

Tessa (NHSB 1530788)


Call Name: Tessa (NHSB 1530788)

Location: ()

Sir: Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof

Dam: Alaska (NHSB 1316924)

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Color: Black
Pedigree Number: NHSB 1530788

Tessa (NHSB 1530788) is a Doberman Pinscher born .

If you have more information about Tessa (NHSB 1530788) and would like to submit more information about this animal please feel contact us.

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If we have information about its ancestry and health you should be able to find it on this page.

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Name Sex Relationship Father Mother Birth Death Life Span Cause Of Death
Arcas (NHSB 1626191) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dymfi (NHSB 1306669)
Kim (NHSB 1564292) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dounja Kyan Miranda v.d. Robema Hof
Anoeska (NHSB 1496833) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Annuska (NHSB 1278329)
Tosca (NHSB 1562184) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Chanel (NHSB 1408876)
Charlotte (NHSB 1546407) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Be-Lady v.'t Vliertzicht
Zico v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1530720) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Nora Inter Amnes Tuta
Zita (NHSB 1412789) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Hymna (NHSB 1300086)
Roxanne (NHSB 1663182) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dobrynin Bryled v.d. Schipbeekoever
Lilo v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tara (NHSB 1294206)
Sultan (NHSB 1392546) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Rena (NHSB 1254642)
Siska v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Faby v. Hermansjomaik
Boy v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1519784) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Gravin Ellis v.d. Edele Stam
Ninja (NHSB 1519797) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Nora (NHSB 1329108)
Caro (NHSB 1562185) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Chanel (NHSB 1408876)
Brando (NHSB 1562186) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Chanel (NHSB 1408876)
Shila (NHSB 1519800) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Nora (NHSB 1329108)
Orka (NHSB 1519798) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Nora (NHSB 1329108)
Donna (NHSB 1564297) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dounja Kyan Miranda v.d. Robema Hof
Gino v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Chita v.d. Sonnekant
Prince (NHSB 1408871) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Chanel v.h. Maasland Glorie
Dester v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Nora Inter Amnes Tuta
Andy v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1485440) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Maggie (NHSB 1323322)
Conan v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1405391) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dorka v. Hagerlo
Tboy v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dorka v. Hagerlo
Otis v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Daisy v.d. Konijnenburcht
Ejodor v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Daisy v.d. Konijnenburcht
Zico v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1472559) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tosca (NHSB 1392442)
Nero v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1419779) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Faby v. Hermansjomaik
Kim v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1522182) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Debbie (NHSB 1365645)
Zeus (NHSB 1408837) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Gervah v.d. Groote Maat
Terra v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Cora v.d. Edelehof (NHSB 1565440)
Quotar v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Aryanne Aquende v. Askwald
Rokky v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1445240) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tara (NHSB 1294206)
Ringo v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1530845) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tara (NHSB 1294206)
Cherokee v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tara (NHSB 1294206)
Turbo (NHSB 1429318) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Britta (NHSB 1254641)
Spirit (NHSB 1392555) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Britta (NHSB 1254641)
Nero (NHSB 1546400) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Be-Lady v.'t Vliertzicht
Rambo (NHSB 1476134) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tosca (NHSB 1407446)
Amor (NHSB 1551745) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Anja-Django v.d. Walshoeve
Prince v.d. Konijnenburcht Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Goldy (NHSB 1299515)
Dob (NHSB 1562182) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Chanel (NHSB 1408876)
Vicky (NHSB 1600683) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dounja Kyan Miranda v.d. Robema Hof
Sonja v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Chita v.d. Sonnekant
Sheila (NHSB 1502728) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Caia v.h. Wantij
Meghann (NHSB 1412765) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Caia v.h. Wantij
Chanel (NHSB 1408876) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Chanel v.h. Maasland Glorie
Doesca (NHSB 1408877) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Chanel v.h. Maasland Glorie
Lady (NHSB 1408830) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Anke v. Hagerlo
Vico v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Nora Inter Amnes Tuta
Aster v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Gravin Ellis v.d. Edele Stam
Rambol v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Gravin Ellis v.d. Edele Stam
Chita v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1405390) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dorka v. Hagerlo
Sheila v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1546454) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dorka v. Hagerlo
Prinz v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1467857) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dorka v. Hagerlo
Kieddo v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dorka v. Hagerlo
Argos v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1591062) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dorka v. Hagerlo
Jack (NHSB 1626193) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dymfi (NHSB 1306669)
Hirt v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Daisy v.d. Konijnenburcht
Baro v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Daisy v.d. Konijnenburcht
Cheska v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Daisy v.d. Konijnenburcht
Tijger v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Daisy v.d. Konijnenburcht
Shela v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Daisy v.d. Konijnenburcht
Ringo v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1392566) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Faby v. Hermansjomaik
Terry (NHSB 1408796) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dobber (NHSB 1309337)
Bruno v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Debbie (NHSB 1365645)
Sabor v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Debbie (NHSB 1365645)
Recksy v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Debbie (NHSB 1365645)
Tanja (NHSB 1408842) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Gervah v.d. Groote Maat
Tessa (NHSB 1496800) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Zeus (NHSB 1444076)
Lady v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1405310) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Aryanne Aquende v. Askwald
Cora (NHSB 1510117) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Hymna (NHSB 1300086)
Siry v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tara (NHSB 1294206)
Astra v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1530848) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tara (NHSB 1294206)
Asra v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tara (NHSB 1294206)
Wodan v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1530846) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tara (NHSB 1294206)
Trix v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tara (NHSB 1294206)
Cheeta (NHSB 1415910) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Hildegard (NHSB 1290343)
Nero (NHSB 1530786) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Alaska (NHSB 1316924)
Prince (NHSB 1530785) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Alaska (NHSB 1316924)
Purdy (NHSB 1433193) Female Sister Rondo v. Poort v. Sint Oda Alaska (NHSB 1316924)
Pero (NHSB 1433188) Male Brother Rondo v. Poort v. Sint Oda Alaska (NHSB 1316924)
Sunny v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Anka v.d. Poorten
Turbo v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Anka v.d. Poorten
Schiela v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Anka v.d. Poorten
Sheila v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1582618) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Anka v.d. Poorten
Ceasar (NHSB 1392551) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Britta (NHSB 1254641)
Zico (NHSB 1429320) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Britta (NHSB 1254641)
Bas (NHSB 1546401) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Be-Lady v.'t Vliertzicht
Rover (NHSB 1616556) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Anoes Nanoek v. Crumsborgh
Borody (NHSB 1467771) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Cindy (NHSB 1170809)
Eikel (NHSB 1551747) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Anja-Django v.d. Walshoeve
Nero (NHSB 1551743) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Anja-Django v.d. Walshoeve
Cesar (NHSB 1551744) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Anja-Django v.d. Walshoeve
Elsa v.d. Konijnenburcht Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Goldy (NHSB 1299515)
Cora v.d. Konijnenburcht Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Goldy (NHSB 1299515)
Senne (NHSB 1647098) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dounja Kyan Miranda v.d. Robema Hof
Nando (NHSB 1647096) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dounja Kyan Miranda v.d. Robema Hof
Joey (NHSB 1564295) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dounja Kyan Miranda v.d. Robema Hof
Nicky (NHSB 1647097) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dounja Kyan Miranda v.d. Robema Hof
Bora (NHSB 1564296) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dounja Kyan Miranda v.d. Robema Hof
Karzan (NHSB 1459817) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Terry (NHSB 1408796)
Daisy v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1591010) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Chita v.d. Sonnekant
Lord v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Chita v.d. Sonnekant
Renza v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Chita v.d. Sonnekant
Seeta (NHSB 1412763) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Caia v.h. Wantij
Rex (NHSB 1412760) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Caia v.h. Wantij
Gringo (NHSB 1412761) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Caia v.h. Wantij
Baldo (NHSB 1502723) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Caia v.h. Wantij
Cheba (NHSB 1412665) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Flora v.h. Maasland Glorie
Donar (NHSB 1408873) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Chanel v.h. Maasland Glorie
Kelvin (NHSB 1499279) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Gravin Cally v. Red Roses Proud
Giotti (NHSB 1663180) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dobrynin Bryled v.d. Schipbeekoever
Max (NHSB 1663181) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dobrynin Bryled v.d. Schipbeekoever
Cheata (NHSB 1408829) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Anke v. Hagerlo
Tosca (NHSB 1408832) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Anke v. Hagerlo
Nero (NHSB 1408828) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Anke v. Hagerlo
Myra v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Nora Inter Amnes Tuta
Rocky v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1502847) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Nora Inter Amnes Tuta
Nora v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1467840) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Nora Inter Amnes Tuta
Kartos v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Nora Inter Amnes Tuta
Chita v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1467839) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Nora Inter Amnes Tuta
Grim v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Nora Inter Amnes Tuta
Shiba v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1467838) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Nora Inter Amnes Tuta
Lady v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1485451) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Gravin Ellis v.d. Edele Stam
Aida v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Gravin Ellis v.d. Edele Stam
Rambo v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1405398) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Gravin Ellis v.d. Edele Stam
Shiba v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1405394) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Gravin Ellis v.d. Edele Stam
Krista v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Gravin Ellis v.d. Edele Stam
Nero v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1405395) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Gravin Ellis v.d. Edele Stam
