

v.d. Hell Anabelle


Call Name: v.d. Hell Anabelle

Location: ()

Sir: Santo v.d. Böllenruthen

Dam: Allegra v. Schattenfell

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Color: Black
Pedigree Number: DO 13574A
HD: A-1

v.d. Hell Anabelle is a Doberman Pinscher born .

If you have more information about v.d. Hell Anabelle and would like to submit more information about this animal please feel contact us.

If you own v.d. Hell Anabelle and would like to claim its ownership contact us.

If we have information about its ancestry and health you should be able to find it on this page.

If you like to help with animal welfare , please consider joining our system and contribute to our goal.


Name Sex Relationship Father Mother Birth Death Life Span Cause Of Death
v.d. Hell Carmina Cosma Female Sister Kravallo v. Schmiedbauergut Allegra v. Schattenfell
Angelo v.d. Böllenruthen Male Brother Santo v.d. Böllenruthen Chiara v. Avalon
Archibald v.d. Böllenruthen Male Brother Santo v.d. Böllenruthen Chiara v. Avalon
v.d. Hell Cachus Cerberus Male Brother Kravallo v. Schmiedbauergut Allegra v. Schattenfell
v.d. Hell Bea Female Sister Heartbreaker v. Ferrenberg Allegra v. Schattenfell
v.d. Hell Branca Female Sister Heartbreaker v. Ferrenberg Allegra v. Schattenfell
v.d. Hell Brutus Male Brother Heartbreaker v. Ferrenberg Allegra v. Schattenfell
v.d. Hell Avita Female Sister Santo v.d. Böllenruthen Allegra v. Schattenfell
v.d. Hell Briska Female Sister Heartbreaker v. Ferrenberg Allegra v. Schattenfell
v.d. Hell Balou Male Brother Heartbreaker v. Ferrenberg Allegra v. Schattenfell
v.d. Hell Cando Cavallo Male Brother Kravallo v. Schmiedbauergut Allegra v. Schattenfell
v.d. Hell Avalon Male Brother Santo v.d. Böllenruthen Allegra v. Schattenfell
v.d. Hell Baccara Female Sister Heartbreaker v. Ferrenberg Allegra v. Schattenfell
v.d. Hell Alina Female Sister Santo v.d. Böllenruthen Allegra v. Schattenfell
v.d. Hell Cappa Casanova Male Brother Kravallo v. Schmiedbauergut Allegra v. Schattenfell
v.d. Hell Chilly Jill Female Sister Kravallo v. Schmiedbauergut Allegra v. Schattenfell
v.d. Hell Camillo Capone Male Brother Kravallo v. Schmiedbauergut Allegra v. Schattenfell
v.d. Hell Cheru Caruzzo Male Brother Kravallo v. Schmiedbauergut Allegra v. Schattenfell
v.d. Hell Bosz Male Brother Heartbreaker v. Ferrenberg Allegra v. Schattenfell
v.d. Hell Bahama Female Sister Heartbreaker v. Ferrenberg Allegra v. Schattenfell
v.d. Hell Bionda Female Sister Heartbreaker v. Ferrenberg Allegra v. Schattenfell
v.d. Hell Bonita Female Sister Heartbreaker v. Ferrenberg Allegra v. Schattenfell
v.d. Hell Anubis Aico Male Brother Santo v.d. Böllenruthen Allegra v. Schattenfell
v.d. Hell Aurora Female Sister Santo v.d. Böllenruthen Allegra v. Schattenfell
Athene v.d. Böllenruthen Female Sister Santo v.d. Böllenruthen Chiara v. Avalon
Antonio v.d. Böllenruthen Male Brother Santo v.d. Böllenruthen Chiara v. Avalon
Amy v.d. Böllenruthen Female Sister Santo v.d. Böllenruthen Chiara v. Avalon
Aska v.d. Böllenruthen Female Sister Santo v.d. Böllenruthen Chiara v. Avalon
Akiro v.d. Böllenruthen Male Brother Santo v.d. Böllenruthen Chiara v. Avalon

We Could not find any Offspring for v.d. Hell Anabelle in our system.


