

Eloise of Arkeden


Call Name: Eloise of Arkeden

Location: ()

Sir: Benno v. Römerhof

Dam: Gisela v. Sporthof

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Color: Black
Pedigree Number: AKC 619600


Name Sex Relationship Father Mother Birth Death Life Span Cause Of Death
Lorle v.d. Ruppertsburg Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Ada v.d. Adelzhöhe
Diana v. Römerwall Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Flora Fornoff (DZB 6786)
Peter v.d. Römerhof Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Prinz Carlo's Lady
Lux v.d. Schmidtburg Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Cessi v. Naunhof
Carlo v. Wilbrink Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Asta v. Wilbrink
Karawane v. Müllergert Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Bona v. Rheineck
Anni v. Schlossgehege Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Betti v. Hoflar
Cylli v. Wilbrink Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Asta v. Wilbrink
Elva v. Neckarsulm Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Ida v. Hornegg
Lady v. Kaiserpark Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Adja v. Borkhof
Lump v. Hutzelwald Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Dietlinde v.d. Winterburg
Dolph v.d. Reichsburg Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Carlotha v.d. Reichsburg
Elsa of Westfalia Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Bajadere v. Zinsgut
Elka v. Arkeden Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Gisela v. Sporthof
Leo v. Böhnhof Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Blanka v. Lambsheim
Lukas v. Böhnhof Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Blanka v. Lambsheim
Cilly v.d. Alfrediquelle Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Anny v. Essen
Centa v.d. Alfrediquelle Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Anny v. Essen
Artur v.d. Deusburg Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Senta Rosswinkel (DZB 23433)
Undine v.d. Sterrenhof (NHSB 5341) Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Alruna Hausser
Carmen v. Parkhaus Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Helga v. Tiergarten
Cora v. Parkhaus Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Helga v. Tiergarten
Erik v. Neckarsulm Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Ida v. Hornegg
Elfe v. Astenberg Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Bianka v.d. Funkenburg
Lux v. Hutzelwald Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Dietlinde v.d. Winterburg
Asta v. Schlossgehege Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Betti v. Hoflar
Kugel v. Adalheim Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Helma v. Adalheim
Brownie v. Greg Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Olga v.d. Wildenbach
Lotte v.d. Ruppertsburg Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Ada v.d. Adelzhöhe
Lord v.d. Ruppertsburg Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Ada v.d. Adelzhöhe
Hedy v.d. Lage Landen Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Prinzess v.d. Ystad
Cenita v. Bülow Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Belli v.d. Bladenhorst
Erda v. Hasestrand Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Bessy v. Hasestrand (DZB 21035)
Erga v. Hasestrand Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Bessy v. Hasestrand (DZB 21035)
Dina v. Burgfried (AKC 586788) Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Carlotha v.d. Reichsburg
Delma v. Burgfried Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Carlotha v.d. Reichsburg
Lady Astor v. Siegestor (Benno x Juliana) Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Juliana v. Carrelin (born before 1922)
Asta v. Götheplatz Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Flora v.d. Margaretenau
Abs v. Götheplatz Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Flora v.d. Margaretenau
Lotte v. Böhnhof Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Blanka v. Lambsheim
Ceno v.d. Alfrediquelle Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Anny v. Essen
Carmen v.d. Alfrediquelle Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Anny v. Essen
Carlo v.d. Alfrediquelle ( DZB 21305) Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Anny v. Essen
Curt v.d. Alfrediquelle Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Anny v. Essen
Carlo v.d. Alfrediquelle (NHSB 5592) Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Anny v. Essen
Axel v.d. Deusburg Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Senta Rosswinkel (DZB 23433)
Armin v.d. Deusburg Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Senta Rosswinkel (DZB 23433)
Carlo v. Parkhaus Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Helga v. Tiergarten
Ester v. Neckarsulm Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Ida v. Hornegg
Bruno v. Schnabenhuck Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Holda v. Adalheim
Böse v. Schnabenhuck Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Holda v. Adalheim
Bunke v. Schnabenhuck Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Holda v. Adalheim
Egolf v. Astenberg Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Bianka v.d. Funkenburg
Erne v. Astenberg Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Bianka v.d. Funkenburg
Edel v. Astenberg Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Bianka v.d. Funkenburg
