

FC AFC Tidewater Max-pak


Call Name: FC AFC Tidewater Max-pak

Location: ()

Born: 1974 Aug 18 (50 Years 15 Months ago)

Sir: FC-AFC Air Express (1995 Hall of Fame)

Dam: Tidewater Charger

Died: unknown

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Color: UNKN

FC AFC Tidewater Max-pak is a Labrador Retriever born on 1974 Aug 18 .

If you have more information about FC AFC Tidewater Max-pak and would like to submit more information about this animal please feel contact us.

If you own FC AFC Tidewater Max-pak and would like to claim its ownership contact us.

If we have information about its ancestry and health you should be able to find it on this page.

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Name Sex Relationship Father Mother Birth Death Life Span Cause Of Death
Royal Oaks True Blue Female Sister FC-AFC Air Express (1995 Hall of Fame) Big River Flicka
DUAL CH AFC Trumarc's Triple Threat Male Brother FC-AFC Air Express (1995 Hall of Fame) CH Sunburst Blackfoot Nell 1970 Jun 20
Terra Male Brother FC-AFC Air Express (1995 Hall of Fame) FC-AFC Carr-Lab Penrod
Wanapum Twiggy Squaw Female Sister FC-AFC Air Express (1995 Hall of Fame) Wanapum Twiggy 1974 Dec 04
Hunters Marsh First Class Ms Female Sister FC-AFC Air Express (1995 Hall of Fame) Sparkle Of Vondalia
FC AFC CFC Wanapum Super Sioux Female Sister FC-AFC Air Express (1995 Hall of Fame) Wanapum Miss Conduct 1975 Apr 10
Misty Female Sister FC-AFC Air Express (1995 Hall of Fame) Wanapum Twiggy 1972 Jun 18
Tidewater Charger Female Sister Tidewater Charger Tidewater Charger 1970 Apr 29
1986 NAFC FC Winsom Cargo Male Brother FC-AFC Air Express (1995 Hall of Fame) PIEGAN'S CHARISMA 1976 Aug 13
WYNDCALL MEGAN Female Sister FC-AFC Air Express (1995 Hall of Fame) Wyndcall Wild Shamrock Honey
Watergator Male Brother FC-AFC Air Express (1995 Hall of Fame) Toni Of Hayden 1972 Sep 04
FC-AFC-CFC Trieven Thunderhead (1995 Hall Of Fame) Male Brother FC-AFC Air Express (1995 Hall of Fame) Wanapum Twiggy 1972 Jun 18
FC AFC Expo's Super Tanker Male Brother FC-AFC Air Express (1995 Hall of Fame) Penrods Niger
LostAcres Intrepid Female Sister FC-AFC Air Express (1995 Hall of Fame) Roscrea Ms Blackbeary 1979 Apr 19
ADALAR AIRBORN MOON RIVER Female Sister FC-AFC Air Express (1995 Hall of Fame) Toni Of Hayden
FC AFC Twiggy's Holiday Express Female Sister FC-AFC Air Express (1995 Hall of Fame) Wanapum Twiggy Squaw 1974 Dec 04
Royal Oaks Kennebago Shadow Female Sister FC-AFC Air Express (1995 Hall of Fame) Royal Oaks Ducka
CH Wyndcall's Water Sprite Female Sister FC-AFC Air Express (1995 Hall of Fame) Wyndcall Wild Shamrock Honey
FC OAKHILL EXPONENT Female Sister FC-AFC Air Express (1995 Hall of Fame) Lady Red's Lucky Rascal *** 1997 Mar 06
Duffy's Irish Rebel ** Male Brother FC-AFC Air Express (1995 Hall of Fame) Lady Red's Lucky Rascal ***
