

Princess Barbara of Val Verde


Call Name: Princess Barbara of Val Verde

Location: ()

Sir: Brown's Brigadier

Dam: Meadowmist Brenda

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Color: Brown
Pedigree Number: AKC SBW 330730

Princess Barbara of Val Verde is a Doberman Pinscher born .

If you have more information about Princess Barbara of Val Verde and would like to submit more information about this animal please feel contact us.

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We Could not find any Offspring for Princess Barbara of Val Verde in our system.


Name Sex Relationship Father Mother Birth Death Life Span Cause Of Death
Roxanna's Emperor v. Reemon Male Uncle Emperor of Marienland Westphalia's Roxanna
Dow's Roland of Marienburg Male Uncle Carrolton of Marienland Dow's Illisa of Westphalia
Kitchawan's Ericka v.d. Elbe Female Aunt Emperor of Marienland Belydia v.d. Elbe
Brown's Elfin Female Aunt Dictator v. Glenhugel Dow's Dame of Kilburn
Roxanna's Darius v. Reemon Male Uncle Emperor of Marienland Westphalia's Roxanna
Kilburn Escort Male Uncle Emperor of Marienland Dow's Illena of Marienland
Brown's Ellie Female Aunt Dictator v. Glenhugel Dow's Dame of Kilburn
Meadowmist Bandoleer Female Aunt Emperor of Marienland Dow's Illisa of Westphalia
Brown's Brigadier Male Uncle Emperor of Marienland Dow's Dame of Kilburn
Doberman Down's Dendy's El Cid Male Uncle Emperor of Marienland Francine of Doberman Downs
Kilburn Avenger Male Uncle Emperor of Marienland Dow's Illena of Marienland
Vigil of Marienland Male Uncle Domossi v. Marienland Dow's Illisa of Westphalia
Kitchawan's Eike v.d. Elbe Male Uncle Emperor of Marienland Belydia v.d. Elbe
El Dorado Guido Male Uncle Emperor of Marienland Zita Marie Helmwrath
Brown's Armand Male Uncle Alcor v. Millsdod Dow's Dame of Kilburn
Meadowmist Bravado Female Aunt Emperor of Marienland Dow's Illisa of Westphalia
Brown's Eric Male Uncle Dictator v. Glenhugel Dow's Dame of Kilburn
Rajah v. Halfritz Male Uncle Emperor of Marienland Wave v. Mulna
Marda v. Raye Female Aunt Emperor of Marienland Aida of Nanja
Marienland's Dorembha Female Aunt Emperor of Marienland Olivia of Marienland
Doberman Down's Belle Blue Female Aunt Emperor of Marienland Francine of Doberman Downs
Brown's Belinda Female Aunt Emperor of Marienland Dow's Dame of Kilburn
Brown's Evangeline Female Aunt Dictator v. Glenhugel Dow's Dame of Kilburn
Brown's Christopher Male Uncle Berger's Bluebeard Dow's Dame of Kilburn
Brown's Cinderella Female Aunt Berger's Bluebeard Dow's Dame of Kilburn
Brown's Emissary Male Uncle Dictator v. Glenhugel Dow's Dame of Kilburn
Brown's El Dorado Male Uncle Dictator v. Glenhugel Dow's Dame of Kilburn
Brown's Arundel Male Uncle Alcor v. Millsdod Dow's Dame of Kilburn
Brown's Amazon Female Aunt Alcor v. Millsdod Dow's Dame of Kilburn
Brown's Archer Male Uncle Alcor v. Millsdod Dow's Dame of Kilburn
Brown's Achilles Male Uncle Alcor v. Millsdod Dow's Dame of Kilburn
Brown's Adventuress Female Aunt Alcor v. Millsdod Dow's Dame of Kilburn
Brown's Admiral Male Uncle Alcor v. Millsdod Dow's Dame of Kilburn
Brown's Bruce Male Uncle Emperor of Marienland Dow's Dame of Kilburn
Roxanna's Damon v. Reemon Male Uncle Emperor of Marienland Westphalia's Roxanna
Roxanna's Eulo v. Reemon Female Aunt Emperor of Marienland Westphalia's Roxanna
Quo Shmerk of Marienland Male Uncle Emperor of Marienland Fair to Middlin' of Marienland
Marienland's Quintessence Female Aunt Emperor of Marienland Fair to Middlin' of Marienland
Meadowmist Berenike Female Aunt Emperor of Marienland Dow's Illisa of Westphalia
Victoria of Marienland Female Aunt Domossi v. Marienland Dow's Illisa of Westphalia
Virginny of Marienland Female Aunt Domossi v. Marienland Dow's Illisa of Westphalia
Vinette of Marienland Female Aunt Domossi v. Marienland Dow's Illisa of Westphalia
Victor of Marienland Male Uncle Domossi v. Marienland Dow's Illisa of Westphalia
Meadowmist Empire Male Uncle Emperor of Marienland Dow's Illisa of Westphalia
Meadowmist Belladonna Female Aunt Emperor of Marienland Dow's Illisa of Westphalia
Meadowmist Brenda Female Aunt Emperor of Marienland Dow's Illisa of Westphalia
Kay of Reklaw Female Aunt Emperor of Marienland Nana of Rhinegold
Pepper's Aida Female Aunt Emperor of Marienland Madfir's Ada
Meadowmist Isis of Ahrtal Female Aunt Emperor of Marienland Dow's Ditty of Marienland
Kitchawan's Embha v.d. Elbe Female Aunt Emperor of Marienland Belydia v.d. Elbe
Kilburn Award Male Uncle Emperor of Marienland Dow's Illena of Marienland
Kilburn Allure Female Aunt Emperor of Marienland Dow's Illena of Marienland
Kilburn Audacity Female Aunt Emperor of Marienland Dow's Illena of Marienland
Meadowmist Elegy Male Uncle Emperor of Marienland Kriemhild v. Ahrtal