Amor v. Kiesbaggerloch Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Ada v. Schnabenhuck
Lona v. Hutzelwald Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Dietlinde v.d. Winterburg
Lord v. Hutzelwald Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Dietlinde v.d. Winterburg
Lullo v. Hutzelwald Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Dietlinde v.d. Winterburg
Claus v. Wilbrink Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Asta v. Wilbrink
Citti v. Wilbrink Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Asta v. Wilbrink
Conya v. Wilbrink Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Asta v. Wilbrink
Knigge v. Müllergert Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Bona v. Rheineck
Kuli v. Müllergert Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Bona v. Rheineck
Alfa v. Schlossgehege Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Betti v. Hoflar
Astor v. Schlossgehege Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Betti v. Hoflar
Kater v. Adalheim Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Helma v. Adalheim
Käpitan v. Adalheim Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Helma v. Adalheim
Artus Mohr (DZB 37166) Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Ada v. Oberberghof
Landherrin v. Adalheim Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Adda v.d. Kanonenstadt
Lotti (NHSB 8033) Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Kitty v. Hagenstern
Bonzo (NHSB 20135) Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Amstel's Tirza
Liesel v.d. Ruppertsburg Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Ada v.d. Adelzhöhe
Laura v.d. Ruppertsburg Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Ada v.d. Adelzhöhe
Lilli v.d. Ruppertsburg Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Ada v.d. Adelzhöhe
Peter v.d. Lage Landen Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Prinzess v.d. Ystad
Christel v. Bülow Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Belli v.d. Bladenhorst
Benno v.d. Quadburg Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Afra v.d. Dreilinden
Beda of Nordet Farms Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Amely Beda of Westphalia
Elster v. Hasestrand Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Bessy v. Hasestrand (DZB 21035)
Elfe v. Hasestrand Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Bessy v. Hasestrand (DZB 21035)
Eitel v. Hasestrand Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Bessy v. Hasestrand (DZB 21035)
Armin v. Burghofplatz Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Anneliesel Niessen
Fee v.d. Winterburg Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Lotte v. Brennetsried
Flock v.d. Winterburg Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Lotte v. Brennetsried
Ferri v.d. Winterburg (DZB 34429) Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Lotte v. Brennetsried
Anni v. Götheplatz Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Flora v.d. Margaretenau
Asko v. Götheplatz Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Flora v.d. Margaretenau
Alma v. Götheplatz Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Flora v.d. Margaretenau
Diana v. Römerhof (NHSB 9757) Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Bubine v.d. Koningstad
Dober v. Römerwall Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Flora Fornoff (DZB 6786)
D'Artagnan v.d. Höhen Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Cilli v. Schützeneck
Prinzess B v.d. Römerhof Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Prinz Carlo's Lady
Lux v. Böhnhof Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Blanka v. Lambsheim
Ludo v. Böhnhof Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Blanka v. Lambsheim
Cora v.d. Alfrediquelle Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Anny v. Essen
Cosima v.d. Alfrediquelle Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Anny v. Essen
Cuno v.d. Alfrediquelle Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Anny v. Essen
Ary v.d. Deusburg Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Senta Rosswinkel (DZB 23433)
Achim v.d. Deusburg Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Senta Rosswinkel (DZB 23433)
Ally v.d. Deusburg Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Senta Rosswinkel (DZB 23433)
Urian v.d. Sterrenhof (NHSB 5328) Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Alruna Hausser
Claus v. Parkhaus Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Helga v. Tiergarten
Eos v. Neckarsulm Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Ida v. Hornegg
Eros v. Neckarsulm Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Ida v. Hornegg
Lord v.d. Schmidtburg Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Cessi v. Naunhof
Bräunchen v. Schnabenhuck Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Holda v. Adalheim
Biene v. Schnabenhuck Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Holda v. Adalheim
Elly v. Astenberg Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Bianka v.d. Funkenburg
Egon v. Astenberg Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Bianka v.d. Funkenburg
Elma v. Astenberg Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Bianka v.d. Funkenburg
Arri v. Kiesbaggerloch Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Ada v. Schnabenhuck
