

Elhiar's Byron


Call Name: Elhiar's Byron

Location: ()

Sir: Kårdholmens Igor

Dam: Elhiar's Hadija-Hari

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Color: Black
Pedigree Number: S60042/85
HD: A-1

Elhiar's Byron is a Doberman Pinscher born .

If you have more information about Elhiar's Byron and would like to submit more information about this animal please feel contact us.

If you own Elhiar's Byron and would like to claim its ownership contact us.

If we have information about its ancestry and health you should be able to find it on this page.

If you like to help with animal welfare , please consider joining our system and contribute to our goal.


Name Sex Relationship Father Mother Birth Death Life Span Cause Of Death
Factum's Bibbi Female Sister Kårdholmens Igor Kårdholmens Gina
Factum's Assi Female Sister Kårdholmens Igor Kårdholmens Gina
Factum's Barry Male Brother Kårdholmens Igor Kårdholmens Gina
Sorita's Just-Jenny Female Sister Kårdholmens Igor Sorita's Chana-Carmen
Factum's Blixt Male Brother Kårdholmens Igor Kårdholmens Gina
Elhiar's Jamba-Jhori Female Sister Kårdholmens Igor Elhiar's Cebrunita
Elhiar's Jack Male Brother Kårdholmens Igor Elhiar's Cebrunita
Ackja (S31546/85) Female Sister Kårdholmens Igor Elhiar's Gloriah
Kårdholmens Racha Igordotter Female Sister Kårdholmens Igor Kårdholmens Gigi
Vannängens Jarvis Male Brother Kårdholmens Igor Vannängens Gaya
Factum's Bianca Female Sister Kårdholmens Igor Kårdholmens Gina
Elhiar's Jenka Female Sister Kårdholmens Igor Elhiar's Cebrunita
Kårdholmens Piro Male Brother Kårdholmens Igor Kårdholmens Gigi
Elhiar's Bigor Male Brother Kårdholmens Igor Elhiar's Hadija-Hari
Elhiar's Black Cheval Male Brother Kårdholmens Igor Elhiar's Hadija-Hari
Elhiar's Kerrigan Male Brother Kårdholmens Igor Elhiar's Hadija-Hari
Elhiar's Kezzie Female Sister Kårdholmens Igor Elhiar's Hadija-Hari
Elhiar's Jeannie Female Sister Kårdholmens Igor Elhiar's Cebrunita
Elhiar's Joe-Jordan Male Brother Kårdholmens Igor Elhiar's Cebrunita
Elhiar's Jaik Male Brother Kårdholmens Igor Elhiar's Cebrunita
Vannängens Jessika Female Sister Kårdholmens Igor Vannängens Gaya
Sorita's Jankie-Jim Male Brother Kårdholmens Igor Sorita's Chana-Carmen
Sorita's Joje-Junior Male Brother Kårdholmens Igor Sorita's Chana-Carmen
Sorita's Jolly-Joe Male Brother Kårdholmens Igor Sorita's Chana-Carmen
Adobb's Alice Female Sister Kårdholmens Igor Vannängens Nilla
Adobb's Bonnie Igordotter Female Sister Kårdholmens Igor Vannängens Nilla
Adobb's Barro Male Brother Kårdholmens Igor Vannängens Nilla
Adobb's Artic Male Brother Kårdholmens Igor Vannängens Nilla
Agor-Goliath (S31542/85) Male Brother Kårdholmens Igor Elhiar's Gloriah
Anabella (S31547/85) Female Sister Kårdholmens Igor Elhiar's Gloriah
Kårdholmens Prins Pavoo Male Brother Kårdholmens Igor Kårdholmens Gigi
Kårdholmens Odin Male Brother Kårdholmens Igor Kårdholmens Gigi
Kårdholmens Ona Female Sister Kårdholmens Igor Kårdholmens Gigi
Factum's Bon Female Sister Kårdholmens Igor Kårdholmens Gina
Factum's Alma Female Sister Kårdholmens Igor Kårdholmens Gina
Factum's Afra Female Sister Kårdholmens Igor Kårdholmens Gina
Factum's Bingo Male Brother Kårdholmens Igor Kårdholmens Gina
Factum's Brasse Male Brother Kårdholmens Igor Kårdholmens Gina
Factum's Anke Female Sister Kårdholmens Igor Kårdholmens Gina
Elhiar's Ninon Female Sister Jordan v.d. Kusthoeve Elhiar's Hadija-Hari
