

Langerman Alex


Call Name: Langerman Alex

Location: ()

Sir: Fekete-Anubisz Alain

Dam: Doriental Gina

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Color: Black
Pedigree Number: METDOB 5119/93

Langerman Alex is a Doberman Pinscher born .

If you have more information about Langerman Alex and would like to submit more information about this animal please feel contact us.

If you own Langerman Alex and would like to claim its ownership contact us.

If we have information about its ancestry and health you should be able to find it on this page.

If you like to help with animal welfare , please consider joining our system and contribute to our goal.

We Could not find any Siblings for Langerman Alex in our system.

We Could not find any Offspring for Langerman Alex in our system.


Name Sex Relationship Father Mother Birth Death Life Span Cause Of Death
Black Moon Afrodite Afra Female Aunt Uncas v. Gaxhardter Wald (DZB 100729) Obszidián Henna
Doriental Gina Female Aunt Doriental Rocki Doriental Ondra
Nagy-Fehér Agyar Bobby Male Uncle Doriental Rocki Metaxa Brenda
Felsopatvai-Hektor Akita Female Aunt Doriental Rocki Dudlesz Erdei Aida
Felsöpatrai-Hektor Alice Female Aunt Doriental Rocki Dudlesz Erdei Aida
Doriental Bosco Male Uncle Doriental Rocki Doriental Inez
Gyürüvári Bátor Female Aunt Doriental Rocki Galambfalvi Betty
Cassiopea Athos Male Uncle Doriental Rocki Dudlesz Erdei Angya
Nagy-Fehér Agyar Bella Female Aunt Doriental Rocki Metaxa Brenda
Alomorzo Arany Celesztin Female Aunt Doriental Rocki Tahi-Réme Fanny
Bánhida Gyöngye Cintia Female Aunt Uncas v. Gaxhardter Wald (DZB 100729) Alok Begina
Rábcaparti Sátán Boss Male Uncle Doriental Rocki Galambfalvi Aida
Fekete-Anubisz Alain Male Uncle Uncas v. Gaxhardter Wald (DZB 100729) Cinkotai Roka Anka
Galambfalvi Frigga Female Aunt Doriental Rocki Ordögrokka Alba
Hungabox Brenda Female Aunt Doriental Rocki Határhalmi Iko
Black Moon Archibald Male Uncle Uncas v. Gaxhardter Wald (DZB 100729) Obszidián Henna
Vacer Lili Lotty Female Aunt Uncas v. Gaxhardter Wald (DZB 100729) Naplemente Kiwa
Obszidián Kabala Krisz Male Uncle Uncas v. Gaxhardter Wald (DZB 100729) Obszidián Genny
Fekete-Anubisz Assy Female Aunt Uncas v. Gaxhardter Wald (DZB 100729) Cinkotai Roka Anka