

GMHR S And R's Brunette Dixie Lady


Call Name: GMHR S And R's Brunette Dixie Lady

Location: ()

Born: 1986 Oct 12 (38 Years 11 Months ago)

Sir: FC Mueller's Stormy Canada

Died: unknown

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Color: Chocolate
Owner: Randy Buettner
Breeder: Gene Kirby
OFA Hips: LR-29495G24F (Good)
AKC Reg: SE816497

GMHR S And R's Brunette Dixie Lady is a Labrador Retriever born on 1986 Oct 12 .

If you have more information about GMHR S And R's Brunette Dixie Lady and would like to submit more information about this animal please feel contact us.

If you own GMHR S And R's Brunette Dixie Lady and would like to claim its ownership contact us.

If we have information about its ancestry and health you should be able to find it on this page.

If you like to help with animal welfare , please consider joining our system and contribute to our goal.


Name Sex Relationship Father Mother Birth Death Life Span Cause Of Death
Lady Duchess Of Lavon Female Sister FC Mueller's Stormy Canada Cohen's Chocolate Cocoa 1985 Aug 02
Haverhill's Paprika CD Female Sister FC Mueller's Stormy Canada sally 1986 Nov 09
Can/American Beau's A Booger Male Brother FC Mueller's Stormy Canada Teradam's Chalesa
Can/American Beau's A Booger MH Male Brother FC Mueller's Stormy Canada Taradam's Chelsea WC
Northern Flight Blazin Bear Male Brother FC Mueller's Stormy Canada Candlewood's Cocoa Quik
Kirby's Copper Penny Female Sister FC Mueller's Stormy Canada Kirby's Beggar Bush Peg 1986 Oct 12
Ms Tara Of Stormy Canada Female Sister FC Mueller's Stormy Canada D D's Chocolate Joy
Mallard Lake Teddy Bear Male Brother FC Mueller's Stormy Canada Loveable Insouciant Poop's
Gator PT Mick Dundee MH Male Brother FC Mueller's Stormy Canada Gator Point's Lena Lou 1990 May 18
Coastals Roughwater Gunner MH Male Brother FC Mueller's Stormy Canada Haverhill Duffy’s Sally
Augie Female Sister FC Mueller's Stormy Canada Truff
A-Train's City Of Seattle Female Sister FC Mueller's Stormy Canada A-Trains Box Car Brownie
Stormy's Brown Sugar Babe Female Sister FC Mueller's Stormy Canada SR.HR. Gator Point Chocolate Candy
Candlewoods Chocolate Storm WC CDX SH Female Sister FC Mueller's Stormy Canada Candlewood's Nestle's Quik 1987 Mar 21
GRHRCH GMHR Candlewood's Stormy Bear MH QAA Male Brother FC Mueller's Stormy Canada Candlewood's Nestle's Quik 1987 Mar 21
HRCH Gator Pt's Roc N Moon Pie Female Sister FC Mueller's Stormy Canada Gator Point's Lena Lou 1990 May 18
Teton River's Stormy Wigeon Female Sister FC Mueller's Stormy Canada Gator Point's Lena Lou 1990 May 18
Gator PT's Roc N Moon Pie Female Sister FC Mueller's Stormy Canada Gator Point's Lena Lou 1990 May 18
Cushman's Water Otter Female Sister FC Mueller's Stormy Canada Bittersweet Corkey O'reilly
Walter's Chocolate Storm Male Brother FC Mueller's Stormy Canada Hobart Tigi 1986 Jun 14
