

UNJ SHR GRCH Endeavor Friday I'm In Love JH RN CGCA CGCU WC


Call Name: Friday

Location: ()

Born: 2007 Feb 09 (18 Years 4 Months ago)

Sir: Travis

Dam: Can CH UWP SHR UAGI UCD GRCH Lubberline Endeavor Binnacle CD JH NA WC CGC TDI

Died: unknown

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Color: Black
Coat Genotype: Black - Hidden Yellow - EeBB
Owner: Jeanine M Asch
Breeder: Jeanine M Asch
OFA Hips: LR-179770G24F-VPI
AKC Reg: SR40600104

Friday is a Labrador Retriever born on 2007 Feb 09 .

If you have more information about Friday and would like to submit more information about this animal please feel contact us.

If you own Friday and would like to claim its ownership contact us.

If we have information about its ancestry and health you should be able to find it on this page.

If you like to help with animal welfare , please consider joining our system and contribute to our goal.


Name Sex Relationship Father Mother Birth Death Life Span Cause Of Death
CH Belquest Just Reward O'Caer Bren Female Sister Travis CH Caer Bren's Water Lily JH
CH Tullamore's Toblerone Male Brother Travis CH Tullamores Mikimoto 2004 Oct 12
Nat Male Brother Travis Rah Rah 2005 Oct 25
Meadow Female Sister Travis Top Gun's Light As A Feather 2011 Aug 08
Kintra's Beithe Of Bitacula Female Sister Travis Bitacula's Cocobolo Dewi Intan
Belquest First Impression Female Sister Travis CH Caer Bren's Water Lily JH
Master Male Brother Travis LuCee
Nelly Female Sister Travis Breckin's Phoebe 2006 Mar 01
CH Belquest Marked Impressions Male Brother Travis CH Caer Brens Water Lilly JH
CH. Kriscoland's Water Baby Female Sister Travis CH. Kriscoland's Red, White And Brue
CH Acornoaks Evening Attire Male Brother Travis Linray's It's A Possibility
CH Belquest Very Impressionable Female Sister Travis CH Caer Brens Water Lilly JH
Lobuff Hollyridge Sure'll Crow Female Sister Travis Multi BISS Am. CH Lobuff's Turtle Dove
Disco Male Brother Travis Juno 2009 Apr 23
CH Cornerstone's Bridget CD WC JH Female Sister Travis CH Cornerstone's Emma Again CD JH
Booty Female Sister Travis Rah Rah 2005 Oct 25
Hyspire's Breathtaking Female Sister Travis Maritime Hyspire Sweet Song
Hyspire Love That Swing You Do Female Sister Travis BISS CH Hyspire Swingtown
Armani Male Brother Travis CH Hyspire Ghoststone's Gloria JH 2004 Aug 17
Hollow Acres Diablo Of The Night Male Brother Travis Riverchase High Hopes At Hollow Acres 2011 Aug 17
CH Starquests Ain't Dat Sumpin Male Brother Travis Mtn Meadow Sky's The Limit 2006 Jan 28
CH Elhid's Sun Sweet At Popway Female Sister Travis Elhid's Duckling
Mulbury's Courtesy Of Talimar SH Female Sister Travis Tormentil's Glimmer
GCH CH Summerlin's Rocky Mountain High CD RE JH CGC Male Brother Travis Summerlin's Waitin' For Change
Strongline's Yo-yo Female Sister Travis Strongline's Quantanamera
Logan Male Brother Travis Brooke 2006 Mar 24
CH Sunchase Ania's Rigamarole WC Male Brother Travis CH Sunchase Jp's Innocent WC JH
BISS CH Lobuff Hollyridge Osprey Male Brother Travis Multi BISS Am. CH Lobuff's Turtle Dove 2004 Sep 07
Am. Ch. Lobuff Hollyridge Osprey Male Brother Travis Multi BISS Am. CH Lobuff's Turtle Dove
GCH CH Hyspire Shahli Hotter Than Blazes Male Brother Travis CH Hyspire Pipin' Hot 2005 Nov 17
Shahli Hyspire Some Like It Hot JH Female Sister Travis CH Hyspire Pipin' Hot 2005 Nov 17
Hyspire Shahli When Your Hot Your Hot Female Sister Travis CH Hyspire Pipin' Hot 2005 Nov 17
AmGCH CH Hyspire Shahli Hotter Then Blazes Female Sister Travis CH Hyspire Pipin' Hot
Piccadilly Hidden Illusion At Hyspire Female Sister Travis GCH Piccadilly Hidden Covey
Laurglen's Ostentatious Female Sister Travis Rona 2007 Jan 11
Rogue Male Brother Travis Rona 2009 Jan 04
Endeavor Picadiily Gotta Wear Shades Female Sister Travis Can CH UWP SHR UAGI UCD GRCH Lubberline Endeavor Binnacle CD JH NA WC CGC TDI
SHR UACH GRCH Endeavor Piccadilly Pipe Dream JH NA NAJ RN WC CGC Female Sister Brody Can CH UWP SHR UAGI UCD GRCH Lubberline Endeavor Binnacle CD JH NA WC CGC TDI
AM CH UCH SHR AGI Endeavor Piccadilly Gotta Wear Shades JH NA NAJ WC CGC TDI Male Brother Travis Can CH UWP SHR UAGI UCD GRCH Lubberline Endeavor Binnacle CD JH NA WC CGC TDI 2007 Feb 09


