

Zinko v. Heiligenwald


Call Name: Zinko v. Heiligenwald

Location: ()

Sir: Zinko v. Dudweiler

Dam: Käthe v. Thüringen

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Color: Onbekend
Pedigree Number: DZB


Name Sex Relationship Father Mother Birth Death Life Span Cause Of Death
Draga v. Heiligenwald Female Sister Zinko v. Dudweiler Käthe v. Thüringen
Ella v.d. Saar Female Sister Junker Turek v.d. Saar Käthe v. Thüringen


Name Sex Relationship Father Mother Birth Death Life Span Cause Of Death
Troll v. Heiligenwald Male Progeny Zinko v. Heiligenwald Tina v. Heiligenwald
Mila v. Klosterberg Female Progeny Zinko v. Heiligenwald Nora v. Loewenstein


Name Sex Relationship Father Mother Birth Death Life Span Cause Of Death
Lord v. Parthengrund Male Uncle Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland)
Freya v. Altenbögge Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Lotte v. Hessen (Prinz x Hilde)
Lord v. Thüringen (DZB 106) Male Uncle Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Constance
Junker Bell v. Hohenstein Male Uncle Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Ally v. Hohenstein
Lotte v. Rastenburg Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland)
Prinz v. Apolda Male Uncle Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Schnuppe v. Dennstedt
Jungfer Elsa v. Thüringen Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Hertha v. Thüringen (DZB not reg. Mau x Hexe)
Siegwart v. Aprath Male Uncle Roby v. Giessen Thinda v. Edenhof
Lotte v.d. Westfalenburg Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Edeline v. Thüringen (Junker Slenz x ?)
Sussi v. Westerwald Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Freya v. Thüringen
Gerda II v. Thüringen Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Freya v. Thüringen
Tilly I v. Mecklenburg Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Irmela v. Thüringen
Belli v. Main (v. Hessen) Male Uncle Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Gerhilde v. Thüringen
Lotte v.d. Moosburg Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Gerda v. Thüringen (DZB not reg. Landgraf x Adele)
Bell v. Nijmegen (Graf Belling x Gloche) Male Uncle Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Gloche v. Thüringen
Lizzie (Graf Belling x Gerhilde) Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Gerhilde v. Thüringen
Lotte v. Hedersleben Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Gerhilde v. Thüringen
Lux (DZB not reg. Belling x Brunhilde) Male Uncle Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Brunhilde (DZB not reg. Roland x Betty)
Graf Alexis v. Thüringen (born before 1908) Male Uncle Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland)
Prinzessin Hilda (DZB not reg. Belling x Gerhilde) Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland)
Prinz Lux v. Rhein Male Uncle Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Lucca v. Braunsfeld
Affra v. Braunsfeld Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Lucca v. Braunsfeld
Ortrud v. Rheinpfalz Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Jungfer Grethe v. Thüringen
Lady v. Thüringen (born before 1903) Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Tilly III v. Hohenstein
Karo v. Hohenstein Male Uncle Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Ally v. Hohenstein
Nora v. Hohenstein Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Ally v. Hohenstein
Freya v. Hohenstein Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Ally v. Hohenstein
Griseldis v. Thüringen Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Adele v. Thüringen
Hulda (DZB not reg. Belling x Siglinde) Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Siglinde v. Thüringen
Gloche v. Thüringen Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Brigitta (not reg. born before 1905)
Zinko v. Dudweiler Male Uncle Roby v. Giessen Gerda v. Thüringen (DZB not reg. Landgraf x Adele)
Gertrude v. Thüringen Female Aunt Landvoigt v. Thüringen Gerda v. Thüringen (DZB not reg. Landgraf x Adele)
Albert v. Thüringen (DZB not reg. Graf Belling x E Male Uncle Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Eia v. Thüringen (DZB not reg. Roland x Schnuppe)
Roland v. Main Male Uncle Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Eia v. Thüringen (DZB not reg. Roland x Schnuppe)
Netty v. Saaleck Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Flora v. Thüringen (DZB not reg.)
Lora v. Thüringen (DZB not reg. Graf Belling x Luc Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Lucie v. Thüringen
Rheinpfalz Antonia Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Rheinpfalz Edeline
Lona v. Falkenstein Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Helligunde v. Königshof-Falkenstein
Liesel v. Hohenstein Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Cherry v. Hohenstein
Brigitte v. Thüringen Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Gerhilde v. Thüringen
Meringarda v. Thüringen Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Gerhilde v. Thüringen
Hilda v. Hessen (v. Ilm-Athen, v. Hohenstein) Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Gerhilde v. Thüringen
Tilly v. Auerstedt Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Bella v. Bucha
Isolde II v. Thüringen Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Engelberta v. Thüringen
Prinz Eido v. Knau Male Uncle Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Lordy v. Schacht
Lucie v. Askanien Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Tilly v. Thüringen
Graf Wedigo v. Thüringen Male Uncle Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Freya v. Thüringen
Carmen v. Thüringen (DZB not reg. Graf Belling x F Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Freya v. Thüringen
Madlene v. Thüringen (Belling x Freya) Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Freya v. Thüringen
Ulrichs Glocke v. Thüringen Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Freya v. Thüringen