FC-AFC-CFC A P Charlie Female Sister FC-AFC Air Express (1995 Hall of Fame) Lady Red's Lucky Rascal ***
Taffy Male Brother FC-AFC Air Express (1995 Hall of Fame) Lady Red's Lucky Rascal *** 1977 Mar 06
Backachers Broomhilda Female Sister FC-AFC Air Express (1995 Hall of Fame) Backachers Delta Queen 1977 Aug 17
DC AFC Trumarc's Tripple Threat Male Brother FC-AFC Air Express (1995 Hall of Fame) CH Sunburst Blackfoot Nell
Q P Doll Female Sister FC-AFC Air Express (1995 Hall of Fame) Air Raider's Abducktress 1979 Sep 07
DOOBER'S DANDY OF SUNNYVIEW (Sunnyview's Doober's Dandy) Female Sister FC-AFC Air Express (1995 Hall of Fame) Belle De Nuit Of Sunnyview 1979 Jun 19
Happy Express Female Sister FC-AFC Air Express (1995 Hall of Fame) Sparkle Of Vondalia 1979 Jul 05
Air Raider's Abducktress Female Sister FC-AFC Air Express (1995 Hall of Fame) Raider's Kansas Pscyclone 1979 Sep 07
Wanapum Lorelei Female Sister FC-AFC Air Express (1995 Hall of Fame) Wanapum Miss Conduct 1975 Apr 10
FC AFC Wanapum Connie's Outlaw Male Brother FC-AFC Air Express (1995 Hall of Fame) Wanapum Miss Conduct 1976 Aug 11
FC-AFC Wanapum Sky Shooter Male Brother FC-AFC Air Express (1995 Hall of Fame) Wanapum Miss Conduct 1975 Apr 10
South Bay Shazaam Male Brother FC-AFC Air Express (1995 Hall of Fame) Wanapum Miss Conduct 1975 Apr 10
Go Male Brother FC-AFC Air Express (1995 Hall of Fame) Stillwater Peggy 1976 Apr 29
AKSARBEN'S KENO Male Brother FC-AFC Air Express (1995 Hall of Fame) Enright's Surf Breaker Belle
Haverhill's Jet Jennifer Female Sister FC-AFC Air Express (1995 Hall of Fame) Puget-Power Bay Archer 1976 Nov 14
Tuckahoe Clinchco Jake Male Brother FC-AFC Air Express (1995 Hall of Fame) Tuckahoe Gun Moll
Laken Heath Air Supremacy Female Sister FC-AFC Air Express (1995 Hall of Fame) Wanapum Twiggy 1972 Jun 18
Tidewater Max-Pax Male Brother FC-AFC Air Express (1995 Hall of Fame) Tidewater Charger 1974 Aug 18
Jake Male Brother FC-AFC Air Express (1995 Hall of Fame) Lady Red's Lucky Rascal *** 1978 Apr 21
MAC'S HAPPY HUSTLER Male Brother FC-AFC Air Express (1995 Hall of Fame) TIGER'S MUTLEY
Cherry Bomb II Female Sister FC-AFC Air Express (1995 Hall of Fame) Sparkle Of Vondalia
Doc's Country Expectation Female Sister FC-AFC Air Express (1995 Hall of Fame) Raider's Kansas Pscyclone 1979 Sep 07
Duck Paa Beau Lee's Tackle Female Sister FC-AFC Air Express (1995 Hall of Fame) Duck Pass Per Silla
Labwood's Incredible Gretel Female Sister FC-AFC Air Express (1995 Hall of Fame) Birch's Hunka Papa Corky Sioux 1979 Feb 23
SHEBA Female Sister FC-AFC Air Express (1995 Hall of Fame) Wanapum Twiggy
MARMAC AIR ACE Male Brother FC-AFC Air Express (1995 Hall of Fame) MARMAC MYSTIQUE
Winsom's Blue Chip Male Brother FC-AFC Air Express (1995 Hall of Fame) PIEGAN'S CHARISMA 1976 Aug 13