Name Sex Relationship Father Mother Birth Death Life Span Cause Of Death
Bliss Female Progeny MBISS GCH CH Hyspire Singular Sensation Friday 2012 Aug 09


Name Sex Relationship Father Mother Birth Death Life Span Cause Of Death
Southerngraces Cabin In The Woods Female Aunt Marty Valcars Blondie
Nipntuck Sunnydaze Charisma Female Aunt Major Nipntuck Congeniality 2006 May 28
Infinity's Major Motion Picture Female Aunt Major Infinity's Matinee 2009 Mar 02
Centr Court Silhouette Female Aunt Major CH Centre Court Watermark Shelby 2003 Aug 11
Oakhaven Keeper Of The Stars Male Uncle Marty CH Wyntrees Daylilly 2004 Dec 13
Glenerie's Great Hunter Orion Female Aunt Marty Glenerie's Black Majic
Easthill Windfall Tyler Female Aunt Major East Hill William Sonoma
Inselheim Aurora Female Aunt Marty Inselheim Sea Coral
Minefalls Time Square Willow Female Aunt Major Minefalls Hanna Boden
Inselheim Lubberline Puff Female Aunt Marty Misti-dawn's Smart Alec
Wits End Epoch Farm Windfall Female Aunt Major CH Windfall Lubberline Regatta
Whitewing Beulahlands Hiccup Female Aunt Marty White Wing's Madison Avenue
Georgia's Southern Harley Ann Female Aunt Marty Cranstar's Legendary Angel
Poplar Forest Black Jelly Bean Female Aunt Major Tabatha's Caress 2007 May 30
Am Can CH Chablais Brookhill Joss Male Uncle Marty Multi BISS Am Can CH Chablais Olivia 2004 Nov 13
Chute Male Uncle Marty Sunset Shenanigans 2004 Jan 31
Summersets Sea's The Day Female Aunt Marty Honadore's Holiday At Summerset
CHPL Kimleigh's New Moon Rising Female Aunt Major Kimleigh's Once In A Blue Moon
Danbridge Empress Josephine Female Aunt Major Danbridge Kathryn The Great
Rhapsody's Show Ge Zi Male Uncle Marty CH Rhapsody's Pride & Prejustice
Tameric's Windfall Poppy Female Aunt Major Tameric's California Dreamin' 2004 Sep 05
Tradesman Major Player At Windfall Male Uncle Major Winsome Mollyberry Attradesman
Thornwood's Major Attraction Female Aunt Marty Stonecreek's Gem At Thornwood
Sunset Bet Yer Bottom Dollar Female Aunt Marty Sunset Lotta Stuff
Eagertrieves Sargent Major Female Aunt Major Dicha's Stacey
Twildo Meadow Amarilla Allie Female Aunt Marty Sunset Sadie VI
Inselhiem Goldeneyes Aurora Male Uncle Marty Misti-dawn's Smart Alec
Can CH Honadore's Martini Female Aunt Marty Can CH Beechcroft Ambridge Emmy 2010 Mar 20