Toean v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Maggie (NHSB 1323322)
Nero v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1572751) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Maggie (NHSB 1323322)
Ingor v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Maggie (NHSB 1323322)
Iwan v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1485439) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Maggie (NHSB 1323322)
Djera v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dorka v. Hagerlo
Sisi v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dorka v. Hagerlo
Astor v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1510170) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dorka v. Hagerlo
Astheca v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dorka v. Hagerlo
Jungk v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dorka v. Hagerlo
Doby v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dorka v. Hagerlo
Shieba v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dorka v. Hagerlo
Hector v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1510168) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dorka v. Hagerlo
Nina v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1405393) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dorka v. Hagerlo
Rokky v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1467858) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dorka v. Hagerlo
Tarzan (NHSB 1626192) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dymfi (NHSB 1306669)
Iwan v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1539678) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Daisy v.d. Konijnenburcht
Gamble v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Daisy v.d. Konijnenburcht
Roy v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1634291) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Daisy v.d. Konijnenburcht
Apollo v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1596603) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Daisy v.d. Konijnenburcht
Duke v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Daisy v.d. Konijnenburcht
Zorba v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1569332) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Daisy v.d. Konijnenburcht
Boy v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1539679) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Daisy v.d. Konijnenburcht
Tessa v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1472563) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tosca (NHSB 1392442)
Bo v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1419780) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Faby v. Hermansjomaik
Tosca v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1419784) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Faby v. Hermansjomaik
Ceser v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Debbie (NHSB 1365645)
Volja v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Debbie (NHSB 1365645)
Safania v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Debbie (NHSB 1365645)
Skippy v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Debbie (NHSB 1365645)
Cesar (NHSB 1627594) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Daisy (NHSB 1198324)
Elco (NHSB 1627591) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Daisy (NHSB 1198324)
Samir (NHSB 1510174) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Gervah v.d. Groote Maat
Rambo (NHSB 1408838) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Gervah v.d. Groote Maat
Rana (NHSB 1496831) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Annuska (NHSB 1278329)
Max (NHSB 1405247) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Annuska (NHSB 1278329)
Reina (NHSB 1405251) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Annuska (NHSB 1278329)
Rambo (NHSB 1496798) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Zeus (NHSB 1444076)
Falco (NHSB 1450003) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Hymna (NHSB 1300086)
Pascal (NHSB 1510115) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Hymna (NHSB 1300086)
Brenda (NHSB 1412790) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Hymna (NHSB 1300086)
Oskar (NHSB 1412782) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Hymna (NHSB 1300086)
Doerak (NHSB 1510113) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Hymna (NHSB 1300086)
Sila v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tara (NHSB 1294206)
Argos v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1485466) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tara (NHSB 1294206)
Caesar v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tara (NHSB 1294206)
Nero v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1582611) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tara (NHSB 1294206)
Buda v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tara (NHSB 1294206)
Ravage v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tara (NHSB 1294206)
Nero (NHSB 1467731) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Hildegard (NHSB 1290343)
Arenta (NHSB 1530790) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Alaska (NHSB 1316924)
Buddie (NHSB 1530784) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Alaska (NHSB 1316924)
Harold v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Anka v.d. Poorten
Gabor v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1539709) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Anka v.d. Poorten
Djanco (NHSB 1429322) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Britta (NHSB 1254641)
Tattoo (NHSB 1429319) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Britta (NHSB 1254641)
Awai (NHSB 1392552) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Britta (NHSB 1254641)
Rhapsody (NHSB 1392553) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Britta (NHSB 1254641)
Chifa (NHSB 1546403) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Be-Lady v.'t Vliertzicht
Edelweiss (NHSB 1546406) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Be-Lady v.'t Vliertzicht
Boy (NHSB 1476133) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tosca (NHSB 1407446)
Solo (NHSB 1392548) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Rena (NHSB 1254642)
Igor (NHSB 1392547) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Rena (NHSB 1254642)
Lady (NHSB 1616557) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Anoes Nanoek v. Crumsborgh
Anoes (NHSB 1616558) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Anoes Nanoek v. Crumsborgh
Nero (NHSB 1467766) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Cindy (NHSB 1170809)
Chico (NHSB 1551748) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Anja-Django v.d. Walshoeve
Wodan (NHSB 1551746) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Anja-Django v.d. Walshoeve
Berry v.d. Konijnenburcht Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Goldy (NHSB 1299515)
Max v.d. Konijnenburcht Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Goldy (NHSB 1299515)
Inca v.d. Konijnenburcht Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Goldy (NHSB 1299515)
Zaika (NHSB 1562190) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Chanel (NHSB 1408876)
Glenda (NHSB 1562191) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Chanel (NHSB 1408876)
Tarra (NHSB 1562183) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Chanel (NHSB 1408876)
Astra (NHSB 1562189) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Chanel (NHSB 1408876)
Sandy (NHSB 1562188) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Chanel (NHSB 1408876)
Condor (NHSB 1519799) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Nora (NHSB 1329108)
Brando (NHSB 1412673) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Nora (NHSB 1329108)
Lady (NHSB 1412674) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Nora (NHSB 1329108)
Cesar (NHSB 1564293) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dounja Kyan Miranda v.d. Robema Hof
Kasper (NHSB 1600681) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dounja Kyan Miranda v.d. Robema Hof
Rokko (NHSB 1564294) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dounja Kyan Miranda v.d. Robema Hof
Ira (NHSB 1600684) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dounja Kyan Miranda v.d. Robema Hof
Doby (NHSB 1600682) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dounja Kyan Miranda v.d. Robema Hof
Nero (NHSB 1459816) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Terry (NHSB 1408796)
Terry (NHSB 1459818) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Terry (NHSB 1408796)
Sheba v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1496902) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Chita v.d. Sonnekant
Basco v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Chita v.d. Sonnekant
Cliff v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Chita v.d. Sonnekant
Asja v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Chita v.d. Sonnekant
Kazan v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1398613) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Chita v.d. Sonnekant
Prins v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1398615) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Chita v.d. Sonnekant
Shila v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1591011) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Chita v.d. Sonnekant
Apollo v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1496900) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Chita v.d. Sonnekant
Nouska (NHSB 1502729) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Caia v.h. Wantij
Caya (NHSB 1502725) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Caia v.h. Wantij
Rex (NHSB 1502724) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Caia v.h. Wantij
Bons (NHSB 1502726) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Caia v.h. Wantij
Seytan (NHSB 1412762) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Caia v.h. Wantij
Astor (NHSB 1412758) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Caia v.h. Wantij
Tilly (NHSB 1412666) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Flora v.h. Maasland Glorie
Appdoria (NHSB 1412668) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Flora v.h. Maasland Glorie
Apollo (NHSB 1408875) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Chanel v.h. Maasland Glorie
Castor (NHSB 1408872) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Chanel v.h. Maasland Glorie
Wuta (NHSB 1499281) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Gravin Cally v. Red Roses Proud
Murphy (NHSB 1499278) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Gravin Cally v. Red Roses Proud
Duke (NHSB 1663179) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dobrynin Bryled v.d. Schipbeekoever
Apollo (NHSB 1663178) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dobrynin Bryled v.d. Schipbeekoever
Aska (NHSB 1408831) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Anke v. Hagerlo
Kazan (NHSB 1408827) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Anke v. Hagerlo
Wodan v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1530723) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Nora Inter Amnes Tuta
Conan v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1412638) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Nora Inter Amnes Tuta
Rick v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Nora Inter Amnes Tuta
Julio v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Nora Inter Amnes Tuta
Gipsy v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Nora Inter Amnes Tuta
Cita v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1502850) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Nora Inter Amnes Tuta
Astra v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1431833) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Nora Inter Amnes Tuta
Anouska v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Nora Inter Amnes Tuta
Clay v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Nora Inter Amnes Tuta
Max v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1530719) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Nora Inter Amnes Tuta
Ringo v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1485448) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Gravin Ellis v.d. Edele Stam
Skip v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Gravin Ellis v.d. Edele Stam
Zita v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1485449) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Gravin Ellis v.d. Edele Stam
Prinz v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1485446) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Gravin Ellis v.d. Edele Stam
Igor v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1591015) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Gravin Ellis v.d. Edele Stam
Sylta v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Gravin Ellis v.d. Edele Stam
Loki v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Gravin Ellis v.d. Edele Stam
Astor v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1591012) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Gravin Ellis v.d. Edele Stam
Rocco v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1405397) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Gravin Ellis v.d. Edele Stam
Bella v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Maggie (NHSB 1323322)
Nikky v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Maggie (NHSB 1323322)
Joyse v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Maggie (NHSB 1323322)
Azar v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Maggie (NHSB 1323322)
Daisy v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1539734) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Maggie (NHSB 1323322)