Anni v. Kiesbaggerloch Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Ada v. Schnabenhuck
Adda v. Kiesbaggerloch Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Ada v. Schnabenhuck
Centa v. Wilbrink Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Asta v. Wilbrink
Korsar v. Müllergert Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Bona v. Rheineck
Leddy v. Kaiserpark Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Adja v. Borkhof
Lotte v. Kaiserpark Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Adja v. Borkhof
Liesel v. Kaiserpark Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Adja v. Borkhof
Gerda v. Bärental Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Dina v. Bärental
Gitta v. Bärental Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Dina v. Bärental
Gert v. Bärental Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Dina v. Bärental
Genni v. Bärental Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Dina v. Bärental
Anka v. Schlossgehege Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Betti v. Hoflar
Alma v. Schlossgehege Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Betti v. Hoflar
Afra v. Schlossgehege Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Betti v. Hoflar
Alice v. Schlossgehege Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Betti v. Hoflar
Kimbrer v. Adalheim Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Helma v. Adalheim
Konus v. Adalheim Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Helma v. Adalheim
Liebholde v. Adalheim Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Adda v.d. Kanonenstadt
Liebetrut v. Adalheim Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Adda v.d. Kanonenstadt
Landsknecht v. Adalheim Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Adda v.d. Kanonenstadt
Landesfrau v. Adalheim Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Adda v.d. Kanonenstadt
Lux v.d. Ruppertsburg Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Ada v.d. Adelzhöhe
Lona v.d. Ruppertsburg Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Ada v.d. Adelzhöhe
Stolz v.d. Teufelskanzel Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Alma v.d. Teufelskanzel
Strolch v.d. Teufelskanzel Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Alma v.d. Teufelskanzel
Star v.d. Teufelskanzel Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Alma v.d. Teufelskanzel
Blutz v.d. Lage Landen Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Prinzess v.d. Ystad
Carlo v. Bülow Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Belli v.d. Bladenhorst
Cilly v. Bülow Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Belli v.d. Bladenhorst
Cora v. Bülow Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Belli v.d. Bladenhorst
Citta v. Bülow Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Belli v.d. Bladenhorst
Cilla v. Bülow Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Belli v.d. Bladenhorst
Elka v. Hasestrand Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Bessy v. Hasestrand (DZB 21035)
Edeltraud v. Hasestrand Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Bessy v. Hasestrand (DZB 21035)
Dicka v.d. Reichsburg Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Carlotha v.d. Reichsburg
Elese v.d. Reichsburg Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Carlotha v.d. Reichsburg
Dea v.d. Reichsburg Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Carlotha v.d. Reichsburg
Anette v. Burghofplatz Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Anneliesel Niessen
Anni v. Burghofplatz Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Anneliesel Niessen
Anita v. Burghofplatz Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Anneliesel Niessen
Asta v. Burghofplatz Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Anneliesel Niessen
Fels v.d. Winterburg (DZB 34425) Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Lotte v. Brennetsried
Fink v.d. Winterburg Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Lotte v. Brennetsried
Fix v.d. Winterburg Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Lotte v. Brennetsried
Arno v. Götheplatz Male Brother Benno v. Römerhof Flora v.d. Margaretenau
Demona v. Römerhof (NHSB 6176) Female Sister Benno v. Römerhof Bubine v.d. Koningstad


Name Sex Relationship Father Mother Birth Death Life Span Cause Of Death
Weck v.d. Höhen Male Progeny Eros v.d. Höhen Eloise of Arkeden


Name Sex Relationship Father Mother Birth Death Life Span Cause Of Death
Arno v. Katharinenhof Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Kora Kautz (DZB 19734)
Ada v. Begasbrunnen Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Asta v. Blankenfeld
Cilla v.d. Landwehr Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Anni v.d. Landwehr
Götz v. Sporthof Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Bona v. Sevira
Greif v. Sporthof Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Bona v. Sevira
Friedhelm v. Sporthof Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Bona v. Sevira
Graf v. Sporthof Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Bona v. Sevira
Asta v. Atrop (DZB 35497) Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Sylvia v. Atrop
Gisela v. Sporthof Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Bona v. Sevira
Asta v. Nettebach Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Dora v. Bärental
Benno v.d. Zwanenburg Male Uncle Urian v. Grammont Butterfly (NHSB not reg.)
