH Spenrock Heatheredge Mariner Male Uncle GB CH Sandylands Mark Seashell Of Heatheredge 1973 Aug 11
Heatheredge Barathea Male Uncle GB CH Sandylands Mark Seashell Of Heatheredge
Maestro Of Suddie Male Uncle GB CH Sandylands Mark Tosca Of Suddie
Nutgrove Doublet Male Uncle GB CH Sandylands Mark Nutgrove Gingham Girl
Kino Female Aunt INT CH Sandylands Geoff Tosca 1967
Kamrats Gwenny Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark NO UCH Ramah Chocolate Chip
Knavery Mistress Meg Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark Knavery Brentchase Glamour Girl
Lola 1 Female Aunt INT CH Sandylands Geoff PUHS MADNESS
Sandylands Marksman Of Langdale NAF Male Uncle GB CH Sandylands Mark CH Sandylands Waghorn Honesty 1977 Jan 13
CH Sandlylands Mercy Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark CH Sandylands Waghorn Honesty
Minväns Buse Female Aunt INT CH Sandylands Geoff Minvans Caramelle
CH Mansergh Antonia Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark CH Damson Of Mansergh 1970 May 27
Kingfisher Female Aunt INT CH Sandylands Geoff SE JCh Manymills Bounty
CH Ballyduff Marilla Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark GB CH Ballyduff Marina
Sandylands Mischief Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark Sandyland's Good Chance
INT CH Curnafane Flicka Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark GB CH Curnafane Seamansal 1973 Jan 01
Ch-Ib Puhs Atos (Aroscas) Male Uncle INT CH Sandylands Geoff Ryshot Bronze Glow 1968 Jan 01
Lawnwood's Starglow Female Aunt GB CH Sandylands Mark Spinneyhill Lilac Of Lawnwood 1976 Oct 23
Sandylands Be Gloriana of Sorn Female Aunt CH Sandylands Garry CH Sandylands Dancer 1970 Sep 26
Classicway Sandylands Gavotte Female Aunt CH Sandylands Garry CH Sandylands Dancer
GB CH Sandylands Geannie Female Aunt CH Sandylands Garry CH Sandylands Dancer 1970 Sep 26
Sandylands Buzy Liz Female Aunt ENG SH CH Sandylands Blaze CH Sandylands Dancer
Sandylands Charleston Male Uncle Eng CH Sandylands Charlie Boy CH Sandylands Dancer 1973 Jan 01