Kay v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1539730) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Maggie (NHSB 1323322)
Shera v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Maggie (NHSB 1323322)
Monza v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Maggie (NHSB 1323322)
Astor v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1539727) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Maggie (NHSB 1323322)
Vera v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Maggie (NHSB 1323322)
Soraja v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Maggie (NHSB 1323322)
Kim v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1539733) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Maggie (NHSB 1323322)
Ursa v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Maggie (NHSB 1323322)
Wodan v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1412793) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Maggie (NHSB 1323322)
Apollona v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Maggie (NHSB 1323322)
Blacky v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Maggie (NHSB 1323322)
Zoltan v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1591059) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dorka v. Hagerlo
Bo v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1591060) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dorka v. Hagerlo
Diva v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dorka v. Hagerlo
Luno v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dorka v. Hagerlo
Blake v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dorka v. Hagerlo
Doenja v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1405389) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dorka v. Hagerlo
Sindy v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dorka v. Hagerlo
Anouschka v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dorka v. Hagerlo
Mollie (NHSB 1626194) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dymfi (NHSB 1306669)
Nancie v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Daisy v.d. Konijnenburcht
Maik v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Daisy v.d. Konijnenburcht
Blooper v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Daisy v.d. Konijnenburcht
Brenda v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1634295) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Daisy v.d. Konijnenburcht
Sheila v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1539684) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Daisy v.d. Konijnenburcht
Kazan v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1634288) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Daisy v.d. Konijnenburcht
Maxie v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Daisy v.d. Konijnenburcht
Dino v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Daisy v.d. Konijnenburcht
Nina v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1539683) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Daisy v.d. Konijnenburcht
Esra v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Daisy v.d. Konijnenburcht
Chantal v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Daisy v.d. Konijnenburcht
King v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1569334) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Daisy v.d. Konijnenburcht
Aristo (NHSB 1447755) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Cindy v.d. Rosmar Stam
Eagle v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tosca (NHSB 1392442)
Chico v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1472560) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tosca (NHSB 1392442)
Tamar v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Faby v. Hermansjomaik
Prinses v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Faby v. Hermansjomaik
Shila v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1419782) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Faby v. Hermansjomaik
Tanja v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1392569) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Faby v. Hermansjomaik
Asta v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1392564) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Faby v. Hermansjomaik
Chita v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1392570) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Faby v. Hermansjomaik
Came (NHSB 1408794) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dobber (NHSB 1309337)
Rambo (NHSB 1408797) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dobber (NHSB 1309337)
Macho (NHSB 1408795) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dobber (NHSB 1309337)
Wilson v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Debbie (NHSB 1365645)
Chita v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1555167) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Debbie (NHSB 1365645)
Knots v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Debbie (NHSB 1365645)
Cheyenne v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Debbie (NHSB 1365645)
Oscar v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Debbie (NHSB 1365645)
Amber v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1615659) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Debbie (NHSB 1365645)
Castor v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Debbie (NHSB 1365645)
Cirda v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Debbie (NHSB 1365645)
Noortje v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Debbie (NHSB 1365645)
Brian (NHSB 1627593) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Daisy (NHSB 1198324)
Casper (NHSB 1627595) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Daisy (NHSB 1198324)
Dobias (NHSB 1627592) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Daisy (NHSB 1198324)
Kyra (NHSB 1408839) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Gervah v.d. Groote Maat
Marco (NHSB 1524384) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Bella v. Eggelbolts Stam
Ludo (NHSB 1511967) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Rossi v. Eggelbolts Stam
Rio (NHSB 1511968) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Rossi v. Eggelbolts Stam
King (NHSB 1496829) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Annuska (NHSB 1278329)
Easy (NHSB 1405249) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Annuska (NHSB 1278329)
Aimy (NHSB 1405253) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Annuska (NHSB 1278329)
Basco (NHSB 1405250) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Annuska (NHSB 1278329)
Sheltie (NHSB 1405252) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Annuska (NHSB 1278329)
Queen (NHSB 1405254) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Annuska (NHSB 1278329)
Sheela (NHSB 1496832) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Annuska (NHSB 1278329)
Basco (NHSB 1525724) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Laika (NHSB 1467733)
Isis (NHSB 1525725) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Laika (NHSB 1467733)
Prins (NHSB 1525723) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Laika (NHSB 1467733)
Rico (NHSB 1496799) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Zeus (NHSB 1444076)
Judy v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Aryanne Aquende v. Askwald
Sharley v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Aryanne Aquende v. Askwald
Tanja v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1405311) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Aryanne Aquende v. Askwald
Arco (NHSB 1450001) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Hymna (NHSB 1300086)
Andjing (NHSB 1412787) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Hymna (NHSB 1300086)
Astor (NHSB 1450002) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Hymna (NHSB 1300086)
Boy (NHSB 1510114) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Hymna (NHSB 1300086)
Duck (NHSB 1412785) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Hymna (NHSB 1300086)
Wodan (NHSB 1510116) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Hymna (NHSB 1300086)
Mozes (NHSB 1450004) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Hymna (NHSB 1300086)
Guntos (NHSB 1412784) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Hymna (NHSB 1300086)
Basco (NHSB 1412786) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Hymna (NHSB 1300086)
Saban (NHSB 1450008) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Hymna (NHSB 1300086)
Astra (NHSB 1510119) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Hymna (NHSB 1300086)
Kiki v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tara (NHSB 1294206)
Rex v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1582609) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tara (NHSB 1294206)
Aron v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1398618) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tara (NHSB 1294206)
Vito v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1582610) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tara (NHSB 1294206)
Poma v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tara (NHSB 1294206)
Dobbe v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tara (NHSB 1294206)
Obelix v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tara (NHSB 1294206)
King v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1485465) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tara (NHSB 1294206)
Wanda v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tara (NHSB 1294206)
Shila v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1398620) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tara (NHSB 1294206)
Juno v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tara (NHSB 1294206)
Xara v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tara (NHSB 1294206)
Pollo v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tara (NHSB 1294206)
Eva v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tara (NHSB 1294206)
Nicky v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tara (NHSB 1294206)
Rafka v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tara (NHSB 1294206)
Abba (NHSB 1467732) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Hildegard (NHSB 1290343)
Pinta (NHSB 1415907) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Hildegard (NHSB 1290343)
Rocky (NHSB 1467730) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Hildegard (NHSB 1290343)
Laika (NHSB 1467733) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Hildegard (NHSB 1290343)
Shabo (NHSB 1467729) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Hildegard (NHSB 1290343)
Chacha (NHSB 1415911) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Hildegard (NHSB 1290343)
Arenta (NHSB 1433196) Female Sister Rondo v. Poort v. Sint Oda Alaska (NHSB 1316924)
Pebles v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Anka v.d. Poorten
Jako v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Anka v.d. Poorten
Ditta v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Anka v.d. Poorten
Rokky v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1502854) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Anka v.d. Poorten
Kay v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1582616) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Anka v.d. Poorten
Athos v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Anka v.d. Poorten
Patty v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Anka v.d. Poorten
Grando v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1412834) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Anka v.d. Poorten
Sky v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Anka v.d. Poorten
Boy v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1582614) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Anka v.d. Poorten
Rudy v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Anka v.d. Poorten
Amor v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Anka v.d. Poorten
She-Ra v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Anka v.d. Poorten
Arak v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Anka v.d. Poorten
Nero v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1412833) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Anka v.d. Poorten
Pascal v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Anka v.d. Poorten
Nora v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1582619) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Anka v.d. Poorten
Lubor (NHSB 1429321) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Britta (NHSB 1254641)
Caia (NHSB 1392554) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Britta (NHSB 1254641)
Rambo (NHSB 1429316) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Britta (NHSB 1254641)
Levi (NHSB 1429317) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Britta (NHSB 1254641)
Barak (NHSB 1392550) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Britta (NHSB 1254641)
Boris (NHSB 1546405) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Be-Lady v.'t Vliertzicht
Bowie (NHSB 1546404) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Be-Lady v.'t Vliertzicht
Toxy (NHSB 1476135) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tosca (NHSB 1407446)
Tosca (NHSB 1476137) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tosca (NHSB 1407446)
Nona (NHSB 1476136) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tosca (NHSB 1407446)
Beauty (NHSB 1392549) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Rena (NHSB 1254642)
Furana (NHSB 1467770) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Cindy (NHSB 1170809)
Rabby (NHSB 1467763) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Cindy (NHSB 1170809)
Bianka (NHSB 1467769) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Cindy (NHSB 1170809)
Kay (NHSB 1467765) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Cindy (NHSB 1170809)
Rasta v.d. Konijnenburcht Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Goldy (NHSB 1299515)