Erna v. Römerhof (NHSB 11472) Female Aunt Helmut v. Grammont Bubine v.d. Koningstad
Prinzessin Katuschka v.d. Koningstad Female Aunt Urian v. Grammont Prinsessin Elfrieda v.d. Koningstad
Brunhilde Hirtz (DZB 30877) Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Bertha v. Friedrichstadt
Diana v.d. Körnereiche Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Adda v.d. Körnereiche
Arno v. Siegerheim Male Uncle Graf Albert v. Wittmund Bona v. Sevira
Arno v. Schwalmtal Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Asolde v. Tresko
Prins Lustspel v.d. Koningstad Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Prinsessin Ilisa v.d. Koningstad
Banco v.d. Varresbeck Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Flora v. Wupperstrand
Laurens v.d. Koningstad genannt Benno Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Prinsessin Ilisa v.d. Koningstad
Detlef of Westphalia Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Prinsessin Ilisa v.d. Koningstad
Cessi v. Naunhof Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Astra Lukas (DZB 12328)
Asta v.d. Himburgshöhe Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Atta v. Tremmen
Waldo v. Simmenau (DZB 45331) Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Lotte v. Pannewitz
Wespe v. Simmenau Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Lotte v. Pannewitz
Wally v. Simmenau (DZB 45334) Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Lotte v. Pannewitz
Falda v. Sporthof Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Bona v. Sevira
Grille v. Sporthof Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Bona v. Sevira
Etzel v. Sporthof Male Uncle Prins Carlo v.d. Koningstad Bona v. Sevira
Else v. Sporthof Female Aunt Prins Carlo v.d. Koningstad Bona v. Sevira
Adelbanko v. Overduin Male Uncle Urian v. Grammont Lady v.d. Sterrenhof
Baldo of Pontchartrain Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Lady Blue (AKC 473055)
Bonna of Pontchartrain Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Lady Blue (AKC 473055)
Belling of Pontchartrain Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Lady Blue (AKC 473055)
Baroness Alala v.d. Höhen Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Aina v. Avonthal
A Betty of Pontchartrain Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Beda Armingard v. Nibelungenhort
Mary Lou v. Rutsen Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Reins v. Rennstieg
Anita v. Schwalmtal Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Asolde v. Tresko
Artus v. Schwalmtal Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Asolde v. Tresko
Asolde v. Schwalmtal Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Asolde v. Tresko
Fels v.d. Rheinperle Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Hertha II v. Golzheim
Elvira v.d. Zwanenburg (NHSB 9756) Female Aunt Urian v. Grammont Freya v. Stresow
Edith v.d. Zwanenburg (NHSB 5644) Female Aunt Urian v. Grammont Freya v. Stresow
Biene Hirtz (DZB 30875) Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Bertha v. Friedrichstadt
Asso v. Nettebach Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Dora v. Bärental
Roma v. Blitzstrahl Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Blanka v. Naunhof
Rolf v. Blitzstrahl Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Blanka v. Naunhof
Ali v. Paulbeck Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Adda v. Klostersee
Achim v. Paulbeck Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Adda v. Klostersee
Blanka v.d. Reckenburg Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Hertha v. Dickelsbach
Bellona v.d. Reckenburg Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Hertha v. Dickelsbach
Cilly v.d. Schillerglocke Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Bella Schiller (DZB 14416)
Gerhilde v. Römerhof Female Aunt Urian v. Grammont Bubine v.d. Koningstad
Esstella v. Römerhof (NHSB 6154) Female Aunt Helmut v. Grammont Bubine v.d. Koningstad
Frieda's Gretchen Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Overton's Frieda
Isalberti (NHSB 5601) Male Uncle Urian v. Grammont Thea v. Jägerhof (NHSB 4643)
Belling (NHSB 6317) Male Uncle Urian v. Grammont Thea v. Jägerhof (NHSB 4643)
Lissy v.d. Spree Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Fanny v.d. Blankenburg
Leo v.d. Spree Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Fanny v.d. Blankenburg
Achill v. Schnabenhuck Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Holda v. Adalheim