Name Sex Relationship Father Mother Birth Death Life Span Cause Of Death
Mezzrow's Jeremy Male Uncle Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Mezzrow's Gillian
Johann v.d. Burg Litermont Male Uncle Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Winni v.d. Burg Litermont
Gräfin Ondra of Mon-ja-mes Female Aunt Graf de Niro Jimona Mon-Ja-Mes Gräfin Afra of Mon-ja-mes
Graf Omani of Mon-ja-mes Male Uncle Graf de Niro Jimona Mon-Ja-Mes Gräfin Afra of Mon-ja-mes
Devil v.d. Schwarzen Lady Male Uncle Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Candy v. Ehretshof
Abby v. Schattenfell Male Uncle Graf de Niro Jimona Mon-Ja-Mes Gräfin Evita Comafra of Mon-Ja-Mes
Unkas v.d. Böllenruthen Male Uncle Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Ivy v.d. Böllenruthen
Kilian v.d. Burg Litermont Male Uncle Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Winni v.d. Burg Litermont
Raico v.d. Böllenruthen Male Uncle Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Ivy v.d. Böllenruthen
Uron v.d. Böllenruthen Male Uncle Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Ivy v.d. Böllenruthen
Gräfin Ombra of Mon-ja-mes Female Aunt Graf de Niro Jimona Mon-Ja-Mes Gräfin Afra of Mon-ja-mes
Erlo v.d. Schwarzen Lady Male Uncle Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Esperanza v. Santos
Xenia v.d. Böllenruthen Female Aunt Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Ivy v.d. Böllenruthen
Mezzrow's Jippo Male Uncle Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Mezzrow's Gillian
Graf Ike of Mon-ja-mes Male Uncle Graf de Niro Jimona Mon-Ja-Mes Gräfin Afra of Mon-ja-mes
Woodstock v.d. Böllenruthen Male Uncle Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Quendy v.d. Böllenruthen
Angelo v. Schattenfell Male Uncle Graf de Niro Jimona Mon-Ja-Mes Gräfin Evita Comafra of Mon-Ja-Mes
Enya v.d. Schwarzen Lady Female Aunt Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Esperanza v. Santos
Ajax v. Sonnecksee Male Uncle Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Ninja v.d. Böllenruthen
Annalena v. Sonnecksee Female Aunt Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Ninja v.d. Böllenruthen
Ayla v. Sonnecksee Female Aunt Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Ninja v.d. Böllenruthen
Aika v. Sonnecksee Female Aunt Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Ninja v.d. Böllenruthen
Apoll v. Schattenfell Male Uncle Graf de Niro Jimona Mon-Ja-Mes Gräfin Evita Comafra of Mon-Ja-Mes
Addy v. Schattenfell Male Uncle Graf de Niro Jimona Mon-Ja-Mes Gräfin Evita Comafra of Mon-Ja-Mes
Eve v.d. Schwarzen Lady Female Aunt Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Esperanza v. Santos
Esta v.d. Schwarzen Lady Female Aunt Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Esperanza v. Santos
Eiko v.d. Schwarzen Lady Male Uncle Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Esperanza v. Santos
Enzo v.d. Schwarzen Lady Male Uncle Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Esperanza v. Santos
Eileen v.d. Schwarzen Lady Female Aunt Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Esperanza v. Santos
Wilson v.d. Böllenruthen Male Uncle Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Quendy v.d. Böllenruthen
Watson v.d. Böllenruthen Male Uncle Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Quendy v.d. Böllenruthen
Graf Iwan of Mon-ja-mes Male Uncle Graf de Niro Jimona Mon-Ja-Mes Gräfin Afra of Mon-ja-mes
Graf Latino of Mon-Ja-Mes Male Uncle Graf de Niro Jimona Mon-Ja-Mes Gräfin Afra of Mon-ja-mes
Grafin Lana of Mon-Ja-Mes Female Aunt Graf de Niro Jimona Mon-Ja-Mes Gräfin Afra of Mon-ja-mes
Grafin Lara of Mon-Ja-Mes Female Aunt Graf de Niro Jimona Mon-Ja-Mes Gräfin Afra of Mon-ja-mes
Grafin Laetitia of Mon-Ja-Mes Female Aunt Graf de Niro Jimona Mon-Ja-Mes Gräfin Afra of Mon-ja-mes
Gräfin Ona of Mon-ja-mes Female Aunt Graf de Niro Jimona Mon-Ja-Mes Gräfin Afra of Mon-ja-mes
