

Cambria's Falstaff


Call Name: Cambria's Falstaff

Location: ()

Sir: Brunswig's Cryptonite

Dam: Cambria's Mauna Kea

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Color: Black
Pedigree Number: WP54264008

Cambria's Falstaff is a Doberman Pinscher born .

If you have more information about Cambria's Falstaff and would like to submit more information about this animal please feel contact us.

If you own Cambria's Falstaff and would like to claim its ownership contact us.

If we have information about its ancestry and health you should be able to find it on this page.

If you like to help with animal welfare , please consider joining our system and contribute to our goal.


Name Sex Relationship Father Mother Birth Death Life Span Cause Of Death
Primary Cinnabar Female Sister Brunswig's Cryptonite Beaulane Every Nite Josephine
Cha-Rish Irish Mocha Alisaton Male Brother Brunswig's Cryptonite Alisaton Rum Sipper Cha-Rish
Vali-T's Double Take Male Brother Brunswig's Cryptonite Vali-T's Kiri of Amulet
Rahdy's Strike the Gold Male Brother Brunswig's Cryptonite Rahdy's Sable v. Deserae
Datelis When U'R Hot Alisaton Male Brother Brunswig's Cryptonite Alisaton Kissimmee D'Mascus
Charleston Yuppy Male Brother Brunswig's Cryptonite Gipsy Storm Charleston
Ravenswood Aurora v. Aquarius Female Sister Brunswig's Cryptonite Aquarius Vanessa v. Albelarm
Charleston Yankee Male Brother Brunswig's Cryptonite Gipsy Storm Charleston
Horizon's Foolhardy Female Sister Brunswig's Cryptonite Cameron´s Odessa v. Horizon
Charleston Yoga Female Sister Brunswig's Cryptonite Gipsy Storm Charleston
Datelis Hot Proper T Alisaton Female Sister Brunswig's Cryptonite Alisaton Kissimmee D'Mascus
Wraths High Society Female Sister Brunswig's Cryptonite Liberator's Mercedes
Windsor's Dare Me Female Sister Brunswig's Cryptonite Patriot's Drums N Fife
Macaco's Kryptonite Male Brother Brunswig's Cryptonite
Windsor's Dare The Devil Male Brother Brunswig's Cryptonite Patriot's Drums N Fife
Windsor's Don't You Dare Female Sister Brunswig's Cryptonite Patriot's Drums N Fife
Windsor's Double Dare Female Sister Brunswig's Cryptonite Patriot's Drums N Fife
Wildacres Main Event Female Sister Brunswig's Cryptonite Wildacres Starlight Express
Cambria's Last n' Impression Male Brother Brunswig's Cryptonite Cambria's Date Line
Telstars Icon Male Brother Brunswig's Cryptonite Telstar's Poison
Telstar's Reminescencec Male Brother Brunswig's Cryptonite Telstar's Poison
Heartfelt's Pi'd Piper Touchstne Female Sister Brunswig's Cryptonite Touchstone's Easy As Pie
Legend's Leading Man of Da-Mar Male Brother Brunswig's Cryptonite Kyjur's MM The Legend v. Rondo
Datelis Got the Hots Alisaton Female Sister Brunswig's Cryptonite Alisaton Kissimmee D'Mascus
Cambria's Cavalleria Male Brother Brunswig's Cryptonite Cambria's Mauna Kea
Cambria's Carman Female Sister Brunswig's Cryptonite Cambria's Mauna Kea
Cambria's Go for the Gold Female Sister Rahdy's Strike the Gold Cambria's Mauna Kea
Charleston Year of Joy Male Brother Brunswig's Cryptonite Gipsy Storm Charleston
Charleston Young Cryptonite Male Brother Brunswig's Cryptonite Gipsy Storm Charleston
Aquarius Hy-Lite v. Ravenswd Female Sister Brunswig's Cryptonite Aquarius Vanessa v. Albelarm
Ravenswood Cairo v. Aquarius Male Brother Brunswig's Cryptonite Aquarius Vanessa v. Albelarm
Ravenswood Hy Cotton v. Aquarius Female Sister Brunswig's Cryptonite Aquarius Vanessa v. Albelarm
Ravenswood Aquarius v. Albelarm Male Brother Brunswig's Cryptonite Aquarius Vanessa v. Albelarm
Ravenswood Odessa v. Aquarius Female Sister Brunswig's Cryptonite Aquarius Vanessa v. Albelarm
Aquarius Make My Day Ravenswood Male Brother Brunswig's Cryptonite Aquarius Vanessa v. Albelarm
logres titus Male Brother Brunswig's Cryptonite Cambria's Irish Rose
Rahdy's Seize The Chance Male Brother Brunswig's Cryptonite Rahdy's Sable v. Deserae
Rahdy's Sail The Seven Seas Male Brother Brunswig's Cryptonite Rahdy's Sable v. Deserae
Rahdy's Silent Majority Male Brother Brunswig's Cryptonite Rahdy's Sable v. Deserae
Primary Caught Redhanded Male Brother Brunswig's Cryptonite Beaulane Every Nite Josephine
Horizon's Fool Proof Female Sister Brunswig's Cryptonite Cameron´s Odessa v. Horizon
Liberator's Sundowner Male Brother Brunswig's Cryptonite Liberator's Mercedes
Sherluck's Siena Rose Female Sister Brunswig's Cryptonite Sherluck's Silver Cloud