Ada v. Schnabenhuck Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Holda v. Adalheim
Astor v. Schnabenhuck Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Holda v. Adalheim
Illisa of Westphalia Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Prinsessin Ilisa v.d. Koningstad
Ilisa of Pontchartrain Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Prinsessin Ilisa v.d. Koningstad
Cuno v. Naunhof Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Astra Lukas (DZB 12328)
Carlo v. Naunhof Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Astra Lukas (DZB 12328)
Cläre v. Naunhof Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Astra Lukas (DZB 12328)
Abs v. Siegerheim Male Uncle Graf Albert v. Wittmund Bona v. Sevira
Artus v. Siegerheim Male Uncle Graf Albert v. Wittmund Bona v. Sevira
Hans v. Sporthof Male Uncle Burschel v. Simmenau (DZB 6238) Bona v. Sevira
Faforita v. Sporthof Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Bona v. Sevira
Fauna v. Sporthof Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Bona v. Sevira
Freya v. Sporthof Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Bona v. Sevira
Elly v.d. Körnereiche Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Bussy v. Schleswig
Alice v. Clausenpass Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Wally v. Ilm-Athen
Flora v.d. Spree Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Tora v.d. Blankenburg
Abbo v. Katharinenhof Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Kora Kautz (DZB 19734)
Arras v. Begasbrunnen Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Asta v. Blankenfeld
Asta v. Begasbrunnen Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Asta v. Blankenfeld
Cora v.d. Landwehr Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Anni v.d. Landwehr
Cito v.d. Landwehr Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Anni v.d. Landwehr
Ceno v.d. Landwehr Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Anni v.d. Landwehr
Afra v. Müggelheim Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Fanny v.d. Spree
Droll v.d. Körnereiche Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Adda v.d. Körnereiche
Doby v.d. Körnereiche Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Adda v.d. Körnereiche
Delma v.d. Körnereiche Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Adda v.d. Körnereiche
Baroness Atora v.d. Höhen Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Aina v. Avonthal
A Metzie of Pontchartrain Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Beda Armingard v. Nibelungenhort
A Fidelis of Pontchartrain Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Beda Armingard v. Nibelungenhort
Ajax v. Schwalmtal Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Asolde v. Tresko
Ceres v. Hellberg Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Biche v. Heilberg
Cingo v. Hellberg Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Biche v. Heilberg
Falko v.d. Rheinperle Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Hertha II v. Golzheim
Fee v.d. Rheinperle Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Hertha II v. Golzheim
Falk v.d. Rheinperle Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Hertha II v. Golzheim
Lore v.d. Bytomburg Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Carola v. Mönchwörthhof
Lotte v.d. Bytomburg Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Carola v. Mönchwörthhof
Blanka Hirtz (DZB 30880) Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Bertha v. Friedrichstadt
Bella Hirtz (DZB 30878) Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Bertha v. Friedrichstadt
Blanka Hirtz (DZB 30879) Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Bertha v. Friedrichstadt
Asta v. Richterich Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Cilli v. Kurpark
Celsius v. Blankenfeld Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Lore v.d. Eckardtsburg
Claus v. Blankenfeld Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Lore v.d. Eckardtsburg
Cinni v. Blankenfeld Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Lore v.d. Eckardtsburg
Cäsar v. Blankenfeld Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Lore v.d. Eckardtsburg
Josephine v.d. Spree Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Brewster's Princess Patti
Prinz Modern v. s'Graveland Male Uncle Urian v. Grammont Femina (NHSB not reg.)
Lux v. s'Graveland Male Uncle Urian v. Grammont Femina (NHSB not reg.)
