Color: Black
Pedigree Number: AKC SBWC 501161
Brunswig's Jordana is a Doberman Pinscher born .
If you have more information about Brunswig's Jordana and would like to submit more information about this animal please feel contact us.
If you own Brunswig's Jordana and would like to claim its ownership contact us.
If we have information about its ancestry and health you should be able to find it on this page.
If you like to help with animal welfare , please consider joining our system and contribute to our goal.
This Pet | Parents | Grand Parents |
Brunswig's Jordana | Highland Satan's Image | Caesar My Love |
Barrayton's C.R. Twink | ||
Brunswig's Vivara | Hollyhigh's Drumfire | |
Brunswig's Elektra | ||
Name | Sex | Relationship | Father | Mother | Birth | Death | Life Span | Cause Of Death |
Brunswig's Papillon | Male | Progeny | Florowill Patch of Holli | Brunswig's Jordana | ||||
Brunswig's Dahlia | Female | Progeny | Andelane's Indigo Rock | Brunswig's Jordana | ||||
Brunswig's Dilettante | Female | Progeny | Andelane's Indigo Rock | Brunswig's Jordana |
Name | Sex | Relationship | Father | Mother | Birth | Death | Life Span | Cause Of Death |
Brunswig's Vivara | Female | Aunt | Hollyhigh's Drumfire | Brunswig's Elektra | ||||
Highland Sheba M | Female | Aunt | Caesar My Love | Barrayton's C.R. Twink | ||||
Beaulane Classic Action | Female | Aunt | Hollyhigh's Drumfire | Fraulein's Miss Gretchen | ||||
Storm v.d. Krohne | Male | Uncle | Caesar My Love | Aubudon's Pampered Lady | ||||
Caesar's Dark Reflection | Female | Aunt | Caesar My Love | Diosa's Dagmar | ||||
Highland Satan's Image | Male | Uncle | Caesar My Love | Barrayton's C.R. Twink | ||||
Highland Star | Female | Aunt | Caesar My Love | Barrayton's C.R. Twink | ||||
Brunswig's Arabella | Female | Aunt | Hollyhigh's Admiral | Brunswig's Elektra | ||||
Highland Sugar and Spice | Female | Aunt | Caesar My Love | Barrayton's C.R. Twink | ||||
El Toro De Tara | Male | Uncle | Caesar My Love | Three River's Delight |