Color: Black
Pedigree Number: WG091913
Sunburg's Ande Andrew is a Doberman Pinscher born .
If you have more information about Sunburg's Ande Andrew and would like to submit more information about this animal please feel contact us.
If you own Sunburg's Ande Andrew and would like to claim its ownership contact us.
If we have information about its ancestry and health you should be able to find it on this page.
If you like to help with animal welfare , please consider joining our system and contribute to our goal.
This Pet | Parents | Grand Parents |
Sunburg's Ande Andrew | Arco Dob Mann | Tolivars Boo Radley Dob Mann |
Dinah Dob Mann | ||
Sunburg Zrurik Annie Ann | ||
Name | Sex | Relationship | Father | Mother | Birth | Death | Life Span | Cause Of Death |
Beja's Midnight Lace | Female | Sister | Arco Dob Mann | Linbar's Baby Jane | ||||
Beja's After Hours | Male | Brother | Arco Dob Mann | Linbar's Baby Jane | ||||
Arco's Diana of Beja | Female | Sister | Arco Dob Mann | Linbar's Baby Jane | ||||
Sherluck's Brown Sugar Dob Mann | Female | Sister | Arco Dob Mann | Sherluck's Casalaria | ||||
Simca's Earth Wind and Fire | Male | Brother | Arco Dob Mann | Simca's April Wine | ||||
Beja's Sophie's Choice | Female | Sister | Arco Dob Mann | Linbar's Baby Jane | ||||
Moave Easily Smashed Dob Mann | Female | Sister | Arco Dob Mann | Soquel's Cocoa Beach | ||||
Sherluck's Silver Cloud | Female | Sister | Arco Dob Mann | Sherluck's Casalaria | ||||
Sherluck's Yellow Brick Road | Female | Sister | Arco Dob Mann | Sherluck's Flamingo Road | ||||
Beja's Reckless Abandon | Male | Brother | Arco Dob Mann | Linbar's Baby Jane | ||||
Beja's Barangrill | Male | Brother | Arco Dob Mann | Linbar's Baby Jane |
Name | Sex | Relationship | Father | Mother | Birth | Death | Life Span | Cause Of Death |
Texas Christian Dob Mann | Male | Progeny | Sunburg's Ande Andrew | Barricini Dob Mann |