Graf Ondor of Mon-ja-mes Male Uncle Graf de Niro Jimona Mon-Ja-Mes Gräfin Afra of Mon-ja-mes
Graf O'Neil of Mon-ja-mes Male Uncle Graf de Niro Jimona Mon-Ja-Mes Gräfin Afra of Mon-ja-mes
Joschua v.d. Burg Litermont Male Uncle Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Winni v.d. Burg Litermont
Justin v.d. Burg Litermont Male Uncle Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Winni v.d. Burg Litermont
Mezzrow's Jarrek Male Uncle Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Mezzrow's Gillian
Dina v.d. Schwarzen Lady Female Aunt Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Candy v. Ehretshof
Pascha v.d. Böllenruthen Male Uncle Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Ivy v.d. Böllenruthen
Xaro v.d. Böllenruthen Male Uncle Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Ivy v.d. Böllenruthen
Rico v.d. Böllenruthen Male Uncle Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Ivy v.d. Böllenruthen
Uli v.d. Böllenruthen Male Uncle Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Ivy v.d. Böllenruthen
Schirkan v.d. Böllenruthen Male Uncle Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Ivy v.d. Böllenruthen
Umba v.d. Böllenruthen Female Aunt Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Ivy v.d. Böllenruthen
Pearly v.d. Böllenruthen Female Aunt Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Ivy v.d. Böllenruthen
Sally v.d. Böllenruthen Female Aunt Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Ivy v.d. Böllenruthen
Roxanna v.d. Böllenruthen Female Aunt Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Ivy v.d. Böllenruthen
Shira v.d. Böllenruthen Female Aunt Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Ivy v.d. Böllenruthen
Vincenzo v.d. Böllenruthen Male Uncle Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Kelly v.d. Böllenruthen
Akira v. Schattenfell Female Aunt Graf de Niro Jimona Mon-Ja-Mes Gräfin Evita Comafra of Mon-Ja-Mes
Aira v. Schattenfell Female Aunt Graf de Niro Jimona Mon-Ja-Mes Gräfin Evita Comafra of Mon-Ja-Mes
Aragorn v. Schattenfell Male Uncle Graf de Niro Jimona Mon-Ja-Mes Gräfin Evita Comafra of Mon-Ja-Mes
Ascan v. Schattenfell Male Uncle Graf de Niro Jimona Mon-Ja-Mes Gräfin Evita Comafra of Mon-Ja-Mes
Allegra v. Schattenfell Female Aunt Graf de Niro Jimona Mon-Ja-Mes Gräfin Evita Comafra of Mon-Ja-Mes
Arwen v. Schattenfell Female Aunt Graf de Niro Jimona Mon-Ja-Mes Gräfin Evita Comafra of Mon-Ja-Mes
Anina v. Schattenfell Female Aunt Graf de Niro Jimona Mon-Ja-Mes Gräfin Evita Comafra of Mon-Ja-Mes
Erros v.d. Schwarzen Lady Male Uncle Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Esperanza v. Santos
Elmo v.d. Schwarzen Lady Male Uncle Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Esperanza v. Santos
Winaro v.d. Böllenruthen Male Uncle Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Quendy v.d. Böllenruthen
Wito v.d. Böllenruthen Male Uncle Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Quendy v.d. Böllenruthen
Whoppy v.d. Böllenruthen Female Aunt Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Quendy v.d. Böllenruthen
Wiona v.d. Böllenruthen Female Aunt Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Quendy v.d. Böllenruthen
Winner v.d. Böllenruthen Male Uncle Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Quendy v.d. Böllenruthen
Witchwonder v.d. Böllenruthen Female Aunt Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Quendy v.d. Böllenruthen
Grafin Laura of Mon-ja-mes Female Aunt Graf de Niro Jimona Mon-Ja-Mes Gräfin Afra of Mon-ja-mes
Gräfin Onja of Mon-ja-mes Female Aunt Graf de Niro Jimona Mon-Ja-Mes Gräfin Afra of Mon-ja-mes
Gräfin Iris of Mon-ja-mes Female Aunt Graf de Niro Jimona Mon-Ja-Mes Gräfin Afra of Mon-ja-mes
Graf Leon of Mon-Ja-Mes Male Uncle Graf de Niro Jimona Mon-Ja-Mes Gräfin Afra of Mon-ja-mes
