

Hunters Marsh High Flyin Ms CD MH


Call Name: Hunters Marsh High Flyin Ms CD MH

Location: ()

Born: 1989 Jul 04 (35 Years 15 Months ago)

Sir: FC AFC CFC CAFC Meadow Woods Dusty Roads

Dam: Hunters Special-Tea MH

Died: unknown

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Color: Black

Hunters Marsh High Flyin Ms CD MH is a Labrador Retriever born on 1989 Jul 04 .

If you have more information about Hunters Marsh High Flyin Ms CD MH and would like to submit more information about this animal please feel contact us.

If you own Hunters Marsh High Flyin Ms CD MH and would like to claim its ownership contact us.

If we have information about its ancestry and health you should be able to find it on this page.

If you like to help with animal welfare , please consider joining our system and contribute to our goal.


Name Sex Relationship Father Mother Birth Death Life Span Cause Of Death
SALLY Female Sister FC AFC CFC CAFC Meadow Woods Dusty Roads HRCH Gator Points Georgia Brown SH 1989 Nov 17
Line Drive Grand Slam JH Female Sister FC AFC Island Lake's Beau Jet Hunters Special-Tea MH 1991 Nov 28
Haverhill's Garnet Gretchen Female Sister FC AFC CFC CAFC Meadow Woods Dusty Roads Haverhill's Cocoa Puff Lyon
Huntter Marsh B Macarthur Male Brother FC AFC CFC CAFC Meadow Woods Dusty Roads Hunters Special-Tea MH
Star Lab's Lg Sugar Babe Cd Male Brother FC AFC CFC CAFC Meadow Woods Dusty Roads SHANNA 1988 Aug 01
Hunters Marsh Jet Tea JH Female Sister FC AFC Island Lake's Beau Jet Hunters Special-Tea MH 1990 Jul 04
Russet's Lord Levi Male Brother FC AFC CFC CAFC Meadow Woods Dusty Roads MHR TJ's Russet Fauna *** 1988 Feb 18
Jaybar's Emma Brown Female Sister FC AFC CFC CAFC Meadow Woods Dusty Roads Hot Fudge-Double Or Nothin'
COULEE CREEK'S MISS DAISEY Female Sister FC AFC CFC CAFC Meadow Woods Dusty Roads HRCH Gator Points Georgia Brown SH
Dusty's Timberlake Scooter Female Sister FC AFC CFC CAFC Meadow Woods Dusty Roads Hot Fudge-Double Or Nothin' 1991 Jun 23
Haverhills Cocoa Roads Female Sister FC AFC CFC CAFC Meadow Woods Dusty Roads Haverhill's Cocoa Puff Lyon 1987 Jan 10
Scout Male Brother FC AFC CFC CAFC Meadow Woods Dusty Roads 1989 Mar 08
Coco Nut Female Sister FC AFC CFC CAFC Meadow Woods Dusty Roads Sunnyburkes' Carob Cookie 1988 May 12
Liberty's Making Waves Female Sister FC AFC CFC CAFC Meadow Woods Dusty Roads
Kodi's Grizzly Bear Creekwood Female Sister FC AFC CFC CAFC Meadow Woods Dusty Roads 1989 Dec 08
Hunters Marsh Merry Tea Time MH Female Sister FC AFC Donnybrooks Rocky Road Hunters Special-Tea MH
Hunters N Radars Jasmine Tea MH Female Sister FC-AFC Sky Watch Radar Hunters Special-Tea MH 1992 Aug 04
Hunters N Raiders Jasmine Tea MH Female Sister FC-AFC Sky Watch Radar Hunters Special-Tea MH 1992 Aug 04
LOUPE' Female Sister Ghost Keeper QAA MH Hunters Special-Tea MH 1993 Nov 25
Hunters Marsh Go Get-em MH Female Sister FC AFC Island Lake's Beau Jet Hunters Special-Tea MH
Iron Mountain Coco-Nut Female Sister FC AFC CFC CAFC Meadow Woods Dusty Roads Sunnyburkes' Carob Cookie
Margaret Roberta Watson Female Sister FC AFC CFC CAFC Meadow Woods Dusty Roads Waldhaus Cacao Runner 1993 Nov 01
Marmeds Ben Of Thundercreek Male Brother FC AFC CFC CAFC Meadow Woods Dusty Roads Frontiers Overdrive 1998 Jun 06
Fieldstone Sue Female Sister FC AFC CFC CAFC Meadow Woods Dusty Roads Dr's Chocolate Sunday 1993 Jun 01
Sport Male Brother FC AFC CFC CAFC Meadow Woods Dusty Roads HRCH Gator Points Georgia Brown SH 1989 Nov 17
HRCH Gator Pt's Dirt Road Sport Male Brother FC AFC CFC CAFC Meadow Woods Dusty Roads HRCH Gator Points Georgia Brown SH
Solanos Chief Male Brother FC AFC CFC CAFC Meadow Woods Dusty Roads HRCH Gator Points Georgia Brown SH
Water Works' Gator Pt Otter CD Female Sister FC AFC CFC CAFC Meadow Woods Dusty Roads SR.HR. Gator Point Chocolate Candy 1989 Feb 21
Jill's Chocolate Meadows Female Sister FC AFC CFC CAFC Meadow Woods Dusty Roads SR.HR. Gator Point Chocolate Candy
Appoquinimink Crk Dusty Lane Female Sister FC AFC CFC CAFC Meadow Woods Dusty Roads Kostyos Easter Princess
Cleo Queen Of The Bay Female Sister FC AFC CFC CAFC Meadow Woods Dusty Roads Hot Fudge-Double Or Nothin'
Haverhills Jet Captain Male Brother FC AFC CFC CAFC Meadow Woods Dusty Roads Haverhill's Cocoa Puff Lyon 1987 Jan 10
Runlows Cocoa Bean Haverhill Female Sister FC AFC CFC CAFC Meadow Woods Dusty Roads Haverhill's Cocoa Puff Lyon 1987 Jan 10
MHR Russet's Solo Sensation WR Female Sister FC AFC CFC CAFC Meadow Woods Dusty Roads MHR TJ's Russet Fauna *** 1988 Feb 19
GMHR Russet's Rowdy Raja QAA Male Brother FC AFC CFC CAFC Meadow Woods Dusty Roads MHR TJ's Russet Fauna ***
HRCH Vince's Samantha AKA Sam MH Female Sister FC AFC CFC CAFC Meadow Woods Dusty Roads HRCH Tanks-A-Lot Chelsea
Drake Male Brother FC AFC CFC CAFC Meadow Woods Dusty Roads HRCH Tanks-A-Lot Chelsea 1990 Oct 20
Banner's Crash Landing SH Female Sister FC AFC CFC CAFC Meadow Woods Dusty Roads Penbuck Cameo Of Banner JH 1989 Mar 10
AFC Hunters Marsh Up-and-at-em Male Brother FC AFC Island Lake's Beau Jet Hunters Special-Tea MH 1990 Jul 04
Hunters Marsh Commander Cody MH Male Brother FC AFC Island Lake's Beau Jet Hunters Special-Tea MH 1991 Nov 28
Hunters Marsh Go-Get-Em MH *** Male Brother FC AFC Island Lake's Beau Jet Hunters Special-Tea MH 1990 Jul 04
Dakota Widgeon Royal Major Male Brother FC AFC CFC CAFC Meadow Woods Dusty Roads HRCH Lady Coco Leschoob MH
Dusty's Timberlake Ms Quick Female Sister FC AFC CFC CAFC Meadow Woods Dusty Roads Hot Fudge-Double Or Nothin'
Haverhill's Jalapeno Jessica Female Sister FC AFC CFC CAFC Meadow Woods Dusty Roads Haverhill's Cocoa Puff Lyon 1987 Jan 10
Mm's Million Dollar Baby Female Sister FC AFC CFC CAFC Meadow Woods Dusty Roads Dr's Rocky's Hot Fudge Brownie