Name Sex Relationship Father Mother Birth Death Life Span Cause Of Death
Buckingham Billy Windsor Male Progeny FC AFC Tidewater Max-pak Sasseville Mindy 1981 Feb 24


Name Sex Relationship Father Mother Birth Death Life Span Cause Of Death
Acadiana Angelle Female Aunt Soupy Adalar Rachel Of Cork's Coot 1973 Jul 12
CH ORNBAUN'S BLACK MIRAH Female Aunt Soupy Carr-Lab Spirit
FC Super Rap-up Female Aunt Soupy TIGER LIL'S MY MEMORY OF MATTY 1973 Jul 01
Candlewood Cherokee Chica Female Aunt Soupy CANDLEWOOD LIFFEY
Shamrock Aces Superlative Female Aunt Soupy Whygin Coley Cue
Jill Female Aunt Soupy CH Shamrock Acres Whygin Tardy CD 1968 Sep 25
Trieven Fool *** Male Uncle Soupy FC AFC Ern-Bar's Twinkle Boots 1973 Apr 01
Shamrock Acres Smoke Dream Female Aunt Soupy Shamrock Acres Smoke Screen
Shamrock Acres Super Duster Female Aunt Soupy Shamrock Acres Windridge Samba CDX 1973 Jan 31
Shamrock Acres Kandyoyo Female Aunt Soupy GILJO'S CRICKET
FC AFC Trieven's Canvasback Zip Zac Male Uncle Soupy FC AFC Ern-Bar's Twinkle Boots
FC AFC Tidewater Max-pak Male Uncle FC-AFC Air Express (1995 Hall of Fame) Tidewater Charger 1974 Aug 18
Tidewater Charger Female Aunt Tidewater Charger Tidewater Charger 1970 Apr 29
Big Oaks Super Kate Female Aunt Soupy FC Martens Black Powder Kate 1971 Apr 01
Super Powder QAA (1995 Hall Of Fame) Male Uncle Soupy FC Martens Black Powder Kate 1971 Apr 01
DUAL CH Shamrock Acres Super Drive Male Uncle Soupy CH Could Be's Miss Erable 1967 Mar 07
Chief Cody Of Le-mar Female Aunt Soupy Dux Bak's Patsey Del Norte 1968 Apr 07
FC AFC Sandhill's Happy Hooker Female Aunt Soupy FC AFC Ern-Bar's Twinkle Boots 1973 Apr 01
NELLIE Female Aunt Soupy Gahonk's Rebel Queen 1973 Jun 18
FC Royal Oaks Super Sleuth Male Uncle Soupy CH Shamrock Acres Whygin Tardy CD 1972 Nov 05
FC AFC Royal Oaks Super Stuff Male Uncle Soupy CH Shamrock Acres Whygin Tardy CD 1973 May 20
FC AFC Royal Oaks Havocs Haze Female Aunt Soupy CH Shamrock Acres Whygin Tardy CD
Royal Oaks Peggy Too CD Female Aunt Soupy CH Shamrock Acres Whygin Tardy CD
Sea Tac's Aim Female Aunt Soupy Mercy Of Island Heights
Soupy's Lucky Playmate Male Uncle Soupy MI-CRIS PEGGY
SOUTH BAY TINY TIM Male Uncle Soupy Carr-Lab Spirit 1968 Sep 08
Shamrock Acres Juego De Azar Female Aunt Soupy Shamrock Acres Windridge Samba CDX 1973 Jan 31
Shamrock Acres Pocahontas Female Aunt Soupy Shamrock Acres Smoke Screen 1968 Jul 18
SHAMROCK ACRES BARBER'S DREAM Female Aunt Soupy Shamrock Acres Smoke Screen
SHAMROCK ACRES SUPER BABE Female Aunt Soupy CH Could Be's Miss Erable
SHAMROCK ACRES COULD BE SUPER Male Uncle Soupy CH Could Be's Miss Erable
Shamrock Acres Stormy Weather Male Uncle Soupy CH Could Be's Miss Erable
Shamrock Acres Osceola Male Uncle Soupy CH Could Be's Miss Erable
Maria's Mary Poppins Female Aunt Soupy Maria's Mary Poppins
FC-AFC Dairy Hill's Michikiniquia Female Aunt Soupy DAIRY HILL'S TODDY TOT 1968 Apr 25
Super Candy Female Aunt Soupy Adalar Rachel Of Cork's Coot 1973 May 12
Sirion's Super Snooper Female Aunt Soupy Adalar Rachel Of Cork's Coot
Kate's Super Shermie Female Aunt Soupy FC Martens Black Powder Kate
CFC CAFC GAHONK'S SUPER DEE Female Aunt Soupy Canvasback Dee 1973 Aug 04
Shamrock Acres Lady Penelope Female Aunt Soupy Shamrock Acres Windrige Samba CDX
FC AFC CREOLE DUCKSOUP Male Uncle Soupy Jac-Lor Miss Cindy 1989 Jun 08
AD-AL'S CARR-LAB SUPER RENEE Female Aunt Soupy FC AFC Serrana Sootana Of Genesee
Marmac Folly Of Round Valley Female Aunt Soupy BLITZ OF ROUND VALLEY
Shamrock Acres Lucky Lady Female Aunt Soupy Shamrock Acres Smoky Cinder 1969 Jan 14
