Color: Black
Pedigree Number: FI
Marland Cenna Jemele is a Doberman Pinscher born .
If you have more information about Marland Cenna Jemele and would like to submit more information about this animal please feel contact us.
If you own Marland Cenna Jemele and would like to claim its ownership contact us.
If we have information about its ancestry and health you should be able to find it on this page.
If you like to help with animal welfare , please consider joining our system and contribute to our goal.
This Pet | Parents | Grand Parents |
Marland Cenna Jemele | Bernat de Covalta | Graaf Uno v. Neerlands Stam |
Gravin Quinda v. Neerlands Stam | ||
Izolda Altshtadt | Arany-Sarkany Minos | |
Varna Altshtadt | ||
Name | Sex | Relationship | Father | Mother | Birth | Death | Life Span | Cause Of Death |
Marland Cenna Jamaika | Female | Sister | Bernat de Covalta | Izolda Altshtadt | ||||
Nostalgi Rivjera iz Russkogo Doma | Female | Sister | North v.'t Smeulveen | Izolda Altshtadt | ||||
Marland Cenna Jakona | Female | Sister | Bernat de Covalta | Izolda Altshtadt | ||||
Marland Cenna Jormond | Male | Brother | Bernat de Covalta | Izolda Altshtadt | ||||
Nike Aleks Ross | Female | Sister | Kingi v. Mooi Oavelt | Izolda Altshtadt | ||||
Marland Cenna Jovella | Female | Sister | Bernat de Covalta | Izolda Altshtadt | ||||
Neros Aleks Ross | Male | Brother | Kingi v. Mooi Oavelt | Izolda Altshtadt | ||||
Nostalgi Remark iz Russkogo Doma | Male | Brother | North v.'t Smeulveen | Izolda Altshtadt |
Name | Sex | Relationship | Father | Mother | Birth | Death | Life Span | Cause Of Death |
Damask iz Russkogo Doma | Male | Progeny | Marland Cenna Clarion | Marland Cenna Jemele |