Grafin Latoya of Mon-Ja-Mes Female Aunt Graf de Niro Jimona Mon-Ja-Mes Gräfin Afra of Mon-ja-mes
Graf Lars of Mon-Ja-Mes Male Uncle Graf de Niro Jimona Mon-Ja-Mes Gräfin Afra of Mon-ja-mes
Graf Lathigo of Mon-Ja-Mes Male Uncle Graf de Niro Jimona Mon-Ja-Mes Gräfin Afra of Mon-ja-mes
Kira v.d. Burg Litermont Female Aunt Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Winni v.d. Burg Litermont
Kay v.d. Burg Litermont Male Uncle Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Winni v.d. Burg Litermont
Jessy v.d. Burg Litermont Female Aunt Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Winni v.d. Burg Litermont
Mezzrow's Jotun Male Uncle Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Mezzrow's Gillian
Mezzrow's Jamaika Female Aunt Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Mezzrow's Gillian
Mezzrow's Jouri Male Uncle Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Mezzrow's Gillian
Mezzrow's Jukon Male Uncle Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Mezzrow's Gillian
Mezzrow's Jason Male Uncle Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Mezzrow's Gillian
Mezzrow's Jutas Male Uncle Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Mezzrow's Gillian
Mezzrow's Java Female Aunt Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Mezzrow's Gillian
Deam v.d. Schwarzen Lady Male Uncle Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Candy v. Ehretshof
Dino v.d. Schwarzen Lady Male Uncle Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Candy v. Ehretshof
Don v.d. Schwarzen Lady Male Uncle Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Candy v. Ehretshof
Donna v.d. Schwarzen Lady Female Aunt Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Candy v. Ehretshof
Dana v.d. Schwarzen Lady Female Aunt Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Candy v. Ehretshof
Santo v.d. Böllenruthen Male Uncle Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Ivy v.d. Böllenruthen
Shirley v.d. Böllenruthen Female Aunt Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Ivy v.d. Böllenruthen
Sandy v.d. Böllenruthen Female Aunt Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Ivy v.d. Böllenruthen
Uria v.d. Böllenruthen Male Uncle Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Ivy v.d. Böllenruthen
Unix v.d. Böllenruthen Male Uncle Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Ivy v.d. Böllenruthen
Sina v.d. Böllenruthen Female Aunt Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Ivy v.d. Böllenruthen
Raquina v.d. Böllenruthen Female Aunt Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Ivy v.d. Böllenruthen
Xamphy v.d. Böllenruthen Female Aunt Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Ivy v.d. Böllenruthen
Peggy v.d. Böllenruthen Female Aunt Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Ivy v.d. Böllenruthen
Xamira v.d. Böllenruthen Female Aunt Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Ivy v.d. Böllenruthen
Roxann v.d. Böllenruthen Female Aunt Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Ivy v.d. Böllenruthen
Valerie v.d. Böllenruthen Female Aunt Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Kelly v.d. Böllenruthen
Virginia v.d. Böllenruthen Female Aunt Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Kelly v.d. Böllenruthen
Valentino v.d. Böllenruthen Male Uncle Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Kelly v.d. Böllenruthen
Veronique v.d. Böllenruthen Female Aunt Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Kelly v.d. Böllenruthen
Violet v.d. Böllenruthen Female Aunt Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Kelly v.d. Böllenruthen
Kim v. Assindia Female Aunt Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Orly v. Frankenland
Kandy v. Assindia Female Aunt Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Orly v. Frankenland
Kimba v. Assindia Female Aunt Justin v.d. Böllenruthen Orly v. Frankenland