

Chango (N 06856/05)


Call Name: Chango (N 06856/05)

Location: ()

Sir: Torontos Elco

Dam: Louise (N 18707/00)

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Color: Black
Pedigree Number: 06856/05

Chango (N 06856/05) is a Doberman Pinscher born .

If you have more information about Chango (N 06856/05) and would like to submit more information about this animal please feel contact us.

If you own Chango (N 06856/05) and would like to claim its ownership contact us.

If we have information about its ancestry and health you should be able to find it on this page.

If you like to help with animal welfare , please consider joining our system and contribute to our goal.


Name Sex Relationship Father Mother Birth Death Life Span Cause Of Death
Blanco (N 12756/04) Male Brother Torontos Elco Louise (N 18707/00)
Viggo (N 12758/04) Male Brother Torontos Elco Louise (N 18707/00)
Athena (N 20546/05) Female Sister Big Bad Boy Roy Av Casa Del Sur Louise (N 18707/00)
Karo (N 12759/04) Male Brother Torontos Elco Louise (N 18707/00)
Fiona (N 12760/04) Female Sister Torontos Elco Louise (N 18707/00)
Mia (N 12763/04) Female Sister Torontos Elco Louise (N 18707/00)
Torontos Kelly Female Sister Torontos Elco Neubran's Aseia
Talitha (N 20545/05) Female Sister Big Bad Boy Roy Av Casa Del Sur Louise (N 18707/00)
Abzira (N 20542/05) Female Sister Big Bad Boy Roy Av Casa Del Sur Louise (N 18707/00)
Prince (N 12757/04) Male Brother Torontos Elco Louise (N 18707/00)
Kira (N 20541/05) Female Sister Big Bad Boy Roy Av Casa Del Sur Louise (N 18707/00)
Rambo (N 20539/05) Male Brother Big Bad Boy Roy Av Casa Del Sur Louise (N 18707/00)
Zita (N 12762/04) Female Sister Torontos Elco Louise (N 18707/00)
Bad Boy's Little Tango (N 20540/05) Male Brother Big Bad Boy Roy Av Casa Del Sur Louise (N 18707/00)
Pippi (N 20543/05) Female Sister Big Bad Boy Roy Av Casa Del Sur Louise (N 18707/00)
Achilles (N 20538/05) Male Brother Big Bad Boy Roy Av Casa Del Sur Louise (N 18707/00)
Ayax (N 20544/05) Female Sister Big Bad Boy Roy Av Casa Del Sur Louise (N 18707/00)
Athilla (N 12761/04) Female Sister Torontos Elco Louise (N 18707/00)
Torontos Kirri Female Sister Torontos Elco Neubran's Aseia

We Could not find any Offspring for Chango (N 06856/05) in our system.


Name Sex Relationship Father Mother Birth Death Life Span Cause Of Death
Black Leo King (N 18703/00) Male Uncle Alfa Aiko (N 41351/94) Schwimas Ikita (N 01471/97)
Torontos Hilo Male Uncle Torontos Aks Kelly v.d. Nieuwe Loot
Sacha (N 18705/00) Female Aunt Alfa Aiko (N 41351/94) Schwimas Ikita (N 01471/97)
Torontos Dingo Male Uncle Iwan Dobry Du Bois De Liers Platek's Black Vanessa-Walida
Torontos Eros Male Uncle Iwan Dobry Du Bois De Liers Kelly v.d. Nieuwe Loot
Torontos Ireese Female Aunt Einstein (DKK 19605/92) Kelly v.d. Nieuwe Loot
Louise (N 18707/00) Female Aunt Alfa Aiko (N 41351/94) Schwimas Ikita (N 01471/97)
Torontos Fero Male Uncle Kelly v.d. Nieuwe Loot
Torontos Ingo Male Uncle Einstein (DKK 19605/92) Kelly v.d. Nieuwe Loot
Torontos Eick Male Uncle Iwan Dobry Du Bois De Liers Kelly v.d. Nieuwe Loot
Torontos Black Male Uncle Iwan Dobry Du Bois De Liers Platek's Black Vanessa-Walida
Kira (N 18706/00) Female Aunt Alfa Aiko (N 41351/94) Schwimas Ikita (N 01471/97)
Ali (N 18704/00) Male Uncle Alfa Aiko (N 41351/94) Schwimas Ikita (N 01471/97)
Torontos Bordo Male Uncle Iwan Dobry Du Bois De Liers Platek's Black Vanessa-Walida
Pia (N 18708/00) Female Aunt Alfa Aiko (N 41351/94) Schwimas Ikita (N 01471/97)
Torontos Bella (DKK 16086/96) Female Aunt Iwan Dobry Du Bois De Liers Platek's Black Vanessa-Walida
Torontos Britt Female Aunt Iwan Dobry Du Bois De Liers Platek's Black Vanessa-Walida
Torontos Elco Male Uncle Iwan Dobry Du Bois De Liers Kelly v.d. Nieuwe Loot
Torontos Bonny Female Aunt Iwan Dobry Du Bois De Liers Platek's Black Vanessa-Walida
Torontos Bonzie (DKK 16083/96) Male Uncle Iwan Dobry Du Bois De Liers Platek's Black Vanessa-Walida
Alfa Ali (N 18702/00) Male Uncle Alfa Aiko (N 41351/94) Schwimas Ikita (N 01471/97)
Torontos Ebo Male Uncle Iwan Dobry Du Bois De Liers Kelly v.d. Nieuwe Loot
Torontos Eina Female Aunt Iwan Dobry Du Bois De Liers Kelly v.d. Nieuwe Loot