We Could not find any Offspring for Hunters Marsh High Flyin Ms CD MH in our system.


Name Sex Relationship Father Mother Birth Death Life Span Cause Of Death
FC AFC Reibars Wrangler Male Uncle McGuffy's Speed Racer *** Hiwood Rock's Sassy Polly *** 1983 Jun 09
Hunters Special-Tea MH Female Aunt McGuffy's Speed Racer *** Hiwood Rock's Sassy Polly *** 1986 Nov 14
Haverhill Archer's Red Echo Female Aunt FC AFC CFC Triple Echo Puget-Power Bay Archer
Coco's Ginger Of Woodwind Female Aunt FC AFC CFC Triple Echo Lady Cocoa of Germantown 1979 Dec 31
Shannondoah's Woodwind Echo SH Female Aunt FC AFC CFC Triple Echo Lady Cocoa of Germantown 1979 Dec 31
Fanny Female Aunt McGuffy's Speed Racer *** Hiwood Rock's Sassy Polly *** 1985 Aug 31
Timberlane Splash Water Lady Female Aunt FC AFC CFC Triple Echo POGO WEED BEATER
FC AFC CFC CAFC Meadow Woods Dusty Roads Male Uncle FC AFC CFC Triple Echo RAYS LUSCIOUS MARG 1980 Jul 18
FC AFC Winsom Partner Male Uncle McGuffy's Speed Racer *** Hiwood Rock's Sassy Polly *** 1986 Nov 14
Haverhill's Archer's Red Echo Female Aunt FC AFC CFC Triple Echo Puget-Power Bay Archer
Trip's Last Echo Female Aunt FC AFC CFC Triple Echo Red Cedar Hershey *** 1980 Aug 21
Haverhill's Lil-miss Muffet CD Female Aunt FC AFC CFC Triple Echo Puget-Power Bay Archer 1979 Sep 27
Kenline's Super Scooter Female Aunt McGuffy's Speed Racer *** Hiwood Rock's Sassy Polly *** 1987 May 31
Oneka's Gambler Female Aunt FC AFC CFC Triple Echo RAYS LUSCIOUS MARG
Lady Godiva XVIII Female Aunt FC AFC CFC Triple Echo Rivercrest Hershey 1979 May 28
Unsinkable Molly Brown XXII Female Aunt FC AFC CFC Triple Echo Red Cedar Hershey *** 1980 Aug 21