Gitta v.d. Konijnenburcht Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Goldy (NHSB 1299515)
Arco v.d. Konijnenburcht Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Goldy (NHSB 1299515)
Sunny v.d. Konijnenburcht Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Goldy (NHSB 1299515)
Barrycare (NHSB 1562187) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Chanel (NHSB 1408876)
Doby (NHSB 1519801) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Nora (NHSB 1329108)
Chico (NHSB 1412672) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Nora (NHSB 1329108)
Borre (NHSB 1647095) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dounja Kyan Miranda v.d. Robema Hof
Sarah (NHSB 1459819) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Terry (NHSB 1408796)
Lindsay (NHSB 1459820) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Terry (NHSB 1408796)
Sheila v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1530783) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Chita v.d. Sonnekant
Devil v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Chita v.d. Sonnekant
Nero v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1398614) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Chita v.d. Sonnekant
Boy v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1530780) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Chita v.d. Sonnekant
Pasja v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1530779) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Chita v.d. Sonnekant
Tosca v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1496903) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Chita v.d. Sonnekant
Laly v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Chita v.d. Sonnekant
Anouk (NHSB 1412764) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Caia v.h. Wantij
Sam (NHSB 1412759) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Caia v.h. Wantij
Asta (NHSB 1502727) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Caia v.h. Wantij
Doby (NHSB 1412667) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Flora v.h. Maasland Glorie
Nero (NHSB 1412664) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Flora v.h. Maasland Glorie
Prins (NHSB 1408874) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Chanel v.h. Maasland Glorie
Cita (NHSB 1408879) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Chanel v.h. Maasland Glorie
Anoeschka (NHSB 1408878) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Chanel v.h. Maasland Glorie
Jamie (NHSB 1499284) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Gravin Cally v. Red Roses Proud
Zhora (NHSB 1499283) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Gravin Cally v. Red Roses Proud
Chantal (NHSB 1499282) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Gravin Cally v. Red Roses Proud
Beauty (NHSB 1499280) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Gravin Cally v. Red Roses Proud
Zora (NHSB 1408834) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Anke v. Hagerlo
Chiba (NHSB 1408826) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Anke v. Hagerlo
Astra (NHSB 1408833) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Anke v. Hagerlo
Rocky v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1467836) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Nora Inter Amnes Tuta
Zuby v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Nora Inter Amnes Tuta
Iwan v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1502848) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Nora Inter Amnes Tuta
Faico v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Nora Inter Amnes Tuta
Alex v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Gravin Ellis v.d. Edele Stam
Laica v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1591016) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Gravin Ellis v.d. Edele Stam
Thiery v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Gravin Ellis v.d. Edele Stam
Adiro v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Gravin Ellis v.d. Edele Stam
Nero v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1591013) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Gravin Ellis v.d. Edele Stam
Gaucho v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Gravin Ellis v.d. Edele Stam
Zico v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1412792) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Maggie (NHSB 1323322)
Donja v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1572753) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Maggie (NHSB 1323322)
Sheila v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1485445) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Maggie (NHSB 1323322)
Toska v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Maggie (NHSB 1323322)
Benzo v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Maggie (NHSB 1323322)
Rossi v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Maggie (NHSB 1323322)
Kim v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1591063) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dorka v. Hagerlo
Sandy v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dorka v. Hagerlo
Astra v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1591064) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dorka v. Hagerlo
Fovad v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dorka v. Hagerlo
Zezar v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dorka v. Hagerlo
Chita v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1591061) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dorka v. Hagerlo
Dobo v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Dorka v. Hagerlo
Saba v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Daisy v.d. Konijnenburcht
Wodan v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1634292) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Daisy v.d. Konijnenburcht
Donna v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1596605) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Daisy v.d. Konijnenburcht
Fakir v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Daisy v.d. Konijnenburcht
Tessa v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1596607) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Daisy v.d. Konijnenburcht
Kiera v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Daisy v.d. Konijnenburcht
Rusty (NHSB 1447753) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Cindy v.d. Rosmar Stam
Remco (NHSB 1447754) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Cindy v.d. Rosmar Stam
Brenda (NHSB 1447757) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Cindy v.d. Rosmar Stam
Rambo (NHSB 1447756) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Cindy v.d. Rosmar Stam
Nero v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1472558) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tosca (NHSB 1392442)
Cara v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tosca (NHSB 1392442)
Rex v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1392567) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Faby v. Hermansjomaik
Dobber v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1419781) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Faby v. Hermansjomaik
Bot v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Faby v. Hermansjomaik
Sanny v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Debbie (NHSB 1365645)
Benno v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Debbie (NHSB 1365645)
Bianca (NHSB 1408841) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Gervah v.d. Groote Maat
Aksel (NHSB 1510173) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Gervah v.d. Groote Maat
Doby (NHSB 1408840) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Gervah v.d. Groote Maat
Björn v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Cora v.d. Edelehof (NHSB 1565440)
Tara (NHSB 1511970) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Rossi v. Eggelbolts Stam
Wanda (NHSB 1511969) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Rossi v. Eggelbolts Stam
Boris (NHSB 1405248) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Annuska (NHSB 1278329)
Lady (NHSB 1496830) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Annuska (NHSB 1278329)
Rambo v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1431828) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Aryanne Aquende v. Askwald
Max v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1431827) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Aryanne Aquende v. Askwald
Nora v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1405312) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Aryanne Aquende v. Askwald
Micky (NHSB 1412783) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Hymna (NHSB 1300086)
Astrid (NHSB 1510118) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Hymna (NHSB 1300086)
Fanny (NHSB 1412791) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Hymna (NHSB 1300086)
Brenda (NHSB 1450006) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Hymna (NHSB 1300086)
Nora (NHSB 1450007) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Hymna (NHSB 1300086)
Rokkie (NHSB 1450005) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Hymna (NHSB 1300086)
Sylvan (NHSB 1412788) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Hymna (NHSB 1300086)
Sheila (NHSB 1510120) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Hymna (NHSB 1300086)
Wodan v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1530852) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tara (NHSB 1294206)
Astor v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1485464) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tara (NHSB 1294206)
Cezar v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tara (NHSB 1294206)
Gerrit v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tara (NHSB 1294206)
Geisha v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tara (NHSB 1294206)
Tosca v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1582607) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tara (NHSB 1294206)
Wodan v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1611498) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tara (NHSB 1294206)
Asta v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1530849) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tara (NHSB 1294206)
Zorba v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1611496) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tara (NHSB 1294206)
Aron v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1485463) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tara (NHSB 1294206)
Regina v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tara (NHSB 1294206)
Risky v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tara (NHSB 1294206)
Mischa v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1485471) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tara (NHSB 1294206)
Donja (NHSB 1467734) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Hildegard (NHSB 1290343)
Sheila (NHSB 1415908) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Hildegard (NHSB 1290343)
Cezar (NHSB 1415906) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Hildegard (NHSB 1290343)
Djanga (NHSB 1415909) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Hildegard (NHSB 1290343)
Kim (NHSB 1530791) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Alaska (NHSB 1316924)
Jem (NHSB 1530787) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Alaska (NHSB 1316924)
Loeki (NHSB 1530789) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Alaska (NHSB 1316924)
Garfa (NHSB 1433197) Female Sister Rondo v. Poort v. Sint Oda Alaska (NHSB 1316924)
Donja (NHSB 1433198) Female Sister Rondo v. Poort v. Sint Oda Alaska (NHSB 1316924)
Apollo (NHSB 1433189) Male Brother Rondo v. Poort v. Sint Oda Alaska (NHSB 1316924)
Kim (NHSB 1433195) Female Sister Rondo v. Poort v. Sint Oda Alaska (NHSB 1316924)
Citha (NHSB 1433192) Female Sister Rondo v. Poort v. Sint Oda Alaska (NHSB 1316924)
Zoef (NHSB 1433190) Male Brother Rondo v. Poort v. Sint Oda Alaska (NHSB 1316924)
Sera (NHSB 1433194) Female Sister Rondo v. Poort v. Sint Oda Alaska (NHSB 1316924)
Basco (NHSB 1433191) Male Brother Rondo v. Poort v. Sint Oda Alaska (NHSB 1316924)
Nick v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Anka v.d. Poorten
Aron v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1539710) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Anka v.d. Poorten
Tikoes v. Eggelbolts Stam Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Anka v.d. Poorten
Arco v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1539708) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Anka v.d. Poorten
Kim v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1539712) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Anka v.d. Poorten
Katinka v. Eggelbolts Stam Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Anka v.d. Poorten
Kim v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1412838) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Anka v.d. Poorten
Aron v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1502853) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Anka v.d. Poorten
Astra v. Eggelbolts Stam (NHSB 1502860) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Anka v.d. Poorten
Rocco (NHSB 1546402) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Be-Lady v.'t Vliertzicht
Lady (NHSB 1476138) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Tosca (NHSB 1407446)
Karzan (NHSB 1467767) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Cindy (NHSB 1170809)
Apollo (NHSB 1467764) Male Brother Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Cindy (NHSB 1170809)
Bianca (NHSB 1467768) Female Sister Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Cindy (NHSB 1170809)

We Could not find any Offspring for Tessa (NHSB 1530788) in our system.