Name Sex Relationship Father Mother Birth Death Life Span Cause Of Death
Granduer's Beantown Baby Female Progeny Cambria's Falstaff Val Mar Wild Echo of Joker


Name Sex Relationship Father Mother Birth Death Life Span Cause Of Death
Julmar's Siboney Male Uncle Agape's Lion Of Judah Marienburg's Comanche Firebird
Agape's Wings Of A Dove Female Aunt Beaulane The Nite Ryder Miss Heidi's Kimcan
Beaulane All That Jazz Female Aunt Beaulane The Nite Ryder Beaulane Free N' Eazy
Cambria's Date Line Female Aunt Rahdy's Sail The Seven Seas Florowill Bit Of Magic
Beaulane Top Gunn Male Uncle Beaulane The Nite Ryder Beaulane Free N' Eazy
BJ's Poppy Fields of Beaulane Female Aunt Agape's Lion Of Judah Beaulane Whisperin Wind
Agape's Bright Morningstar Female Aunt Agape's Lion Of Judah Redyns Radiant Reflection
Beaulane Riskey Business Male Uncle Beaulane The Nite Ryder Beaulane Free N' Eazy
Thornwood's Centurian Male Uncle Beaulane The Nite Ryder Thornwood's Witchee Woman
Briarwoods Bell Star Female Aunt Beaulane The Nite Ryder Bovel's Scarlet Fever
Kalephs Running With The Nite Male Uncle Beaulane The Nite Ryder Beaulane Eleza's Killin Time
Cambria's Nacona v. Texas Female Aunt Ravenswood Cairo v. Aquarius Florowill Bit Of Magic
Kalephs Nite Time Magic Female Aunt Beaulane The Nite Ryder Beaulane Eleza's Killin Time
Cambria's Kilohana Male Uncle Agape's Lion Of Judah Florowill Bit Of Magic
Cambria's Mauna Kea Female Aunt Agape's Lion Of Judah Florowill Bit Of Magic
Cambria's Koapaka Nitro Male Uncle Lyndobe's C-Ins Believin Florowill Bit Of Magic
Brunswig's Cryptonite Male Uncle Beaulane The Nite Ryder Brunswig's Zephyr
Cambria's Wild Challenge Female Aunt Gerent's Eldo Radley Dob Mann Florowill Bit Of Magic
Spelkaster's Witches Brew Female Aunt Beaulane The Nite Ryder Mira's Frizzante
Renejade All American Jazz Female Aunt Agape's Lion Of Judah Alpha Omega's Tushima
Cambria's Current Affair Female Aunt Rahdy's Sail The Seven Seas Florowill Bit Of Magic
Brunswig's the Easy Life Female Aunt Beaulane The Nite Ryder Brunswig's Zephyr
Kearney's Joy Ryde v. Brierwood Female Aunt Beaulane The Nite Ryder Kearney's Joyeaux Noel