Shamrock Acres Supy's Rip Female Aunt Soupy GILJO'S CRICKET
Sassy Sioux Of Tukuila CD Female Aunt Soupy CAN DUAL CH Dart of Netley Creek 1968 Apr 20
FC Wanapum Sheba Female Aunt Soupy CAN DUAL CH Dart of Netley Creek 1968 Apr 20
Paha Sapa Greta Female Aunt Soupy CAN DUAL CH Dart of Netley Creek 1968 Apr 20
Dandy Female Aunt Soupy CAN DUAL CH Dart of Netley Creek 1970 Mar 01
CAN CH Wanapum-Darts-Puget-Power Male Uncle Penny's Yogi Bear *** CAN DUAL CH Dart of Netley Creek 1969 Jul 03
RAVENHILL BART Male Uncle CH Castlemore Shamus CAN DUAL CH Dart of Netley Creek
Truckee Of South Bay Male Uncle Soupy Kara 1967 Sep 25
Dat-So-La-Lee Painter *** Male Uncle Soupy Dolly Of Audlon
AFC Trieven Jumping Jenny Female Aunt Soupy FC AFC Ern-Bar's Twinkle Boots 1973 Apr 01
Trieven High Cotton *** Male Uncle Soupy FC AFC Ern-Bar's Twinkle Boots 1973 Apr 01
Re-Trieven Kimbo Female Aunt Soupy FC AFC Ern-Bar's Twinkle Boots
FC Candlewood's Super Deal Male Uncle Soupy CANDLEWOOD LIFFEY 1973 Jan 16
Rampart's Bellicose Lady Female Aunt Soupy Gahonk's Rebel Queen 1973 Jun 18
Rocky Female Aunt Soupy Gahonk's Rebel Queen 1973 Jun 18
Cup A Soup Female Aunt Soupy Gahonk's Rebel Queen 1973 Jun 18
Atchafalaya Super Strike Male Uncle Soupy Tyker's Lucky Penny *** 1973 Sep 15
Royal Oaks Rockbend Luv Female Aunt Soupy CH Shamrock Acres Whygin Tardy CD
AFC ROYAL OAKS SHARE OF BURGUNDY Female Aunt Soupy CH Shamrock Acres Whygin Tardy CD 1971 Sep 10
Royal Oaks Soup's On Female Aunt Soupy CH Shamrock Acres Whygin Tardy CD
ROYAL OAKS SOMETHING SUPER SLEUTH Male Uncle Soupy CH Shamrock Acres Whygin Tardy CD
Royal Oaks September Song Female Aunt Soupy CH Shamrock Acres Whygin Tardy CD
Chief Male Uncle Soupy Shamrock Acres Of Ralston Valley 1968 Jan 31
SHAMROCK ACRES SUPER SHELL Male Uncle Soupy Shamrock Acres Of Ralston Valley
ADALAR TWEEDLE DUM Female Aunt Soupy MI-CRIS PEGGY 1973 Apr 14
FC AFC Patsy's Thunderchief Male Uncle Soupy Dux Bak's Patsey Del Norte 1968 Apr 07
Tidewater Max-Pax Male Uncle FC-AFC Air Express (1995 Hall of Fame) Tidewater Charger 1974 Aug 18
Super Spirit's Spriggy Female Aunt Soupy Carr-Lab Spirit
Shamrock Acres War Bonnet Female Aunt Soupy Shamrock Acres Smoke Screen
Shamrock Acres Duck Soup Female Aunt Soupy Shamrock Acres Smoke Screen 1968 Jul 18
Shamrock Acres Comanche Male Uncle Soupy CH Could Be's Miss Erable
Could Be's Shamrock Wickiup Female Aunt Soupy CH Could Be's Miss Erable 1970 Jul 01
Shamrock Acres Chere Female Aunt Soupy CH Could Be's Miss Erable
Dairy Hill's Tanawunda Female Aunt Soupy DAIRY HILL'S TODDY TOT
Adalar's Super Ammo Female Aunt Soupy Adalar Rachel Of Cork's Coot 1973 Jul 12
Frulein Krummer Schwanz Female Aunt Soupy Jac-Lor Miss Cindy 1969 Jun 08
Miss Chief Of Whiskey Creek Female Aunt Soupy Whiskey Creek War Bonnet
Shamrock Acres Super Sioux Female Aunt Soupy Whygin Coley Cue
Shamrock Acres II Male Uncle Soupy Shamrock Acres Smoky Cinder
Shamrock Acres Super Ball Male Uncle Soupy GILJO'S CRICKET
WANAPUM-DARTS-JUNE Female Aunt Penny's Yogi Bear *** CAN DUAL CH Dart of Netley Creek
Ravenhill's Char Female Aunt Jiggs CAN DUAL CH Dart of Netley Creek
FC-AFC Air Express (1995 Hall of Fame) Male Uncle Soupy CAN DUAL CH Dart of Netley Creek 1968 Apr 20
CNFC FC Wanapum Darts Garbo Female Aunt Soupy CAN DUAL CH Dart of Netley Creek 1970 Mar 01
Wanapum Darts Puck Hyah Toot Male Uncle Soupy CAN DUAL CH Dart of Netley Creek 1970 Mar 01
Up And Away Male Uncle Soupy Kara
Shamrock Acres Modoc Painter Female Aunt Soupy Shamrock Acres Modoc Painter 1969 Jan 14