Name Sex Relationship Father Mother Birth Death Life Span Cause Of Death
Astra v. Petranda's Hof (NHSB 1323307) Female Aunt Andy Aziz v. Franckenhorst Daphne v. Petranda's Hof
Tanja (NHSB 1327606) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Blanca v. Holdenstein
Whodann (NHSB 1140701) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Tanyo (NHSB 1017785)
Basco (NHSB 1279065) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Caroline v.'t Avergoor
Donar (NHSB 1371662) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Viola v.'t Baldere Hoogt
Hidra v.d. Hooghe Weide Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Ulrike v.d. Hooghe Weide
Rex (NHSB 1316923) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Laska (NHSB 1203026)
Uzzy v. Petranda's Hof Male Uncle Andy Aziz v. Franckenhorst Daphne v. Petranda's Hof
Willem v.d. Hooghe Weide Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Riska v.d. Hooghe Weide
Casper (NHSB 1190884) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Tanyo (NHSB 1017785)
Asta (NHSB 1382964) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Shella v. Wegdams Glorie (NHSB 1229759)
Bruno (NHSB 1392521) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Tosca (NHSB 1274323)
Cantos v. Petranda's Hof Male Uncle Caecilius Cassander v. Diaspora Odette v. Franckenhorst
Basco v.'t Iesselland (NHSB 1472435) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Anoushka v.d. Oude Gheyn
Nouska (NHSB 1260349) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Anoushka v.d. Oude Gheyn
Dusty v. Petranda's Hof Female Aunt Bryanstam's Granito Grazieson Odette v. Franckenhorst
Heidi v.'t Iesselland Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Anoushka v.d. Oude Gheyn
Oscar (NHSB 1280509) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Ysla v. Wegdams Glorie
Broy (NHSB 1273501) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Blanca v. Holdenstein
Tarzan (NHSB 1327596) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Blanca v. Holdenstein
Rianka (NHSB 1273505) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Blanca v. Holdenstein
Hertha (NHSB 1262849) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Saskiea v.d. Rotmanshoeve
Passha (NHSB 1371665) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Viola v.'t Baldere Hoogt
Bikq (NHSB 1371663) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Viola v.'t Baldere Hoogt
Daisy v.d. Rosmar Stam Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Sheila v. Hagerlo
Pius (NHSB 1405231) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Freya (NHSB 1180496)
Fanny (NHSB 1405235) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Freya (NHSB 1180496)
Fleur Cindij v.d. Zwaluwenhof Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Oelga v.d. Hooghe Weide
Jumper (NHSB 1316925) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Laska (NHSB 1203026)
Duche (NHSB 1108648) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Sandie (NHSB 556099)
Vester v.d. Hooghe Weide Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Elfi v.d. Hooghe Weide (NHSB 1050558)
Uttalh-Costa v.d. Hooghe Weide Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Elfi v.d. Hooghe Weide (NHSB 1050558)
Urbahn v.d. Hooghe Weide Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Elfi v.d. Hooghe Weide (NHSB 1050558)
Alyzza (NHSB 1225770) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Caroline v.'t Avergoor
Gravin Geta v. Elsjon Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Gravin Clarina v. Elsjon
Gravin Graziella v. Elsjon Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Gravin Clarina v. Elsjon
Graaf Hercules v. Elsjon Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Gravin Clarina v. Elsjon
Graaf Henry v. Elsjon Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Gravin Clarina v. Elsjon
Gravin Hacienda v. Elsjon Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Gravin Clarina v. Elsjon
Gravin Genevieve v. Elsjon Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Gravin Clarina v. Elsjon
Lacytha Inter Amnes Tuta Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Diana v.d. Räuberhöhle
Layla Inter Amnes Tuta Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Diana v.d. Räuberhöhle
Asta (NHSB 1260350) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Anoushka v.d. Oude Gheyn
Wanda (NHSB 1260353) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Anoushka v.d. Oude Gheyn
Angelina Catharin v.'t Iesselland Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Anoushka v.d. Oude Gheyn
Duke (NHSB 1280508) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Ysla v. Wegdams Glorie
Athene v.h. Oude Molenzicht Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Beauty v.d. Astra-Hoeve
Wessel v.d. Hooghe Weide (NHSB 1378205) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Riska v.d. Hooghe Weide
Ceasar (NHSB 1445198) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Rouska (NHSB 1310228)
Vince (NHSB 1445202) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Rouska (NHSB 1310228)
Blacky (NHSB 1445201) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Rouska (NHSB 1310228)
Nikos (NHSB 1190879) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Tanyo (NHSB 1017785)
Drakar v.d. Zwarohabox Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Desy v.d. Eland
Dayan v.d. Zwarohabox Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Desy v.d. Eland
Alwin v.h. Lasserland Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Olga v.d. Hooghe Weide (NHSB 1193727)
Anda v.h. Lasserland Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Olga v.d. Hooghe Weide (NHSB 1193727)
Anoek v.h. Lasserland Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Olga v.d. Hooghe Weide (NHSB 1193727)
Ascha v.h. Lasserland Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Olga v.d. Hooghe Weide (NHSB 1193727)
Kay (NHSB 1327605) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Blanca v. Holdenstein
Dex (NHSB 1327598) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Blanca v. Holdenstein
Nievar (NHSB 1327597) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Blanca v. Holdenstein
Karhu (NHSB 1327599) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Blanca v. Holdenstein
Sita (NHSB 1273504) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Blanca v. Holdenstein
Vera (NHSB 1327603) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Blanca v. Holdenstein
Bas (NHSB 1273500) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Blanca v. Holdenstein
Onix (NHSB 1273502) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Blanca v. Holdenstein
Kassep (NHSB 1327607) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Blanca v. Holdenstein
Roxy (NHSB 1371605) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Tamara (NHSB 1221221)
Sadick (NHSB 1206910) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Lyla v. Wilriksoord
Toscha (NHSB 1206912) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Lyla v. Wilriksoord
Donja v.d. Rosmar Stam Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Sheila v. Hagerlo
Duke v.d. Rosmar Stam Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Sheila v. Hagerlo
Nero (NHSB 1405232) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Freya (NHSB 1180496)
Silas (NHSB 1366507) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Lady Dianne from Red Williams Place
Nero (NHSB 1370669) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Nora (NHSB 1207786)
Appollo (NHSB 1370673) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Nora (NHSB 1207786)
Durban (NHSB 1370670) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Nora (NHSB 1207786)
Jessica (NHSB 1316926) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Laska (NHSB 1203026)
Shella (NHSB 1382961) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Shella v. Wegdams Glorie (NHSB 1229759)
Esther (NHSB 1108649) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Sandie (NHSB 556099)
Jodie (NHSB 108646) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Sandie (NHSB 556099)
Kazan (NHSB 1444108) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Asta v.'t Avergoor (NHSB 984621)
Kayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Elfi v.d. Hooghe Weide (NHSB 1050558)
Urufus v.d. Hooghe Weide Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Elfi v.d. Hooghe Weide (NHSB 1050558)
Uttah v.d. Hooghe Weide Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Elfi v.d. Hooghe Weide (NHSB 1050558)
Valas v.d. Hooghe Weide Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Elfi v.d. Hooghe Weide (NHSB 1050558)
Nero v.d. Hooghe Weide (NHSB 1190903) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Elfi v.d. Hooghe Weide (NHSB 1050558)
Nandor v.d. Hooghe Weide (NHSB 1190905) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Elfi v.d. Hooghe Weide (NHSB 1050558)
Assai (NHSB 1225775) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Caroline v.'t Avergoor
Kazan (NHSB 1225776) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Caroline v.'t Avergoor
Björn (NHSB 1279064) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Caroline v.'t Avergoor
Borro (NHSB 1279066) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Caroline v.'t Avergoor
Astreae (NHSB 1225774) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Caroline v.'t Avergoor
Graaf Iras v. Elsjon Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Gravin Clarina v. Elsjon
Graaf Goliath v. Elsjon Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Gravin Clarina v. Elsjon
Gravin Gieda v. Elsjon Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Gravin Clarina v. Elsjon
Gravin Ilona v. Elsjon Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Gravin Clarina v. Elsjon
Larissa Inter Amnes Tuta Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Diana v.d. Räuberhöhle
Latho Inter Amnes Tuta Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Diana v.d. Räuberhöhle
Lotte Inter Amnes Tuta Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Diana v.d. Räuberhöhle