Anni v. Nettebach Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Dora v. Bärental
Arno v. Nettebach Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Dora v. Bärental
Hilda v. Stresow Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Lolo v. Stresow
Heros v. Stresow Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Lolo v. Stresow
Ranke v. Blitzstrahl Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Blanka v. Naunhof
Rigeta v. Blitzstrahl Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Blanka v. Naunhof
Afra v. Atrop Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Sylvia v. Atrop
Anka v. Atrop Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Sylvia v. Atrop
Asra v. Paulbeck Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Adda v. Klostersee
Alda v. Paulbeck Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Adda v. Klostersee
Alraune v. Paulbeck Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Adda v. Klostersee
Printz Arto v.d. Spreehort Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Berta Rota v. Nibelungenhort
Bachus Stigter (DZB 32540) Male Uncle Urian v. Grammont Selma v. Jägerhof (DZB 4284)
Benno v.d. Reckenburg Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Hertha v. Dickelsbach
Blüthe aus der Heimat (NHSB 5784) Female Aunt Urian v. Grammont Gerhilde v. Grammont (NHSB 5783)
Cesarita v. Römerhof Female Aunt Urian v. Grammont Bubine v.d. Koningstad
Hartmuth v. Römerhof (NHSB 5912) Male Uncle Achim v. Lutherplatz Bubine v.d. Koningstad
Hellegraf v. Römerhof (NHSB 9599) Male Uncle Achim v. Lutherplatz Bubine v.d. Koningstad
Onno v.d. Lindenhof Male Uncle Urian v. Grammont Gravin Draga (NHSB 4638)
Achim (NHSB 5978) Male Uncle Urian v. Grammont Thea v. Jägerhof (NHSB 4643)
Quita (NHSB not reg. Urian x Thea) Female Aunt Urian v. Grammont Thea v. Jägerhof (NHSB 4643)
Bedo v.d. Varresbeck Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Flora v. Wupperstrand
Bosko v.d. Varresbeck Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Flora v. Wupperstrand
Betty v.d. Varresbeck Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Flora v. Wupperstrand
Bessy v.d. Varresbeck Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Flora v. Wupperstrand
Angola v. Schnabenhuck Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Holda v. Adalheim
Apoll v. Schnabenhuck Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Holda v. Adalheim
Anni v. Schnabenhuck Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Holda v. Adalheim
Asta v. Schnabenhuck Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Holda v. Adalheim
Draga of Westphalia Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Prinsessin Ilisa v.d. Koningstad
Norma of Pontchartrain Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Prinsessin Ilisa v.d. Koningstad
Lustspiel v.d. Koningstad Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Prinsessin Ilisa v.d. Koningstad
Ludwidge v.d. Koningstad Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Prinsessin Ilisa v.d. Koningstad
Lambert v.d. Koningstad Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Prinsessin Ilisa v.d. Koningstad
Lux v.d. Koningstad Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Prinsessin Ilisa v.d. Koningstad
Prinsessin Latoska v.d. Koningstad (NHSB 6036) Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Prinsessin Ilisa v.d. Koningstad
Leopold v.d. Koningstad Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Prinsessin Ilisa v.d. Koningstad
Castor v. Naunhof Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Astra Lukas (DZB 12328)
Claus v. Naunhof Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Astra Lukas (DZB 12328)
Carmen v. Naunhof Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Astra Lukas (DZB 12328)
Atta v.d. Himburgshöhe Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Atta v. Tremmen
Armin v.d. Himburgshöhe Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Atta v. Tremmen
Atur v.d. Himburgshöhe Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Atta v. Tremmen
Wolff v. Simmenau Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Lotte v. Pannewitz
Wodan v. Simmenau (DZB 45329) Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Lotte v. Pannewitz
Wera v. Simmenau (DZB 45332) Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Lotte v. Pannewitz
Gerd v. Sporthof Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Bona v. Sevira
Faust v. Sporthof Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Bona v. Sevira
Gesko v. Sporthof Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Bona v. Sevira
Glocke v. Sporthof Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Bona v. Sevira
Fedor v. Sporthof Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Bona v. Sevira
Guntram v. Sporthof Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Bona v. Sevira
Edel v. Sporthof Male Uncle Prins Carlo v.d. Koningstad Bona v. Sevira
Zoic Edel v. Sporthof Male Uncle Prins Carlo v.d. Koningstad Bona v. Sevira
Anni v. Siegerheim Female Aunt Graf Albert v. Wittmund Bona v. Sevira
Hexe v. Sporthof Female Aunt Burschel v. Simmenau (DZB 6238) Bona v. Sevira
Festa v. Sporthof Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Bona v. Sevira
Golf v. Sporthof Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Bona v. Sevira
Ettel v. Sporthof Male Uncle Prins Carlo v.d. Koningstad Bona v. Sevira
Elline v. Sporthof Female Aunt Prins Carlo v.d. Koningstad Bona v. Sevira
Edi v. Sporthof Male Uncle Prins Carlo v.d. Koningstad Bona v. Sevira
Ergo v. Sporthof Male Uncle Prins Carlo v.d. Koningstad Bona v. Sevira