Sunset I Spy Iris Devereaux Female Aunt Marty Sunset Shenanigans
Windfall Banners Major Attraction Female Aunt Major Windfalls Star Spangled Banner
CH Hyspire Windfall Cookie Cutter Male Uncle Major Hyspire's Show Me The Cookie
Can CH Summerset Sea's The Day Female Aunt Marty Honadore's Holiday At Summerset 2003 May 14
Windfall's Major Event At Steelhart Female Aunt Major Windfall's Sienna
Joe Male Uncle Major CH Valcar Elhid's Sidda Lee 2006 Aug 07
Preton Anita At Windfall Female Aunt Major Preton Ballerina
Caleb Male Uncle Major BISS GCH Seawinds Christmas Bells 2012 Apr 10
Hyspire Cavanaugh Female Aunt Major Tammy 2002 Sep 25
CH Hyspire Pipin' Hot Female Aunt Major Ali 2002 Aug 07
Moby Male Uncle Major Ali 2002 Aug 07
White Wings Gale Force Female Aunt Marty White Wing's Madison Avenue
Travis Male Uncle Major Tammy 2002 Sep 25
Hyspire Sureshot Impressive Female Aunt Major Tammy
Poplar Forest's Drum Majorette Female Aunt Major Tabatha's Caress 2006 Jun 26
Rudy Male Uncle Major Mar-jo's On The Bank 2004 Mar 01
Centre Court Henry Male Uncle Major CH Centre Court Watermark Shelby
Lubberline Inselheim Sealegs Female Aunt Marty Inselheim Seawitch
Rozzay's Saturday Night Special Female Aunt Marty Rozzay's Holiday Gala
UKC CH Goldberrys Dori Female Aunt Marty Goldberry Lucy In The Sky
Van Dalen Sierra's Diamond Dust Female Aunt Marty INT CH Van Dalen Storm N Diamonds Affair CGC RN
Bolo Male Uncle Major Von Hausman's D'star Fantasia 2006 Jul 30
Hunt Club Clayview Steve Male Uncle Marty CH Hunt Club Clayview Trixie
Windfall Major Event At Steelhart Male Uncle Major Windfall Daybrook Sienna 2007 Apr 01
AM CH East Hill Fergus Male Uncle Major CAN CH Easthill Land Of Sun Konga
Can CH UWP SHR UAGI UCD GRCH Lubberline Endeavor Binnacle CD JH NA WC CGC TDI Female Aunt Marty Lubberline Matey
My Pretty Sheeba Gale Female Aunt Marty My Pretty Girl Casey
UKC BIMBS/BISS GCH Enterprises Great Adventure WC CGC Female Aunt Marty Hyspire's Breathtaking
CH Sonlight's Go For The Gusto JH CGC Male Uncle Marty Sonlight's In Dj's Memory 2007 Aug 01
GCH CH Van Dalen's Show Den Top Gun Female Aunt Marty INT CH Van Dalen Storm N Diamonds Affair CGC RN
GCH CH BRONZE/ BIS U GRCH/ BIS INT CH Van Dalen Show Dens Top Gun Female Aunt Marty INT CH Van Dalen Storm N Diamonds Affair CGC RN
Hunt Club Clayview Scott Female Aunt Marty CH Hunt Club Clayview Trixie