

Multi BISS Am Can GCH Chablais Chouchou WC


Call Name: Multi BISS Am Can GCH Chablais Chouchou WC

Location: ()

Born: 2008 May 21 (16 Years 13 Months ago)

Sir: Am Can CH Chablais Brookhill Joss

Dam: Chablais Babychou

Died: unknown

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Color: Yellow
Owner: Jean-Louis Blais
Breeder: Jean-Louis Blais
AKC Reg: SR55904701

Multi BISS Am Can GCH Chablais Chouchou WC is a Labrador Retriever born on 2008 May 21 .

If you have more information about Multi BISS Am Can GCH Chablais Chouchou WC and would like to submit more information about this animal please feel contact us.

If you own Multi BISS Am Can GCH Chablais Chouchou WC and would like to claim its ownership contact us.

If we have information about its ancestry and health you should be able to find it on this page.

If you like to help with animal welfare , please consider joining our system and contribute to our goal.


Name Sex Relationship Father Mother Birth Death Life Span Cause Of Death
AM CAN CH Chablais Caid Male Brother Am Can CH Chablais Brookhill Joss CH Chablais Serena 2008 Jun 24
Lius Male Brother Am Can CH Chablais Brookhill Joss Ziggy 2008 Apr 20


Name Sex Relationship Father Mother Birth Death Life Span Cause Of Death
Herve Male Progeny MBISS GCHB CH Shalimar's The Animator Multi BISS Am Can GCH Chablais Chouchou WC 2014 Feb 08


Name Sex Relationship Father Mother Birth Death Life Span Cause Of Death
Southerngraces Cabin In The Woods Female Aunt Marty Valcars Blondie
Oakhaven Keeper Of The Stars Male Uncle Marty CH Wyntrees Daylilly 2004 Dec 13
Glenerie's Great Hunter Orion Female Aunt Marty Glenerie's Black Majic
Inselheim Aurora Female Aunt Marty Inselheim Sea Coral
Inselheim Lubberline Puff Female Aunt Marty Misti-dawn's Smart Alec
Whitewing Beulahlands Hiccup Female Aunt Marty White Wing's Madison Avenue
Georgia's Southern Harley Ann Female Aunt Marty Cranstar's Legendary Angel
Can CH Chablais Opale Female Aunt Can CH Tawastway's Paw Print Multi BISS Am Can CH Chablais Olivia 2001 Nov 28
Can CH Chablais Chere Camee Female Aunt Can CH Chablais Ouzo Can CH Chablais Beatrice 2001 Mar 13
Am Can CH Chablais Brookhill Joss Male Uncle Marty Multi BISS Am Can CH Chablais Olivia 2004 Nov 13
Chute Male Uncle Marty Sunset Shenanigans 2004 Jan 31
Summersets Sea's The Day Female Aunt Marty Honadore's Holiday At Summerset
Swentina's Golden Aphodite Female Aunt Can CH Chablais Ouzo BISS CH Chablais Kamikaze Swentina
GCH CH Van Dalen's Show Den Top Gun Female Aunt Marty INT CH Van Dalen Storm N Diamonds Affair CGC RN
UKC BIMBS/BISS GCH Enterprises Great Adventure WC CGC Female Aunt Marty Hyspire's Breathtaking
My Pretty Sheeba Gale Female Aunt Marty My Pretty Girl Casey
Sunset Bet Yer Bottom Dollar Female Aunt Marty Sunset Lotta Stuff
Twildo Meadow Amarilla Allie Female Aunt Marty Sunset Sadie VI
Rhapsody's Show Ge Zi Male Uncle Marty CH Rhapsody's Pride & Prejustice
Thornwood's Major Attraction Female Aunt Marty Stonecreek's Gem At Thornwood
Inselhiem Goldeneyes Aurora Male Uncle Marty Misti-dawn's Smart Alec
Can CH Honadore's Martini Female Aunt Marty Can CH Beechcroft Ambridge Emmy 2010 Mar 20
Chablais Babychou Female Aunt Can CH Chablais Ouzo Can CH Chablais Opale 2005 Jun 23
Sunset I Spy Iris Devereaux Female Aunt Marty Sunset Shenanigans
Can CH Summerset Sea's The Day Female Aunt Marty Honadore's Holiday At Summerset 2003 May 14
Can CH Chablais Ouzo Male Uncle Can CH Tabatha's Hunterleigh Gaudy Multi BISS Am Can CH Chablais Olivia 2003 Mar 05
CH SHR Summerset Buoys Nite Out WC Male Uncle Can CH Chablais Ouzo Can CH Summerset Sea's The Day
White Wings Gale Force Female Aunt Marty White Wing's Madison Avenue
CH Sonlight's Go For The Gusto JH CGC Male Uncle Marty Sonlight's In Dj's Memory 2007 Aug 01
Lubberline Inselheim Sealegs Female Aunt Marty Inselheim Seawitch
Rozzay's Saturday Night Special Female Aunt Marty Rozzay's Holiday Gala
UKC CH Goldberrys Dori Female Aunt Marty Goldberry Lucy In The Sky
Van Dalen Sierra's Diamond Dust Female Aunt Marty INT CH Van Dalen Storm N Diamonds Affair CGC RN
GCH CH BRONZE/ BIS U GRCH/ BIS INT CH Van Dalen Show Dens Top Gun Female Aunt Marty INT CH Van Dalen Storm N Diamonds Affair CGC RN
Hunt Club Clayview Scott Female Aunt Marty CH Hunt Club Clayview Trixie
Hunt Club Clayview Steve Male Uncle Marty CH Hunt Club Clayview Trixie
Can CH UWP SHR UAGI UCD GRCH Lubberline Endeavor Binnacle CD JH NA WC CGC TDI Female Aunt Marty Lubberline Matey