McLaughlin's Cadbury Boy Male Brother FC Mueller's Stormy Canada Belle's Insouciant Lady
Ganderlands Kaylia Female Sister FC Mueller's Stormy Canada Hard Driving Abigail
Erins Edge Hard Case Female Sister FC Mueller's Stormy Canada Hard Driving Abigail
Madison's Halloween Heyday Female Sister FC Mueller's Stormy Canada Candlewood's Cocoa Quik 1988 Oct 31
Candlewoods Quik Canuck MH Male Brother FC Mueller's Stormy Canada Candlewood's Cocoa Quik 1988 Jan 11
Sealock's Stormy December Male Brother FC Mueller's Stormy Canada Sealock's Pegasus
Allen's Chocolate Cookie Female Sister FC Mueller's Stormy Canada Sealock's Pegasus 1984 Feb 06
Gator Point's Blazin' Tara Female Sister FC Mueller's Stormy Canada Gator Point's Chocolate Candy
What A Molly Brown Female Sister FC Mueller's Stormy Canada Miss Dolly Brown CD 1986 Oct 20
Reuben Von Alger Male Brother FC Mueller's Stormy Canada Dusty Nicole Of Bar Rx 1992 Nov 01
Texas Ranger Sage Male Brother FC Mueller's Stormy Canada Longplain Zipgun 1989 Jan 04
MHR Diamond R Waterfowl Buddy HRCH MH *** Male Brother FC Mueller's Stormy Canada Diamond R Savage Attack 1988 Aug 09
Co-jenn's Gator Point Kate Female Sister FC Mueller's Stormy Canada SR.HR. Gator Point Chocolate Candy 1990 Mar 15
HRCH Gator Points Georgia Brown SH Female Sister FC Mueller's Stormy Canada SR.HR. Gator Point Chocolate Candy 1988 Feb 16
Gator Point Holy Tara Female Sister FC Mueller's Stormy Canada SR.HR. Gator Point Chocolate Candy 1987 Mar 02
Drakes Stormy Widgeon Female Sister FC Mueller's Stormy Canada Widgeon Creek Abbigail
Streamside Riley Male Brother FC Mueller's Stormy Canada Trieven Gambol 1985 Dec 27
Targa Terrific Tule Trooper Female Sister FC Mueller's Stormy Canada Washington's Rag Tag Scalawag 1983 Jan 21
Canadian Express Male Brother FC Mueller's Stormy Canada Whiskeybottom's Double Shot
Candlewood's Maverick Male Brother FC Mueller's Stormy Canada Candlewood's Nestle's Quik 1987 Mar 21
Jenna's Blackwater Bell Female Sister FC Mueller's Stormy Canada A-Trains Box Car Brownie
MHR Mountain's Top Kelly SH Female Sister FC Mueller's Stormy Canada A-Trains Box Car Brownie 1990 Jun 01
Lucky Shamrock Nitro Bull Male Brother FC Mueller's Stormy Canada Hard Driving Abigail
ISK RUSHIN' JACK Female Sister FC Mueller's Stormy Canada SNAKE EYE'S DICY AIMEE
Dozer Male Brother FC Mueller's Stormy Canada sally
Schiller's Rebecka Boone Female Sister FC Mueller's Stormy Canada Loveable Insouciant Poop's
Streamside Robbie Female Sister FC Mueller's Stormy Canada Trieven Gambol 1985 Dec 27
Trieven Banner Male Brother FC Mueller's Stormy Canada Trieven Gambol
TRIEVEN ANN TEAK Female Sister FC Mueller's Stormy Canada Trieven Gambol 1986 Aug 24
Washakies Canadian Whiskey Female Sister FC Mueller's Stormy Canada Whiskeybottom's Double Shot 1986 Jun 05
GMHR CHUGACH HILLS ITSY BITSY Female Sister FC Mueller's Stormy Canada Pacer's Little Bit


