Color: Yellow
AKC Reg: SR562189/03
AKC DNA: V621045
North South Retrievers Golden Gunner JH is a Labrador Retriever born .
If you have more information about North South Retrievers Golden Gunner JH and would like to submit more information about this animal please feel contact us.
If you own North South Retrievers Golden Gunner JH and would like to claim its ownership contact us.
If we have information about its ancestry and health you should be able to find it on this page.
If you like to help with animal welfare , please consider joining our system and contribute to our goal.
This Pet | Parents | Grand Parents |
North South Retrievers Golden Gunner JH | Pettit's Okie Black Bear | GMPR Sir's Mighty Eli SH |
1992 Dec 24 | ||
2009 Mar 01 | Guff's Neosho Black Kody | |
1996 Feb 16 | ||
Hunt's Golden Myia | Good As Gold Vii | |
Dot's Dani Girl | ||
Name | Sex | Relationship | Father | Mother | Birth | Death | Life Span | Cause Of Death |
Posey's Marley | Male | Progeny | North South Retrievers Golden Gunner JH | Brians Little Cracker | ||||
Tigg Cochran | Female | Progeny | North South Retrievers Golden Gunner JH | North South Retrievers Good Karma |