Elhiar's Boannette Igordotter Female Sister Kårdholmens Igor Elhiar's Hadija-Hari
Elhiar's Kaiser Male Brother Kårdholmens Igor Elhiar's Hadija-Hari
Elhiar's Keeper Male Brother Kårdholmens Igor Elhiar's Hadija-Hari
Elhiar's Kick Male Brother Kårdholmens Igor Elhiar's Hadija-Hari
Elhiar's Kevin-Keagan Male Brother Kårdholmens Igor Elhiar's Hadija-Hari
Elhiar's Kami Male Brother Kårdholmens Igor Elhiar's Hadija-Hari
Elhiar's Kaifas Male Brother Kårdholmens Igor Elhiar's Hadija-Hari
Elhiar's Nadja Female Sister Jordan v.d. Kusthoeve Elhiar's Hadija-Hari
Elhiar's Nina-Nice Female Sister Jordan v.d. Kusthoeve Elhiar's Hadija-Hari
Elhiar's Noble-Nemo Male Brother Jordan v.d. Kusthoeve Elhiar's Hadija-Hari
Elhiar's Nick-Norris Male Brother Jordan v.d. Kusthoeve Elhiar's Hadija-Hari
Elhiar's J'Kevin Male Brother Kårdholmens Igor Elhiar's Cebrunita
Elhiar's Jason Male Brother Kårdholmens Igor Elhiar's Cebrunita
Elhiar's Jesper Male Brother Kårdholmens Igor Elhiar's Cebrunita
Vannängens Jenny Female Sister Kårdholmens Igor Vannängens Gaya
Sorita's Jeane-Jivita Female Sister Kårdholmens Igor Sorita's Chana-Carmen
Sorita's Janboree-Jarraschack Male Brother Kårdholmens Igor Sorita's Chana-Carmen
Sorita's Jambo-Jack Male Brother Kårdholmens Igor Sorita's Chana-Carmen
Sorita's Jambalaia-Jill Female Sister Kårdholmens Igor Sorita's Chana-Carmen
Sorita's Jumbo-Jet Male Brother Kårdholmens Igor Sorita's Chana-Carmen
Adobb's Ajax Male Brother Kårdholmens Igor Vannängens Nilla
Adobb's Bessti Female Sister Kårdholmens Igor Vannängens Nilla
Adobb's Athos Male Brother Kårdholmens Igor Vannängens Nilla
Adobb's Azan Male Brother Kårdholmens Igor Vannängens Nilla
Adobb's Bass Male Brother Kårdholmens Igor Vannängens Nilla
Adobb's Branco Male Brother Kårdholmens Igor Vannängens Nilla
Adobb's Brica Najjadotter Female Sister Kårdholmens Igor Vannängens Nilla
Adelbert (S31543/85) Male Brother Kårdholmens Igor Elhiar's Gloriah
Anett (S31549/85) Female Sister Kårdholmens Igor Elhiar's Gloriah
Amides (S31545/85) Male Brother Kårdholmens Igor Elhiar's Gloriah
Aurora (S31548/85) Female Sister Kårdholmens Igor Elhiar's Gloriah
Aristokrates (S31544/85) Male Brother Kårdholmens Igor Elhiar's Gloriah
Kårdholmens Pargo Male Brother Kårdholmens Igor Kårdholmens Gigi
Kårdholmens Ra Gigison Male Brother Kårdholmens Igor Kårdholmens Gigi
Kårdholmens Ozzy Orkan Male Brother Kårdholmens Igor Kårdholmens Gigi
Kårdholmens Rocco Igorson Male Brother Kårdholmens Igor Kårdholmens Gigi
Kårdholmens O'hara Female Sister Kårdholmens Igor Kårdholmens Gigi
Kårdholmens Riqoiqoi Female Sister Kårdholmens Igor Kårdholmens Gigi
Kårdholmens Rani Igordotter Female Sister Kårdholmens Igor Kårdholmens Gigi
Kårdholmens Ronja Igordotter Female Sister Kårdholmens Igor Kårdholmens Gigi
Kårdholmens O'key Male Brother Kårdholmens Igor Kårdholmens Gigi
Kårdholmens Pax Female Sister Kårdholmens Igor Kårdholmens Gigi
Kårdholmens Omar Male Brother Kårdholmens Igor Kårdholmens Gigi
Kårdholmens O'dessa Female Sister Kårdholmens Igor Kårdholmens Gigi
Kårdholmens Pascall Male Brother Kårdholmens Igor Kårdholmens Gigi
Factum's Big-Boy Male Brother Kårdholmens Igor Kårdholmens Gina
Factum's Bixie Female Sister Kårdholmens Igor Kårdholmens Gina
Factum's Andy Male Brother Kårdholmens Igor Kårdholmens Gina
Factum's Best Male Brother Kårdholmens Igor Kårdholmens Gina
Factum's Aldo Male Brother Kårdholmens Igor Kårdholmens Gina

We Could not find any Offspring for Elhiar's Byron in our system.