Name Sex Relationship Father Mother Birth Death Life Span Cause Of Death
Pondview's Ditto Head Male Progeny FC AFC Rippin' Blue Thunder GMHR S And R's Brunette Dixie Lady
Pondview's Maggie Female Progeny Sting GMHR S And R's Brunette Dixie Lady 1991 Feb 07


Name Sex Relationship Father Mother Birth Death Life Span Cause Of Death
HRCH Lady Coco Leschoob MH Female Aunt FC CFC Ginger's Choc August Lucky Four Kodiak Kadence 1987 Mar 01
Atta-boy M And M's Playboy Male Uncle FC CFC Ginger's Choc August Halroy's Chilli Bean
Feather Findin' Fudge Female Aunt FC CFC Ginger's Choc August PUGET POWER'S COCOA VELVET 1979 Aug 22
Boomer's Coco Brandy Female Aunt FC CFC Ginger's Choc August Randy Dandy's Last Daughter
Chocolate Mousse XX Male Uncle FC CFC Ginger's Choc August Klamath River Squaw
Jasmine's Coffee Royal Female Aunt FC CFC Ginger's Choc August Tigger Too II
Nelflo's Gypsophilia Female Aunt FC CFC Ginger's Choc August Nelflo's Black Orchid 1980 Oct 13
Mike's Decoy II Male Uncle FC CFC Ginger's Choc August Mele Kalikimaka II 1979 Jan 20
Tribe's Chocolate Banshee Female Aunt FC CFC Ginger's Choc August Black Witch Of Tribe
Kirby's Chocolate Meg Female Aunt FC CFC Ginger's Choc August Miss Terra Jay 1980 Jul 12
Gunthunder's Cadillac Jack Male Uncle FC CFC Ginger's Choc August Selamats Tia Maria
Bold Chocolate Dandy MH Male Uncle FC CFC Ginger's Choc August CABER'S CAROB CHIPS
Coburn's Coal Black Kate Female Aunt FC CFC Ginger's Choc August Lomac's Lady Jinks
Halroy's Monroe Male Uncle FC CFC Ginger's Choc August Halroy's Chilli Bean
Di's April Chocolate Kadance Female Aunt FC CFC Ginger's Choc August Lucky Four Kodiak Kadance
Miss Dolly Brown CD Female Aunt FC CFC Ginger's Choc August Mele Kalikimaka II 1979 Jan 20
Halroy's Hershey Female Aunt FC CFC Ginger's Choc August Halroy's Chilli Bean
Dyna-Mousse Female Aunt FC CFC Ginger's Choc August Garglen's Chocolate Tina 1978 Nov 14
Schilder's Private Eye Male Uncle FC CFC Ginger's Choc August Garglen's Chocolate Tina 1978 Nov 14
Cocoa Of Fry Creek Male Uncle FC CFC Ginger's Choc August Oly's Sunday Nugget
Ginger's Chocolate Power Female Aunt FC CFC Ginger's Choc August PUGET POWER'S COCOA VELVET
Lady Skoal Of Ginger’s August Female Aunt FC CFC Ginger's Choc August PUGET POWER'S COCOA VELVET
Hearn's Chocolate Chief Male Uncle FC CFC Ginger's Choc August PUGET POWER'S COCOA VELVET
Gunthunder's Bullet Female Aunt FC CFC Ginger's Choc August Selamats Tia Maria
MISTER JAKE III Male Uncle FC CFC Ginger's Choc August Tigger Too II
Baby Ruth Female Aunt FC CFC Ginger's Choc August Randy Dandy's Last Daughter 1980 Jun 01
August Dandy Choc Ginger Female Aunt FC CFC Ginger's Choc August Randy Dandy's Last Daughter
Glenns Chocolate Chip CDX Male Uncle FC CFC Ginger's Choc August Sundae II
Dukes Monday Morn Female Aunt FC CFC Ginger's Choc August Sundae II
Hilltop Rocket Male Uncle FC CFC Ginger's Choc August Miss Terra Jay
Rjohnson's Choc August Juke Male Uncle FC CFC Ginger's Choc August Miss Terra Jay
Ginger's Chocolate Chips Female Aunt FC CFC Ginger's Choc August Miss Terra Jay
Nelflo's Ginny Of Candlewood Female Aunt FC CFC Ginger's Choc August Nelflo's Black Orchid 1981 Jul 02
Carob's Come A Praising Male Uncle FC CFC Ginger's Choc August Halroy's Chili Bean 1981 Aug 24
Chocolata Pato Trilo Male Uncle FC CFC Ginger's Choc August Chocolate Charmer 1980 Jul 10
Gunthunder CW's Jake Male Uncle FC CFC Ginger's Choc August Selamat's Chocolate Pride
Gunthunder C.W. Jake Male Uncle FC CFC Ginger's Choc August Selamat's Chocolate Pride 1978 Sep 29
Doc's Chocolate Camouflage Female Aunt FC CFC Ginger's Choc August Kegleys Chocolate Cookie
Power's Ginger Gem CD Male Uncle FC CFC Ginger's Choc August Trieven Flower Power 1981 May 01
Chocolate August Flower Female Aunt FC CFC Ginger's Choc August Trieven Flower Power
FC Mueller's Stormy Canada Male Uncle FC CFC Ginger's Choc August Coburns Lady Chimo 1980 Jul 07
Tangle Foot Female Aunt FC CFC Ginger's Choc August Halroy's Aim