Rik (NHSB 1415845) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Aster v.'t Wolf-Heesch
Jany-Loena v.d. Hooghe Weide Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Ulrike v.d. Hooghe Weide
Hagar v.d. Hooghe Weide Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Ulrike v.d. Hooghe Weide
Cleopatra (NHSB 1260354) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Anoushka v.d. Oude Gheyn
Castor (NHSB 1260345) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Anoushka v.d. Oude Gheyn
Trix v.'t Iesselland Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Anoushka v.d. Oude Gheyn
Aaron (NHSB 1260348) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Anoushka v.d. Oude Gheyn
Royalty v. L'Auberge Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Gravin Astrit v. Rastenwald
Fredo v. l'Auberge Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Gravin Astrit v. Rastenwald
Bianca v. l'Auberge Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Gravin Astrit v. Rastenwald
Astha (NHSB 1250836) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Bianca v.d. Kampsmaten
Desi v. Petranda's Hof Female Aunt Bryanstam's Granito Grazieson Odette v. Franckenhorst
Cristina v. Petranda's Hof Female Aunt Caecilius Cassander v. Diaspora Odette v. Franckenhorst
Eguason v. Petranda's Hof Male Uncle Andy Aziz v. Franckenhorst Odette v. Franckenhorst
Wiske v.d. Hooghe Weide Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Riska v.d. Hooghe Weide
Wanda v.d. Hooghe Weide Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Riska v.d. Hooghe Weide
Reks (NHSB 1445197) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Rouska (NHSB 1310228)
Ulthor (NHSB 1445206) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Rouska (NHSB 1310228)
Wodan (NHSB 1445204) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Rouska (NHSB 1310228)
Wodann (NHSB 1445195) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Rouska (NHSB 1310228)
Axel v. Hagerlo (NHSB 1223371) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Astrid (NHSB 951828)
Joris (NHSB 1140703) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Tanyo (NHSB 1017785)
Desy v.d. Zwarohabox Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Desy v.d. Eland
Basco (NHSB 1392523) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Tosca (NHSB 1274323)
Rocky (NHSB 1392524) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Tosca (NHSB 1274323)
Jena (NHSB 1392526) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Tosca (NHSB 1274323)
Akke v.h. Lasserland Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Olga v.d. Hooghe Weide (NHSB 1193727)
Axel v.h. Lasserland Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Olga v.d. Hooghe Weide (NHSB 1193727)
Arm�© v.h. Lasserland Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Olga v.d. Hooghe Weide (NHSB 1193727)
Anouck v.h. Lasserland Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Olga v.d. Hooghe Weide (NHSB 1193727)
Waldo (NHSB 1327601) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Blanca v. Holdenstein
Snoopy (NHSB 1273498) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Blanca v. Holdenstein
Noeska (NHSB 1273507) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Blanca v. Holdenstein
Roland (NHSB 1327600) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Blanca v. Holdenstein
Lianka (NHSB 1273503) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Blanca v. Holdenstein
Boris (NHSB 1262850) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Saskiea v.d. Rotmanshoeve
Kyo (NHSB 1371598) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Tamara (NHSB 1221221)
Tamara (NHSB 1371603) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Tamara (NHSB 1221221)
Doesca (NHSB 1371602) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Tamara (NHSB 1221221)
Oscar (NHSB 1371597) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Tamara (NHSB 1221221)
Tanja (NHSB 1371604) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Tamara (NHSB 1221221)
Terry (NHSB 1371600) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Tamara (NHSB 1221221)
Apollo (NHSB 1228775) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Gravin Elinka v. Elsjon
Crow (NHSB 1228774) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Gravin Elinka v. Elsjon
Zues (NHSB 1361160) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Astra (NHSB 1245711)
Fasco (NHSB 1361158) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Astra (NHSB 1245711)
Shyla (NHSB 1361161) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Astra (NHSB 1245711)
Sheila (NHSB 1371667) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Viola v.'t Baldere Hoogt
Ulrick (NHSB 1215944) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Citta v.d. Hooghe Weide
Doby (NHSB 1206909) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Lyla v. Wilriksoord
Daura v.d. Rosmar Stam Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Sheila v. Hagerlo
Debora v.d. Rosmar Stam Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Sheila v. Hagerlo
Arat (NHSB 1405234) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Freya (NHSB 1180496)
Duke (NHSB 1405229) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Freya (NHSB 1180496)
Cita (NHSB 1366508) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Lady Dianne from Red Williams Place
Beda (NHSB 1370668) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Nora (NHSB 1207786)
Bora (NHSB 1370675) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Nora (NHSB 1207786)
Brenda (NHSB 1370674) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Nora (NHSB 1207786)
Joris (NHSB 1370672) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Nora (NHSB 1207786)
Fanny v.d. Zwaluwenhof Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Oelga v.d. Hooghe Weide
Fiona v.d. Zwaluwenhof Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Oelga v.d. Hooghe Weide
Frits v.d. Zwaluwenhof Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Oelga v.d. Hooghe Weide
Borris (NHSB 1316919) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Laska (NHSB 1203026)
Astor (NHSB 1316922) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Laska (NHSB 1203026)
Cindy (NHSB 1316927) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Laska (NHSB 1203026)
Nero (NHSB 1382959) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Shella v. Wegdams Glorie (NHSB 1229759)
Dobber (NHSB 1382962) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Shella v. Wegdams Glorie (NHSB 1229759)
Sendie (NHSB 1108647) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Sandie (NHSB 556099)
Bruno (NHSB 1108644) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Sandie (NHSB 556099)
Tasna (NHSB 1323390) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Asta v.'t Avergoor (NHSB 984621)
Nouska (NHSB 1323391) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Asta v.'t Avergoor (NHSB 984621)
Jasper (NHSB 1323387) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Asta v.'t Avergoor (NHSB 984621)
Apollo (NHSB 1444107) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Asta v.'t Avergoor (NHSB 984621)
Afra (NHSB 1444112) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Asta v.'t Avergoor (NHSB 984621)
Ringo (NHSB 1323388) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Asta v.'t Avergoor (NHSB 984621)
Nanda-Feydo v.d. Hooghe Weide Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Elfi v.d. Hooghe Weide (NHSB 1050558)
Nicol-Tara v.d. Hooghe Weide Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Elfi v.d. Hooghe Weide (NHSB 1050558)
Urbanus v.d. Hooghe Weide Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Elfi v.d. Hooghe Weide (NHSB 1050558)
Kardoes v.d. Hooghe Weide Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Elfi v.d. Hooghe Weide (NHSB 1050558)
Siki v.d. Hooghe Weide Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Elfi v.d. Hooghe Weide (NHSB 1050558)
Urban v.d. Hooghe Weide (NHSB 1288588) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Elfi v.d. Hooghe Weide (NHSB 1050558)
Kastor v.d. Hooghe Weide Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Elfi v.d. Hooghe Weide (NHSB 1050558)
Sidoby v.d. Hooghe Weide Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Elfi v.d. Hooghe Weide (NHSB 1050558)
Sultan v.d. Hooghe Weide Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Elfi v.d. Hooghe Weide (NHSB 1050558)
Si-Lothar v.d. Hooghe Weide Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Elfi v.d. Hooghe Weide (NHSB 1050558)
Joeka (NHSB 1136399) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Rakker (NHSB 780633)
Apollo (NHSB 1225772) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Caroline v.'t Avergoor
Monza (NHSB 1225773) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Caroline v.'t Avergoor
Odetta (NHSB 1279069) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Caroline v.'t Avergoor
Barry (NHSB 1279063) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Caroline v.'t Avergoor
Graaf Guido v. Elsjon Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Gravin Clarina v. Elsjon
Graaf Iwan v.Elsjon Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Gravin Clarina v. Elsjon
Graaf Gino v. Elsjon Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Gravin Clarina v. Elsjon
Gravin Isolde v. Elsjon Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Gravin Clarina v. Elsjon
Gravin Honny v. Elsjon Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Gravin Clarina v. Elsjon
Graaf Gaston v. Elsjon Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Gravin Clarina v. Elsjon
Laroy Inter Amnes Tuta Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Diana v.d. Räuberhöhle
Lady Inter Amnes Tuta Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Diana v.d. Räuberhöhle
Landau Inter Amnes Tuta Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Diana v.d. Räuberhöhle
Layka Inter Amnes Tuta Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Diana v.d. Räuberhöhle
Le Dirk Inter Amnes Tuta Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Diana v.d. Räuberhöhle