Name Sex Relationship Father Mother Birth Death Life Span Cause Of Death
Kårdholmens Jenka Female Aunt Kårdholmens Akilles (S 13227/72) Kårdholmens Bonnie Texdotter
Nordic Star's Angantyr Male Uncle Picador Blitz Odile v. Hasselhof
Kårdholmens Fargo Male Uncle Eros (S23778/69) Great Ginnie
Elhiar's Ida-Ilona Female Aunt Picador Blitz Elhiar's Cebrunita
Elhiar's Jamba-Jhori Female Aunt Kårdholmens Igor Elhiar's Cebrunita
Kårdholmens Junox Male Uncle Kårdholmens Akilles (S 13227/72) Kårdholmens Bonnie Texdotter
Elhiar's Jack Male Uncle Kårdholmens Igor Elhiar's Cebrunita
Kårdholmens Fatima Female Aunt Eros (S23778/69) Great Ginnie
Nordic Star's Aili Female Aunt Picador Blitz Odile v. Hasselhof
Arex (S 41630/81) Male Uncle Picador Blitz Brown-Bathsaba (S 38088/79)
Kårdholmens Idox Male Uncle Eros (S23778/69) Kårdholmens Bonnie Texdotter
Kårdholmens Ikir Male Uncle Eros (S23778/69) Kårdholmens Bonnie Texdotter
Elhiar's Jenka Female Aunt Kårdholmens Igor Elhiar's Cebrunita
Kårdholmens Fanny (S 61735/76) Female Aunt Eros (S23778/69) Great Ginnie
Bitsikka's Pinnto Male Uncle Picador Blitz Bitsikka's Ewelyn
Kårdholmens Fats Male Uncle Eros (S23778/69) Great Ginnie
Kårdholmens Firona Female Aunt Eros (S23778/69) Great Ginnie
Elhiar's Evina-Egorette Female Aunt Tiklan Zacri Elhiar's Cebrunita
Bitsikka's Penny Ewelyndotter Female Aunt Picador Blitz Bitsikka's Ewelyn
Bitsikka's Penny Lane Female Aunt Picador Blitz Bitsikka's Ewelyn
Bitsikka's Pirona Girl Female Aunt Picador Blitz Bitsikka's Ewelyn
Bitsikka's Pernille Female Aunt Picador Blitz Bitsikka's Ewelyn
Bitsikka's Pancho Dino Male Uncle Picador Blitz Bitsikka's Ewelyn
Elhiar's Handy-Harmonia Female Aunt Picador Blitz Elhiar's Cebrunita
Elhiar's Jeannie Female Aunt Kårdholmens Igor Elhiar's Cebrunita
Elhiar's Jaik Male Uncle Kårdholmens Igor Elhiar's Cebrunita
Elhiar's Joe-Jordan Male Uncle Kårdholmens Igor Elhiar's Cebrunita
Elhiar's J'Kevin Male Uncle Kårdholmens Igor Elhiar's Cebrunita
Elhiar's Jason Male Uncle Kårdholmens Igor Elhiar's Cebrunita
Elhiar's Jesper Male Uncle Kårdholmens Igor Elhiar's Cebrunita
Elhiar's Elicia-Escona Female Aunt Tiklan Zacri Elhiar's Cebrunita
Elhiar's Essica-Egorita Female Aunt Tiklan Zacri Elhiar's Cebrunita
Elhiar's Eliana-Estella Female Aunt Tiklan Zacri Elhiar's Cebrunita
Elhiar's Erina-Emonita Female Aunt Tiklan Zacri Elhiar's Cebrunita
Elhiar's Hadija-Hari Female Aunt Picador Blitz Elhiar's Cebrunita
Elhiar's Interest-Ali Male Uncle Picador Blitz Elhiar's Cebrunita
Elhiar's Irona-Ianita Female Aunt Picador Blitz Elhiar's Cebrunita
Elhiar's Ila-Isadora Female Aunt Picador Blitz Elhiar's Cebrunita
Elhiar's Harpo-Hunter Male Uncle Picador Blitz Elhiar's Cebrunita
Elhiar's Hickory-Honey Female Aunt Picador Blitz Elhiar's Cebrunita
Elhiar's Ira-Ipanema Female Aunt Picador Blitz Elhiar's Cebrunita
Kårdholmens Fox Male Uncle Eros (S23778/69) Great Ginnie
Kårdholmens Lucky Luke Male Uncle Irgun (S54282/71) Kårdholmens Bonnie Texdotter
Kårdholmens Lenco Male Uncle Irgun (S54282/71) Kårdholmens Bonnie Texdotter
