

Holtzburg Ferrari To Nightstorm


Call Name: Holtzburg Ferrari To Nightstorm

Location: ()

Sir: Holtzburg Mayhem

Dam: Dizown I Can Boogie Too With Holtzburg

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Color: Onbekend

Holtzburg Ferrari To Nightstorm is a Doberman Pinscher born .

If you have more information about Holtzburg Ferrari To Nightstorm and would like to submit more information about this animal please feel contact us.

If you own Holtzburg Ferrari To Nightstorm and would like to claim its ownership contact us.

If we have information about its ancestry and health you should be able to find it on this page.

If you like to help with animal welfare , please consider joining our system and contribute to our goal.


Name Sex Relationship Father Mother Birth Death Life Span Cause Of Death
Sallates Ollarney Female Sister Holtzburg Mayhem Sallates Lacey
Sallate's Zoey at Manzart Female Sister Holtzburg Mayhem Sallate's Frauline
Sallates Jigsaw Female Sister Holtzburg Mayhem Sallates Levi
Sallates Van Hammer Male Brother Holtzburg Mayhem Sallate's Standerbert Diploma
Jowendy's Hooligan v. Holtzburg Female Sister Holtzburg Mayhem Jowendy's Into Jazz
Philmans Admiration Male Brother Holtzburg Mayhem Sallates Lubylou At Philmans
Jowendy's Kilowatt Male Brother Holtzburg Mayhem Jowendy's Into Jazz
Hikay's Rumor has it Female Sister Holtzburg Mayhem Hikay's Rocky Folly
Albadobe Kouros Male Brother Holtzburg Mayhem Kool 'n' Kinky at Holtzburg and Sigismund
Amazon Innocent Eye Female Sister Holtzburg Mayhem Amazon Leave Me Breathless
Amazon Innocent Love Female Sister Holtzburg Mayhem Amazon Leave Me Breathless
Swnydwr Absolutely Fabulous Female Sister Holtzburg Mayhem Swnydwr Celebration
Sallates Lacey Female Sister Holtzburg Mayhem Sallate's Standerbert Diploma
Sallates Levi Female Sister Holtzburg Mayhem Sallate's Standerbert Diploma
Dobermoray A La Carte Female Sister Holtzburg Mayhem Borains Carte Blanche of Dobermoray
Jowendy's Casta Spell at Miendy Female Sister Holtzburg Mayhem Jowendy's Into Jazz
Jowendy's Hooligan Female Sister Holtzburg Mayhem Jowendy's Into Jazz
Philmans Amethyst of Viemar Female Sister Holtzburg Mayhem Sallates Lubylou At Philmans
Sallates Odette Female Sister Holtzburg Mayhem Sallates Lacey
Landsbrook Diplomat Male Brother Holtzburg Mayhem Landsbrook Fascination
Zarleon Heaven Scent Female Sister Holtzburg Mayhem Sigismunds Paddywak
Janzins Jake The Snake Male Brother Holtzburg Mayhem Bondends Sea Princess
Keealto Bossy Boots Female Sister Holtzburg Mayhem Keealto Lady In Waiting
Crislea Centerfold of Aritaur Female Sister Holtzburg Mayhem Holtzburg Dior From Crislea
Sallates Havoc at Holtzburg Female Sister Holtzburg Mayhem Sallates Emma
Crislea on Target with Desuzer Male Brother Holtzburg Mayhem Better Be Good With Holtzburg
Bosskat Fernando Male Brother Holtzburg Mayhem Bosskat Athena
Bosskat Fi Fi Field Female Sister Holtzburg Mayhem Bosskat Athena
Hikay's There's a Rumour Female Sister Holtzburg Mayhem Hikay's Rocky Folly
Amazon Almost An Angel Female Sister Holtzburg Mayhem Zordia's Magic Moments at Amazon
Amazon Always An Angel for Jimbaros Female Sister Holtzburg Mayhem Zordia's Magic Moments at Amazon
Holtzburg Uproar Male Brother Perihelia's Resolution Dizown I Can Boogie Too With Holtzburg
Holtzburg Disorder with Nightstorm Male Brother Perihelia's Resolution Dizown I Can Boogie Too With Holtzburg
Holtzburg Toota Boogie with Bledig Female Sister Perihelia's Resolution Dizown I Can Boogie Too With Holtzburg
Holtzburg Mayhem Male Brother Perihelia's Resolution Dizown I Can Boogie Too With Holtzburg
Estridge Double Dare at Tirana Female Sister Holtzburg Mayhem Dizown Hello Darlin' from Estridge
Sallates Jezebel Female Sister Holtzburg Mayhem Sallates Levi
Sallates Jenna Female Sister Holtzburg Mayhem Sallates Levi
Sallates Jamaica Female Sister Holtzburg Mayhem Sallates Levi


Name Sex Relationship Father Mother Birth Death Life Span Cause Of Death
Nightstorm Porthos Male Progeny Janzins Jake The Snake Holtzburg Ferrari To Nightstorm