Lynx Inter Amnes Tuta Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Diana v.d. Räuberhöhle
Bas (NHSB 1415844) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Aster v.'t Wolf-Heesch
Hasta (NHSB 1415846) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Aster v.'t Wolf-Heesch
Donna v. Kunod Mesis Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Britta v.d. Zwarohabox
Djedda v. Kunod Mesis Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Britta v.d. Zwarohabox
My-Kim v.d. Hooghe Weide Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Ulrike v.d. Hooghe Weide
Janie-Astra v.d. Hooghe Weide Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Ulrike v.d. Hooghe Weide
Hidras v.d. Hooghe Weide Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Ulrike v.d. Hooghe Weide
Marko v.d. Hooghe Weide (NHSB 1198274) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Ulrike v.d. Hooghe Weide
Max v.d. Hooghe Weide (NHSB 1198272) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Ulrike v.d. Hooghe Weide
Marafta-Taiga v.d. Hooghe Weide Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Ulrike v.d. Hooghe Weide
Job v.d. Hooghe Weide Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Ulrike v.d. Hooghe Weide
Jastor-Boy v.d. Hooghe Weide Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Ulrike v.d. Hooghe Weide
Arko v.'t Iesselland (NHSB 1353570) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Anoushka v.d. Oude Gheyn
Nero v.'t Iesselland (NHSB 1353567) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Anoushka v.d. Oude Gheyn
Bando v.'t Iesselland Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Anoushka v.d. Oude Gheyn
Cobra (NHSB 1260346) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Anoushka v.d. Oude Gheyn
Anka v.'t Iesselland Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Anoushka v.d. Oude Gheyn
Apollo v.'t Iesselland (NHSB 1353569) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Anoushka v.d. Oude Gheyn
Donja (NHSB 1260351) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Anoushka v.d. Oude Gheyn
Questor v.'t Iesselland Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Anoushka v.d. Oude Gheyn
Sharon v.'t Iesselland Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Anoushka v.d. Oude Gheyn
Anko v.'t Iesselland (NHSB 1353572) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Anoushka v.d. Oude Gheyn
Chita v.'t Iesselland (NHSB 1412626) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Anoushka v.d. Oude Gheyn
Iwan v.'t Iesselland (NHSB 1353571) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Anoushka v.d. Oude Gheyn
Oscar v.'t Iesselland (NHSB 1472436) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Anoushka v.d. Oude Gheyn
Axel (NHSB 1260347) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Anoushka v.d. Oude Gheyn
Nic'Anor v.'t Iesselland Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Anoushka v.d. Oude Gheyn
Ankor v.'t Iesselland Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Anoushka v.d. Oude Gheyn
Astor v.'t Iesselland (NHSB 1353568) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Anoushka v.d. Oude Gheyn
Wham (NHSB 1485499) Female Aunt Andy Aziz v. Franckenhorst Cabin v.d. Oysters Stam
Cashmir (NHSB 1485496) Male Uncle Andy Aziz v. Franckenhorst Cabin v.d. Oysters Stam
Sandor v.l'Auberge (NHSB 1209058) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Gravin Astrit v. Rastenwald
Beta (NHSB 1312529) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Bianca v.d. Kampsmaten
Anke (NHSB 1312528) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Bianca v.d. Kampsmaten
Max (NHSB 1312527) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Bianca v.d. Kampsmaten
Rando (NHSB 1312525) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Bianca v.d. Kampsmaten
Aron v.h. Oude Molenzicht Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Beauty v.d. Astra-Hoeve
Ezelf v. Petranda's Hof Male Uncle Andy Aziz v. Franckenhorst Odette v. Franckenhorst
Dobby v. Petranda's Hof Male Uncle Bryanstam's Granito Grazieson Odette v. Franckenhorst
Britta v. Petranda's Hof (NHSB 1109728) Female Aunt Bryanstam's Granito Grazieson Odette v. Franckenhorst
Anouska v. Petranda's Hof Female Aunt Condor v. Hennebusch Odette v. Franckenhorst
Cezar v. Petranda's Hof (NHSB 1158111) Male Uncle Caecilius Cassander v. Diaspora Odette v. Franckenhorst
Benta v. Petranda's Hof Female Aunt Bryanstam's Granito Grazieson Odette v. Franckenhorst
Bonny v. Petranda's Hof Female Aunt Bryanstam's Granito Grazieson Odette v. Franckenhorst
Djimat v. Petranda's Hof Female Aunt Bryanstam's Granito Grazieson Odette v. Franckenhorst
Argos v. Petranda's Hof Male Uncle Condor v. Hennebusch Odette v. Franckenhorst
Winsoni v.d. Hooghe Weide Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Riska v.d. Hooghe Weide
Weimar v.d. Hooghe Weide Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Riska v.d. Hooghe Weide
Wodan v.d. Hooghe Weide (NHSB 1378207) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Riska v.d. Hooghe Weide
Leon (NHSB 1445196) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Rouska (NHSB 1310228)
Kalb (NHSB 1445200) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Rouska (NHSB 1310228)
Pasensie v.d. Dry Haringhe Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Wietske v.h. Rapenland (NHSB 1048318)
Astor v.d. Dry Haringhe Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Wietske v.h. Rapenland (NHSB 1048318)
Asam v.d. Dry Haringhe Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Wietske v.h. Rapenland (NHSB 1048318)
Prins Rado v. Hagerlo Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Astrid (NHSB 951828)
Pinto v. Hagerlo Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Astrid (NHSB 951828)
Anouck (NHSB 1140705) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Tanyo (NHSB 1017785)
Dobber (NHSB 1190882) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Tanyo (NHSB 1017785)
Wodan (NHSB 1140704) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Tanyo (NHSB 1017785)
Demon (NHSB 1190886) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Tanyo (NHSB 1017785)
Dayan (NHSB 1140699) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Tanyo (NHSB 1017785)
Dieter (NHSB 1190880) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Tanyo (NHSB 1017785)
Dentha v.d. Zwarohabox Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Desy v.d. Eland
Daisy v.d. Zwarohabox Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Desy v.d. Eland
Diana v.d. Zwarohabox Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Desy v.d. Eland
Doby v.d. Zwarohabox Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Desy v.d. Eland
Boy (NHSB 1392520) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Tosca (NHSB 1274323)
Cita (NHSB 1392525) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Tosca (NHSB 1274323)
Adonisz v.h. Lasserland Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Olga v.d. Hooghe Weide (NHSB 1193727)
Cesar (NHSB 1273499) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Blanca v. Holdenstein
Rianka (NHSB 1327604) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Blanca v. Holdenstein
Tessa (NHSB 1273506) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Blanca v. Holdenstein
Teska (NHSB 1327602) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Blanca v. Holdenstein
Roy (NHSB 1262847) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Saskiea v.d. Rotmanshoeve
Boy (NHSB 1262848) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Saskiea v.d. Rotmanshoeve
Borka (NHSB 1371599) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Tamara (NHSB 1221221)
Zorro (NHSB 1371601) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Tamara (NHSB 1221221)
Axel (NHSB 1228773) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Gravin Elinka v. Elsjon
Appolo (NHSB 1361159) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Astra (NHSB 1245711)
Briek (NHSB 1371664) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Viola v.'t Baldere Hoogt
Wodan (NHSB 1371660) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Viola v.'t Baldere Hoogt
Waldo (NHSB 1371661) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Viola v.'t Baldere Hoogt
Rozat (NHSB 1371666) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Viola v.'t Baldere Hoogt
Cleopatra (NHSB 1206911) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Lyla v. Wilriksoord
Apollo v.d. Rosmar Stam Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Sheila v. Hagerlo
Dop v.d. Rosmar Stam Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Sheila v. Hagerlo
Kantjil (NHSB 1405233) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Freya (NHSB 1180496)
Vesta (NHSB 1405236) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Freya (NHSB 1180496)
Frieda (NHSB 1405230) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Freya (NHSB 1180496)
Banda (NHSB 1366506) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Lady Dianne from Red Williams Place
Waldo (NHSB 1370671) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Nora (NHSB 1207786)
Duke (NHSB 1370667) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Nora (NHSB 1207786)
Fellow Astor v.d. Zwaluwenhof Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Oelga v.d. Hooghe Weide
Falco v.d. Zwaluwenhof Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Oelga v.d. Hooghe Weide
Flora Digger v.d. Zwaluwenhof Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Oelga v.d. Hooghe Weide
Odin (NHSB 1316921) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Laska (NHSB 1203026)
Alaska (NHSB 1316924) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Laska (NHSB 1203026)
Chico (NHSB 1316920) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Laska (NHSB 1203026)
Tanja (NHSB 1316928) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Laska (NHSB 1203026)
Myra (NHSB 1382960) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Shella v. Wegdams Glorie (NHSB 1229759)
Tanja (NHSB 1382963) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Shella v. Wegdams Glorie (NHSB 1229759)