Holde v. Thüringen (Graf Belling x Freya) Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Freya v. Thüringen
Horst v. Thüringen Male Uncle Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Theolinde v. Thüringen
Belli v. Thüringen Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Irmela v. Thüringen
Käthe v. Thüringen Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Hildegart v. Thüringen
Flora v. Bütt Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland)
Wanda (DZB not reg. Graf Belling x Lotte) Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland)
Chec v. Ehrenfeld Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland)
Tinde v. Braunsfeld Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland)
Grimm v. Thüringen Male Uncle Roby v. Giessen
Rottrand v. Thüringen Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Lucca v. Braunsfeld
Wanda v. Thüringen Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Lotte v. Thüringen (DZB not reg. Greif x Eulalia)
Paula v. Kaiserring Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Gretchen v. Thüringen
Glocke v. Thüringen (born before 1904) Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Brigitte v. Thüringen(DZB not reg. Troll x Bella)
Hatte v. Friesland Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Ally v. Hohenstein
Bella v. Hohenstein (DZB not reg. Belling x Ally) Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Ally v. Hohenstein
Stephanus v. Thüringen Male Uncle Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Siglinde v. Thüringen
Roland (Dzb not reg. Graf Belling x Eia I) Male Uncle Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Eia I v. Thüringen
Armin v. Griesheim Male Uncle Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Godelinda v. Thüringen
Treff v. Hochheim a. M. Male Uncle Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Godelinda v. Thüringen
Zilla v. Hörnsheim (DZB not reg. Roby x Gertrud) Female Aunt Roby v. Giessen Gertrude v. Thüringen
Toni v. Hermannstein Female Aunt Roby v. Giessen Gertrude v. Thüringen
Norma (DZB 112) Female Aunt Roby v. Giessen Gertrude v. Thüringen
Flora v. Hörnsheim Female Aunt Roby v. Giessen Gertrude v. Thüringen
Dux (DZB not reg. Belling x Juno) Male Uncle Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Juno v. Frauenlob
Tonio v. Main Male Uncle Roby v. Giessen Gerda v. Thüringen (DZB not reg. Landgraf x Adele)
Lotte v. Saxonia Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Gerda v. Thüringen (DZB not reg. Landgraf x Adele)
Lotte v. Hessen (Belling x Gerda) Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Gerda v. Thüringen (DZB not reg. Landgraf x Adele)
Cora (DZB not reg. Belling x Lotte) Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Lotte v. Schneiderhof
Trefflich v. Thüringen Male Uncle Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Dina v. Berlstedt (Unrein)
Anita v. Thüringen (DZB not reg. Belling x Hertha) Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Hertha v. Thüringen (DZB not reg. Mau x Hexe)
Prinz v. Hörnsheim Male Uncle Roby v. Giessen Flora v. Hörnsheim
Flott (NHSB 2511) Male Uncle Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Glocke v. Thüringen (born before 1904)
Ella v. Haiterbach Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Braunchen v. Thüringen
Selma v.d. Rheinpfalz Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Hertha v. Thüringen (Matzi x Tina)
Elsa v. Thüringen Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Hertha v. Thüringen (Matzi x Tina)
Camillus v. Thüringen Male Uncle Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Cenzi v. Thüringen
Brigitte v. Thüringen (Belling x Gerhilde) Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Gerhilde v. Thüringen
Ritter Kuno v. Schwaben Male Uncle Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Gerhilde v. Thüringen
Ritter Hunibald v. Thüringen Male Uncle Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Gerhilde v. Thüringen
Lux (DZB not reg. Graf Belling x Gerhilde) Male Uncle Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Gerhilde v. Thüringen
Kaschka v. Westfalen Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Gerhilde v. Thüringen
Roby v. Giessen Male Uncle Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Gerhilde v. Thüringen
Junker Jeremias v. Thüringen Male Uncle Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Kunigunde v. Thüringen
Helga v. Giessen Female Aunt Roby v. Giessen Heddi v. Giessen
Linka (DZB not reg. Graf Belling x Freya) Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Freya v. Thüringen
Puck II v. Thüringen Male Uncle Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Freya v. Thüringen
Erbgraf Zingo v. Thüringen Male Uncle Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Freya v. Thüringen
Slenz v. Thüringen Male Uncle Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Freya v. Thüringen
Gunzo Waldmeister Male Uncle Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Freya v. Thüringen
Hopsa Hinz v. Thüringen Male Uncle Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Freya v. Thüringen
Kunigunde II v. Thüringen Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Freya v. Thüringen
Freiin Barbara v. Thüringen Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Freya v. Thüringen
Mutti I v.d. Vogesen Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Freya v. Thüringen
Tilly v. Mecklenburg Female Aunt Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Irmela v. Thüringen
Harro v. Thüringen Male Uncle Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Brunhilde v. Thüringen (Muck x Cordula)
Baron Welf v. Hildesia Male Uncle Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Hildegart v. Thüringen
Wittgisel v. Thüringen Male Uncle Graf Belling v. Thüringen (v. Grönland) Hildegart v. Thüringen
Aurelia v. Thüringen Female Aunt Junker Slenz v. Thüringen Hildegart v. Thüringen
Amalie v. Thüringen Female Aunt Junker Slenz v. Thüringen Hildegart v. Thüringen