Name Sex Relationship Father Mother Birth Death Life Span Cause Of Death
Findjans Hassle Female Aunt Findjans Chaos Findjans Miki
Dizown Blade Runner at Giefang Male Uncle Findjans Chaos I Can Boogie At Dizown
Woodbriar Redrose Female Aunt Perihelia's Resolution Woodbriar Wildrose
Gemson's Black Opel Female Aunt Findjans Chaos Gemson's Black Lace
Borains Nightflyer Male Uncle Findjans Chaos Bledig Celica of Lynfryds
Crossridge The Mimic Female Aunt Findjans Chaos Dizown Copy Cat
Dizown Copy Cat Female Aunt Dizown Razzamatazz I Can Boogie At Dizown
Jenicks Debonaire Male Uncle Perihelia's Resolution Sigismunds Ice Cool Kate
Nyewood Bo Street Runner at Tanbowtra Male Uncle Findjans Chaos Findjans Bo Derek of Nyewood
Dawnbright Dignity Male Uncle Perihelia's Resolution Sallates Giecha Of Dawnbright
Nyewood Excalibar Male Uncle Findjans Chaos Findjans Bo Derek of Nyewood
Holtzburg Ferrari To Nightstorm Female Aunt Holtzburg Mayhem Dizown I Can Boogie Too With Holtzburg
Holtzburg Uproar Male Uncle Perihelia's Resolution Dizown I Can Boogie Too With Holtzburg
Sallate's Frauline Female Aunt Perihelia's Resolution Sigismunds Ice Cool Kate
Sallate's Ferris Male Uncle Perihelia's Resolution Sigismunds Ice Cool Kate
Studbriar Jack Flash Male Uncle Perihelia's Resolution The Aristocrat of Studbriar
Gemson's Dark Star Female Aunt Findjans Chaos Gemson's Black Lace
Holtzburg Disorder with Nightstorm Male Uncle Perihelia's Resolution Dizown I Can Boogie Too With Holtzburg
Findjans Shelada at Zordia Female Aunt Perihelia's Resolution Pompie Dione of Findjans
Dizown All That Jazz Male Uncle Dizown Razzamatazz I Can Boogie At Dizown
Dizown The Hexe at Estridge Female Aunt Tannanbrook True Grit I Can Boogie At Dizown
Dizown Daisy Brown Female Aunt Findjans Chaos I Can Boogie At Dizown
Dizown I Can Boogie Too With Holtzburg Female Aunt Findjans Chaos I Can Boogie At Dizown
Crossridge The Carbon Copy at Lynfryds Male Uncle Findjans Chaos Dizown Copy Cat
Knecht Fra Ninotchka Female Aunt Perihelia's Resolution Fra Hyzenflae Of Knecht
Tamberg Ace High Male Uncle Perihelia's Resolution Cwyndyn Early Dawn
Studbriar The Jackpot Female Aunt Perihelia's Resolution The Aristocrat of Studbriar
Tarreen's Catch Me If You Can Female Aunt Findjans Chaos Chimera Lady Tara of Tarreens
Tarreen's Rustic Rambler Male Uncle Findjans Chaos Chimera Lady Tara of Tarreens
Cumber's Charlie George of Maharb Female Aunt Findjans Chaos Vonmills Charlie Girl of Maharb
Sallate's Fanfare Male Uncle Perihelia's Resolution Sigismunds Ice Cool Kate
Jenicks Black Jack Male Uncle Perihelia's Resolution Jenicks Missile Belle
Jenicks Cruise Missile Male Uncle Perihelia's Resolution Jenicks Missile Belle
Jenicks Corrys Corrina Female Aunt Perihelia's Resolution Jenicks Missile Belle
Ranlor Circuit Breaker Male Uncle Findjans Chaos Borains Freedom Lady
Gemson's Portrait in Red Female Aunt Findjans Chaos Gemson's Black Lace
Zordia's Classic Touch Female Aunt Findjans Chaos Findjans Shelada at Zordia
Findjans La Guaira Male Uncle Findjans Chaos Findjans Elana
Sallate's Islay Female Aunt Perihelia's Resolution Sallate's Special Kay
Twinglo Le Juice at Bledig Female Aunt Perihelia's Resolution Findjans Le Crunch
Sallates Giecha Of Dawnbright Female Aunt Findjans Chaos Sallates Satellite
Holtzburg Toota Boogie with Bledig Female Aunt Perihelia's Resolution Dizown I Can Boogie Too With Holtzburg
Holtzburg Mayhem Male Uncle Perihelia's Resolution Dizown I Can Boogie Too With Holtzburg
Imara Hot Legs Female Aunt Findjans Chaos Crossridge Jazzy Lady
Teemaure's Black Hawk Male Uncle Perihelia's Resolution Shoshoni Redcloud of Teemaure
Dizown The Heist Male Uncle Findjans Chaos Dizown Best Seller
Langlore Solitaire Female Aunt Perihelia's Resolution Pompie Titian Temptress at Langlore