

Pjotter (NHSB 743781)


Call Name: Pjotter (NHSB 743781)

Location: ()

Sir: Lawo (NHSB 396461)

Dam: Astrid v. Petersbroek

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Color: Black
Pedigree Number: NHSB 743781

Pjotter (NHSB 743781) is a Doberman Pinscher born .

If you have more information about Pjotter (NHSB 743781) and would like to submit more information about this animal please feel contact us.

If you own Pjotter (NHSB 743781) and would like to claim its ownership contact us.

If we have information about its ancestry and health you should be able to find it on this page.

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We Could not find any Offspring for Pjotter (NHSB 743781) in our system.


Name Sex Relationship Father Mother Birth Death Life Span Cause Of Death
Gelan v.'t Zandbosch Female Aunt Graaf Ferry v. Neerlands Stam Astrid v. Batavodurum
Hassan v.'t Zandbosch Male Uncle Graaf Ferry v. Neerlands Stam Dunja v.'t Zandbosch
Gabor v.'t Zandbosch Male Uncle Graaf Ferry v. Neerlands Stam Astrid v. Batavodurum
Astrid v. Petersbroek Female Aunt Graaf Ferry v. Neerlands Stam Esther v.'t Zandbosch (NHSB 488549)
Guido v.'t Zandbosch Male Uncle Graaf Ferry v. Neerlands Stam Astrid v. Batavodurum
Geste v.'t Zandbosch Female Aunt Graaf Ferry v. Neerlands Stam Astrid v. Batavodurum
Hatyras v.'t Zandbosch Male Uncle Graaf Ferry v. Neerlands Stam Dunja v.'t Zandbosch
Gustav Frans Jozef v.'t Zandbosch Male Uncle Graaf Ferry v. Neerlands Stam Astrid v. Batavodurum
Jofvlin v.'t Zandbosch Female Aunt Graaf Ferry v. Neerlands Stam Hertogin Faby v. Berkelderhoeve
Astor v. Petersbroek Male Uncle Graaf Ferry v. Neerlands Stam Esther v.'t Zandbosch (NHSB 488549)
Goya (NHSB 540517) Female Aunt Graaf Ferry v. Neerlands Stam Maaike (NHSB 481989)
Doby (NHSB 540513) Male Uncle Graaf Ferry v. Neerlands Stam Maaike (NHSB 481989)
Hasca v.'t Zandbosch Female Aunt Graaf Ferry v. Neerlands Stam Dunja v.'t Zandbosch
Ginger v.'t Zandbosch Female Aunt Graaf Ferry v. Neerlands Stam Astrid v. Batavodurum
Jessy v.'t Zandbosch (NHSB 551119) Female Aunt Graaf Ferry v. Neerlands Stam Hertogin Faby v. Berkelderhoeve
Gaboris v.'t Zandbosch Male Uncle Graaf Ferry v. Neerlands Stam Astrid v. Batavodurum
Hanco v.'t Zandbosch Male Uncle Graaf Ferry v. Neerlands Stam Dunja v.'t Zandbosch
Hedi v.'t Zandbosch Female Aunt Graaf Ferry v. Neerlands Stam Dunja v.'t Zandbosch
Bas (NHSB 813383) Male Uncle Pasja (NHSB 560338) Esther v.'t Zandbosch (NHSB 488549)
Renza (NHSB 813384) Female Aunt Pasja (NHSB 560338) Esther v.'t Zandbosch (NHSB 488549)
Azor v. Petersbroek Male Uncle Graaf Ferry v. Neerlands Stam Esther v.'t Zandbosch (NHSB 488549)
Astra v. Petersbroek Male Uncle Graaf Ferry v. Neerlands Stam Esther v.'t Zandbosch (NHSB 488549)
Hector v.'t Zandbosch Male Uncle Graaf Ferry v. Neerlands Stam Dunja v.'t Zandbosch
Heidi v.'t Zandbosch Female Aunt Graaf Ferry v. Neerlands Stam Dunja v.'t Zandbosch
Honesta v.'t Zandbosch Female Aunt Graaf Ferry v. Neerlands Stam Dunja v.'t Zandbosch