Asta v. Siegerheim Female Aunt Graf Albert v. Wittmund Bona v. Sevira
Anka v. Siegerheim Female Aunt Graf Albert v. Wittmund Bona v. Sevira
Astor v. Siegerheim Male Uncle Graf Albert v. Wittmund Bona v. Sevira
Ada v. Siegerheim Female Aunt Graf Albert v. Wittmund Bona v. Sevira
Heidi v. Sporthof Female Aunt Burschel v. Simmenau (DZB 6238) Bona v. Sevira
Hallo v. Sporthof Male Uncle Burschel v. Simmenau (DZB 6238) Bona v. Sevira
Emir v.d. Körnereiche Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Bussy v. Schleswig
Elmar v.d. Körnereiche Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Bussy v. Schleswig
Arnim v. Clausenpass Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Wally v. Ilm-Athen
Alraune v. Clausenpass Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Wally v. Ilm-Athen
Artus v. Clausenpass Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Wally v. Ilm-Athen
Astor v. Clausenpass Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Wally v. Ilm-Athen
Afra v. Clausenpass Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Wally v. Ilm-Athen
Trudie v.d. Spree Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Tora v.d. Blankenburg
Artus v. Katharinenhof Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Kora Kautz (DZB 19734)
Astoria v. Begasbrunnen Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Asta v. Blankenfeld
Anastasia v. Begasbrunnen Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Asta v. Blankenfeld
Afra v. Begasbrunnen Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Asta v. Blankenfeld
Carola v.d. Landwehr Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Anni v.d. Landwehr
Carlo v.d. Landwehr Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Anni v.d. Landwehr
Carmen v.d. Landwehr Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Anni v.d. Landwehr
Cuno v.d. Landwehr Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Anni v.d. Landwehr
Adele v. Müggelheim Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Fanny v.d. Spree
Arno v. Müggelheim Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Fanny v.d. Spree
Anni v. Müggelheim Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Fanny v.d. Spree
Asta v. Müggelheim Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Fanny v.d. Spree
Baldur of Pontchartrain Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Lady Blue (AKC 473055)
Bella of Pontchartrain Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Lady Blue (AKC 473055)
Benno of Pontchartrain Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Lady Blue (AKC 473055)
Dora v.d. Körnereiche Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Adda v.d. Körnereiche
Diva v.d. Körnereiche Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Adda v.d. Körnereiche
Debs v.d. Körnereiche Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Adda v.d. Körnereiche
Dyno v.d. Körnereiche Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Adda v.d. Körnereiche
Diethelm v.d. Körnereiche Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Adda v.d. Körnereiche
Duke v.d. Körnereiche Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Adda v.d. Körnereiche
Baron Arion v.d. Höhen Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Aina v. Avonthal
Baron Ariel v.d. Höhen Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Aina v. Avonthal
Baron Alvin v.d. Höhen Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Aina v. Avonthal
Baroness Arva v.d. Höhen Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Aina v. Avonthal
Baron Achiless v.d. Höhen Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Aina v. Avonthal
Edellinde v. Grammont Female Aunt Urian v. Grammont Hanna v. Jägerhof
A Beda of Pontchartrain Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Beda Armingard v. Nibelungenhort
A Reuben of Pontchartrain Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Beda Armingard v. Nibelungenhort
A Bobby v. Wanderlust of Pontchartrain Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Beda Armingard v. Nibelungenhort
A Ranni of Pontchartrain Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Beda Armingard v. Nibelungenhort
A Rappo of Pontchartrain Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Beda Armingard v. Nibelungenhort
A Hindoo of Pontchartrain Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Beda Armingard v. Nibelungenhort
Cora v. Hellberg Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Biche v. Heilberg
Flora v.d. Rheinperle Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Hertha II v. Golzheim
Faust v.d. Rheinperle Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Hertha II v. Golzheim
Freya v.d. Rheinperle Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Hertha II v. Golzheim
Lump v.d. Bytomburg Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Carola v. Mönchwörthhof
Lux II v.d. Bytomburg Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Carola v. Mönchwörthhof
Bodo Hirtz (DZB 30874) Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Bertha v. Friedrichstadt
Bona Hirtz (DZB 30876) Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Bertha v. Friedrichstadt
Anastatia (NHSB 5863) Female Aunt Urian v. Grammont Donna v. Grammont (born before 1920)
Ada v. Richterich Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Cilli v. Kurpark
Artus v. Richterich Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Cilli v. Kurpark
Alma v. Richterich Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Cilli v. Kurpark
Cordula v.d. Hunnenheide Female Aunt Urian v. Grammont Paula v.d. Hunnenheide
Freya v. s'Graveland Female Aunt Urian v. Grammont Femina (NHSB not reg.)