Kårdholmens Ira Female Aunt Eros (S23778/69) Kårdholmens Bonnie Texdotter
Kårdholmens Hannie Female Aunt Eros (S23778/69) Kårdholmens Bonnie Texdotter
Kårdholmens Harpo Male Uncle Eros (S23778/69) Kårdholmens Bonnie Texdotter
Kårdholmens Ikko Male Uncle Eros (S23778/69) Kårdholmens Bonnie Texdotter
Kårdholmens Haidie Female Aunt Eros (S23778/69) Kårdholmens Bonnie Texdotter
Kårdholmens Igor Male Uncle Eros (S23778/69) Kårdholmens Bonnie Texdotter
Nordic Star's Accent Female Aunt Picador Blitz Odile v. Hasselhof
Nordic Star's Alex Male Uncle Picador Blitz Odile v. Hasselhof
Nordic Star's Agrippina Female Aunt Picador Blitz Odile v. Hasselhof
Astro (S 41631/81) Male Uncle Picador Blitz Brown-Bathsaba (S 38088/79)
Bitsikka's Poker Face Male Uncle Picador Blitz Bitsikka's Ewelyn
Elhiar's Hamlet Male Uncle Picador Blitz Elhiar's Cebrunita
Elhiar's Hades-Harm Male Uncle Picador Blitz Elhiar's Cebrunita
Elhiar's Irma-Ironic Female Aunt Picador Blitz Elhiar's Cebrunita
Elhiar's Earl-Exior Male Uncle Tiklan Zacri Elhiar's Cebrunita
Elhiar's Elena-Etienne Female Aunt Tiklan Zacri Elhiar's Cebrunita
Elhiar's Ego-Zacrison Male Uncle Tiklan Zacri Elhiar's Cebrunita
Elhiar's Elvira-Elysse Female Aunt Tiklan Zacri Elhiar's Cebrunita
Elhiar's Happy-Silva Female Aunt Picador Blitz Elhiar's Cebrunita
Elhiar's Iron-Ito Male Uncle Picador Blitz Elhiar's Cebrunita
Elhiar's Indian-Skipper Male Uncle Picador Blitz Elhiar's Cebrunita
Kårdholmens Fabiola Female Aunt Eros (S23778/69) Great Ginnie
Kårdholmens Fortuna Female Aunt Eros (S23778/69) Great Ginnie
Kårdholmens Friggie Male Uncle Eros (S23778/69) Great Ginnie
Kårdholmens Falcon Male Uncle Eros (S23778/69) Great Ginnie
Kårdholmens Fakir Male Uncle Eros (S23778/69) Great Ginnie
Kårdholmens Hassan Male Uncle Eros (S23778/69) Kårdholmens Bonnie Texdotter
Kårdholmens Jojo Male Uncle Kårdholmens Akilles (S 13227/72) Kårdholmens Bonnie Texdotter
Kårdholmens Jackie Female Aunt Kårdholmens Akilles (S 13227/72) Kårdholmens Bonnie Texdotter
Kårdholmens Jax Male Uncle Kårdholmens Akilles (S 13227/72) Kårdholmens Bonnie Texdotter
Kårdholmens Imar Male Uncle Eros (S23778/69) Kårdholmens Bonnie Texdotter
Kårdholmens Heika Female Aunt Eros (S23778/69) Kårdholmens Bonnie Texdotter
Kårdholmens Inka Female Aunt Eros (S23778/69) Kårdholmens Bonnie Texdotter
Kårdholmens Indra Female Aunt Eros (S23778/69) Kårdholmens Bonnie Texdotter
Kårdholmens Janna Female Aunt Kårdholmens Akilles (S 13227/72) Kårdholmens Bonnie Texdotter
Kårdholmens Joker Male Uncle Kårdholmens Akilles (S 13227/72) Kårdholmens Bonnie Texdotter
Kårdholmens Jotex Male Uncle Kårdholmens Akilles (S 13227/72) Kårdholmens Bonnie Texdotter
Kårdholmens Jill Female Aunt Kårdholmens Akilles (S 13227/72) Kårdholmens Bonnie Texdotter
Kårdholmens Jojka Female Aunt Kårdholmens Akilles (S 13227/72) Kårdholmens Bonnie Texdotter
Nordic Star's Anund Male Uncle Picador Blitz Odile v. Hasselhof
Nordic Star's Atte Male Uncle Picador Blitz Odile v. Hasselhof
Nordic Star's Ari Male Uncle Picador Blitz Odile v. Hasselhof
Nordic Star's Aira Female Aunt Picador Blitz Odile v. Hasselhof