Hassano v.'t Zandbosch Male Uncle Graaf Ferry v. Neerlands Stam Dunja v.'t Zandbosch
Hestia v.'t Zandbosch Female Aunt Graaf Ferry v. Neerlands Stam Dunja v.'t Zandbosch
Harold v.'t Zandbosch Male Uncle Graaf Ferry v. Neerlands Stam Dunja v.'t Zandbosch
Goya v.'t Zandbosch Male Uncle Graaf Ferry v. Neerlands Stam Astrid v. Batavodurum
Gjellen v.'t Zandbosch Female Aunt Graaf Ferry v. Neerlands Stam Astrid v. Batavodurum
Gobanko v.'t Zandbosch Male Uncle Graaf Ferry v. Neerlands Stam Astrid v. Batavodurum
Lady (NHSB 540520) Female Aunt Graaf Ferry v. Neerlands Stam Maaike (NHSB 481989)
Alexandra (NHSB 540519) Female Aunt Graaf Ferry v. Neerlands Stam Maaike (NHSB 481989)
Astor (NHSB 540516) Male Uncle Graaf Ferry v. Neerlands Stam Maaike (NHSB 481989)
Alex (NHSB 540514) Male Uncle Graaf Ferry v. Neerlands Stam Maaike (NHSB 481989)
Sabo (NHSB 540515) Male Uncle Graaf Ferry v. Neerlands Stam Maaike (NHSB 481989)
Kasja (NHSB 540518) Female Aunt Graaf Ferry v. Neerlands Stam Maaike (NHSB 481989)
Judit v.'t Zandbosch Female Aunt Graaf Ferry v. Neerlands Stam Hertogin Faby v. Berkelderhoeve
Josee v.'t Zandbosch Female Aunt Graaf Ferry v. Neerlands Stam Hertogin Faby v. Berkelderhoeve
Jakassan v.'t Zandbosch Male Uncle Graaf Ferry v. Neerlands Stam Hertogin Faby v. Berkelderhoeve
Jorocco v.'t Zandbosch Male Uncle Graaf Ferry v. Neerlands Stam Hertogin Faby v. Berkelderhoeve
Jago v.'t Zandbosch Female Aunt Graaf Ferry v. Neerlands Stam Hertogin Faby v. Berkelderhoeve
Joris v.'t Zandbosch Male Uncle Graaf Ferry v. Neerlands Stam Hertogin Faby v. Berkelderhoeve
Anastatia (NHSB 362746) Female Aunt Donardo (NHSB 284130) Duchess Citania v. Oosterwijk
Sonjadel (NHSB 396463) Female Aunt Donardo (NHSB 284130) Duchess Citania v. Oosterwijk
Lawo (NHSB 396461) Male Uncle Donardo (NHSB 284130) Duchess Citania v. Oosterwijk
Anjonade (NHSB 362745) Female Aunt Donardo (NHSB 284130) Duchess Citania v. Oosterwijk
Alexandrina (NHSB 362748) Female Aunt Donardo (NHSB 284130) Duchess Citania v. Oosterwijk
Idanny v.'t Zandbosch Male Uncle Graaf Ferry v. Neerlands Stam Hertogin Corien v. Berkelderhoeve
Ido v.'t Zandbosch (NHSB 542083) Male Uncle Graaf Ferry v. Neerlands Stam Hertogin Corien v. Berkelderhoeve
Iwan v.'t Zandbosch Male Uncle Graaf Ferry v. Neerlands Stam Hertogin Corien v. Berkelderhoeve
Ieva v.'t Zandbosch Female Aunt Graaf Ferry v. Neerlands Stam Hertogin Corien v. Berkelderhoeve
Icaleb v.'t Zandbosch Male Uncle Graaf Ferry v. Neerlands Stam Hertogin Corien v. Berkelderhoeve
Igor v.'t Zandbosch (NHSB 542081) Male Uncle Graaf Ferry v. Neerlands Stam Hertogin Corien v. Berkelderhoeve
Pasja (NHSB 540512) Male Uncle Graaf Ferry v. Neerlands Stam Maaike (NHSB 481989)
Arnococo (NHSB 362744) Male Uncle Donardo (NHSB 284130) Duchess Citania v. Oosterwijk
Pasco (NHSB 396462) Female Aunt Donardo (NHSB 284130) Duchess Citania v. Oosterwijk
Astridacea (NHSB 362747) Female Aunt Donardo (NHSB 284130) Duchess Citania v. Oosterwijk