Lucretia v. s'Graveland Female Aunt Urian v. Grammont Femina (NHSB not reg.)
Kitty v. s'Graveland Female Aunt Urian v. Grammont Femina (NHSB not reg.)
Nora v. s'Graveland Female Aunt Urian v. Grammont Femina (NHSB not reg.)
Max v.d. Spree Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Blanka v. Zoic
Adda v. Nettebach Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Dora v. Bärental
Amor v. Nettebach Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Dora v. Bärental
Alma v. Nettebach Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Dora v. Bärental
Rireke v. Blitzstrahl Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Blanka v. Naunhof
Rival v. Blitzstrahl Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Blanka v. Naunhof
Romeo v. Blitzstrahl Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Blanka v. Naunhof
Remus v. Blitzstrahl Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Blanka v. Naunhof
Hasso v. Atrop Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Sylvia v. Atrop
Dolly v. Atrop Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Sylvia v. Atrop
Claus v. Atrop Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Sylvia v. Atrop
Carlo v. Atrop Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Sylvia v. Atrop
Afra v. Paulbeck Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Adda v. Klostersee
Achill v. Paulbeck Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Adda v. Klostersee
Argo v. Paulbeck Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Adda v. Klostersee
Coryl v. Avonthal Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Berta Rota v. Nibelungenhort
Baldur v.d. Zwanenburg Male Uncle Urian v. Grammont Butterfly (NHSB not reg.)
Beatrice v.d. Zwanenburg Female Aunt Urian v. Grammont Butterfly (NHSB not reg.)
Barbara v.d. Zwanenburg Male Uncle Urian v. Grammont Butterfly (NHSB not reg.)
Bertha v.d. Reckenburg Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Hertha v. Dickelsbach
Condor v.d. Schillerglocke Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Bella Schiller (DZB 14416)
Celsia v.d. Schillerglocke Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Bella Schiller (DZB 14416)
Bartho v. Römerhof Male Uncle Urian v. Grammont Bubine v.d. Koningstad
Carlo v. Römerhof Male Uncle Urian v. Grammont Bubine v.d. Koningstad
Erwin v.d. Römerhof Male Uncle Helmut v. Grammont Bubine v.d. Koningstad
Demona v. Römerhof (NHSB 6176) Female Aunt Benno v. Römerhof Bubine v.d. Koningstad
Benno v. Römerhof Male Uncle Urian v. Grammont Bubine v.d. Koningstad
Diana v. Römerhof (NHSB 9757) Female Aunt Benno v. Römerhof Bubine v.d. Koningstad
Heinrich v. Römerhof (NHSB 5913) Male Uncle Achim v. Lutherplatz Bubine v.d. Koningstad
Helmuth v. Römerhof (NHSB 5820) Male Uncle Achim v. Lutherplatz Bubine v.d. Koningstad
Hella v. Römerhof (NHSB 6046) Female Aunt Achim v. Lutherplatz Bubine v.d. Koningstad
Big Boy of White Gate Male Uncle Claus v.d. Spree Prinsessin Elfrieda v.d. Koningstad
Bacchante of Whitegate Female Aunt Claus v.d. Spree Prinsessin Elfrieda v.d. Koningstad
Cassia v. Grammont Female Aunt Urian v. Grammont Lucretia v.d. Sterrenhof