Asja (NHSB 1108645) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Sandie (NHSB 556099)
Zandor (NHSB 1444109) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Asta v.'t Avergoor (NHSB 984621)
Bas (NHSB 1323389) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Asta v.'t Avergoor (NHSB 984621)
Zeb (NHSB 1323386) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Asta v.'t Avergoor (NHSB 984621)
Amanda (NHSB 1444111) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Asta v.'t Avergoor (NHSB 984621)
Dylan (NHSB 1444110) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Asta v.'t Avergoor (NHSB 984621)
Safaby v.d. Hooghe Weide Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Elfi v.d. Hooghe Weide (NHSB 1050558)
Vera v.d. Hooghe Weide Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Elfi v.d. Hooghe Weide (NHSB 1050558)
Nico v.d. Hooghe Weide Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Elfi v.d. Hooghe Weide (NHSB 1050558)
Victor Prince v.d. Hooghe Weide Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Elfi v.d. Hooghe Weide (NHSB 1050558)
Karlo-Prince v.d. Hooghe Weide Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Elfi v.d. Hooghe Weide (NHSB 1050558)
Kazan v.d. Hooghe Weide Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Elfi v.d. Hooghe Weide (NHSB 1050558)
Sandy v.d. Hooghe Weide Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Elfi v.d. Hooghe Weide (NHSB 1050558)
Ursula v.d. Hooghe Weide Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Elfi v.d. Hooghe Weide (NHSB 1050558)
Nicole v.d. Hooghe Weide (NHSB 1190906) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Elfi v.d. Hooghe Weide (NHSB 1050558)
Samour v.d. Hooghe Weide Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Elfi v.d. Hooghe Weide (NHSB 1050558)
Nienke v.d. Hooghe Weide Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Elfi v.d. Hooghe Weide (NHSB 1050558)
Nymphi v.d. Hooghe Weide Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Elfi v.d. Hooghe Weide (NHSB 1050558)
Shada v.d. Hooghe Weide Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Elfi v.d. Hooghe Weide (NHSB 1050558)
Sandor v.d. Hooghe Weide Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Elfi v.d. Hooghe Weide (NHSB 1050558)
Rasja (NHSB 1136398) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Rakker (NHSB 780633)
Chef (NHSB 1225769) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Caroline v.'t Avergoor
Astor (NHSB 1225771) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Caroline v.'t Avergoor
Boris (NHSB 1279067) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Caroline v.'t Avergoor
Bora (NHSB 1279068) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Caroline v.'t Avergoor
Graaf Ivo v. Elsjon Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Gravin Clarina v. Elsjon
Graaf Gunter v. Elsjon Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Gravin Clarina v. Elsjon
Graaf Igor v. Elsjon Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Gravin Clarina v. Elsjon
Gravin Gauke v. Elsjon Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Gravin Clarina v. Elsjon
Ladon Inter Amnes Tuta Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Diana v.d. Räuberhöhle
Laudy Inter Amnes Tuta Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Diana v.d. Räuberhöhle
Davina v. Kunod Mesis Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Britta v.d. Zwarohabox
Mitchel v.d. Hooghe Weide Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Ulrike v.d. Hooghe Weide
Juan-Alex v.d. Hooghe Weide Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Ulrike v.d. Hooghe Weide
Marco v.d. Hooghe Weide Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Ulrike v.d. Hooghe Weide
Joris v.d. Hooghe Weide (NHSB 1141674) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Ulrike v.d. Hooghe Weide
Mascha v.d. Hooghe Weide Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Ulrike v.d. Hooghe Weide
Hellanouck v.d. Hooghe Weide Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Ulrike v.d. Hooghe Weide
Anouska v.'t Iesselland Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Anoushka v.d. Oude Gheyn
Nouska v.'t Iesselland Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Anoushka v.d. Oude Gheyn
Gemma (NHSB 1260352) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Anoushka v.d. Oude Gheyn
Appolo v.'t Iesselland Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Anoushka v.d. Oude Gheyn
Rocco v.'t Iesselland (NHSB 1472433) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Anoushka v.d. Oude Gheyn
Doby v.'t Iesselland (NHSB 1353575) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Anoushka v.d. Oude Gheyn
Radja v.'t Iesselland Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Anoushka v.d. Oude Gheyn
Rex (NHSB 1280507) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Ysla v. Wegdams Glorie
Cabin (NHSB 1485497) Male Uncle Andy Aziz v. Franckenhorst Cabin v.d. Oysters Stam
Wodan (NHSB 1485495) Male Uncle Andy Aziz v. Franckenhorst Cabin v.d. Oysters Stam
Bes (NHSB 1485498) Female Aunt Andy Aziz v. Franckenhorst Cabin v.d. Oysters Stam
Emie (NHSB 1485501) Female Aunt Andy Aziz v. Franckenhorst Cabin v.d. Oysters Stam
Nadja (NHSB 1485500) Female Aunt Andy Aziz v. Franckenhorst Cabin v.d. Oysters Stam
Vera v. l'Auberge Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Gravin Astrit v. Rastenwald
Juta v. l'Auberge (NHSB 1209061) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Gravin Astrit v. Rastenwald
Wodan (NHSB 1312526) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Bianca v.d. Kampsmaten
Werner (NHSB 1250835) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Bianca v.d. Kampsmaten
Edwin v. Petranda's Hof Male Uncle Andy Aziz v. Franckenhorst Odette v. Franckenhorst
Bianca v. Petranda's Hof Female Aunt Bryanstam's Granito Grazieson Odette v. Franckenhorst
Dehavik v. Petranda's Hof Female Aunt Bryanstam's Granito Grazieson Odette v. Franckenhorst
Cezar v. Petranda's Hof (NHSB 1109721) Male Uncle Bryanstam's Granito Grazieson Odette v. Franckenhorst
Bjorg v. Petranda's Hof Male Uncle Bryanstam's Granito Grazieson Odette v. Franckenhorst
Daphne v. Petranda's Hof Female Aunt Bryanstam's Granito Grazieson Odette v. Franckenhorst
Badilla v. Petranda's Hof Male Uncle Bryanstam's Granito Grazieson Odette v. Franckenhorst
Egire v. Petranda's Hof Male Uncle Bryanstam's Granito Grazieson Odette v. Franckenhorst
Argo v. Petranda's Hof Male Uncle Condor v. Hennebusch Odette v. Franckenhorst
Alma v. Petranda's Hof Female Aunt Condor v. Hennebusch Odette v. Franckenhorst
Astra v. Petranda's Hof (NHSB 1065315) Female Aunt Condor v. Hennebusch Odette v. Franckenhorst
Falco v. Petranda's Hof Male Uncle Ferro v.d. Eland Odette v. Franckenhorst
Chiqo v. Petranda's Hof Male Uncle Caecilius Cassander v. Diaspora Odette v. Franckenhorst
Elegance v. Petranda's Hof (NHSB 1312516) Female Aunt Andy Aziz v. Franckenhorst Odette v. Franckenhorst
Esra v. Petranda's Hof Male Uncle Andy Aziz v. Franckenhorst Odette v. Franckenhorst
Elvira v. Petranda's Hof Female Aunt Ferro v.d. Eland Odette v. Franckenhorst
Ezra v. Petranda's Hof Female Aunt Ferro v.d. Eland Odette v. Franckenhorst
Cresto v. Petranda's Hof Male Uncle Caecilius Cassander v. Diaspora Odette v. Franckenhorst
Chico v. Petranda's Hof Male Uncle Caecilius Cassander v. Diaspora Odette v. Franckenhorst
Eros v. Petranda's Hof (NHSB 1312512) Male Uncle Andy Aziz v. Franckenhorst Odette v. Franckenhorst
Endy v. Petranda's Hof Male Uncle Andy Aziz v. Franckenhorst Odette v. Franckenhorst
Endor v. Petranda's Hof Male Uncle Andy Aziz v. Franckenhorst Odette v. Franckenhorst
Ellert v. Petranda's Hof Male Uncle Andy Aziz v. Franckenhorst Odette v. Franckenhorst
Widar v.d. Hooghe Weide (NHSB 1378203) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Riska v.d. Hooghe Weide
Waldo v.d. Hooghe Weide Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Riska v.d. Hooghe Weide
Dokka (NHSB 1445199) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Rouska (NHSB 1310228)
Lady (NHSB 1445205) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Rouska (NHSB 1310228)
Nero (NHSB 1445203) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Rouska (NHSB 1310228)
Anoeska v. Petranda's Hof Female Aunt Andy Aziz v. Franckenhorst Daphne v. Petranda's Hof
Asta v. Petranda's Hof (NHSB 1323305) Female Aunt Andy Aziz v. Franckenhorst Daphne v. Petranda's Hof
Andor v. Petranda's Hof Male Uncle Andy Aziz v. Franckenhorst Daphne v. Petranda's Hof
Atos v. Petranda's Hof Male Uncle Andy Aziz v. Franckenhorst Daphne v. Petranda's Hof
Anda v. Petranda's Hof (NHSB 1323304) Female Aunt Andy Aziz v. Franckenhorst Daphne v. Petranda's Hof
Asta v. Petranda's Hof (NHSB 1323308) Female Aunt Andy Aziz v. Franckenhorst Daphne v. Petranda's Hof
Akim v.d. Dry Haringhe Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Wietske v.h. Rapenland (NHSB 1048318)
Atilla v.d. Dry Haringhe Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Wietske v.h. Rapenland (NHSB 1048318)
Allet v.d. Dry Haringhe Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Wietske v.h. Rapenland (NHSB 1048318)
Florus v. Hagerlo Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Astrid (NHSB 951828)
Mecky (NHSB 1190887) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Tanyo (NHSB 1017785)
Deta (NHSB 1140702) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Tanyo (NHSB 1017785)
Nero (NHSB 1190885) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Tanyo (NHSB 1017785)
Arco (NHSB 1190883) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Tanyo (NHSB 1017785)
Basco (NHSB 1190881) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Tanyo (NHSB 1017785)
Marco (NHSB 1140700) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Tanyo (NHSB 1017785)
Daimos v.d. Zwarohabox Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Desy v.d. Eland
Sanny (NHSB 1392527) Female Aunt Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Tosca (NHSB 1274323)
Marco (NHSB 1392522) Male Uncle Dayan v.d. Hooghe Weide Tosca (NHSB 1274323)