

Agnes Arnak


Call Name: Agnes Arnak

Location: ()

Sir: Rex z Martinovy Veze

Dam: Alina Jerbecon

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Color: Black
Pedigree Number: CKSP 8119/91


Name Sex Relationship Father Mother Birth Death Life Span Cause Of Death
Clark z Labskych Strani Male Brother Rex z Martinovy Veze Deny z Pisecneho Ostrova
Biki z Bartosova chovu Female Sister Rex z Martinovy Veze Iris Podhraz
Ant Arnak Male Brother Rex z Martinovy Veze Alina Jerbecon
Agar z Jílovického nádraží Male Brother Rex z Martinovy Veze Eny z Pisecneho Ostrova
Ax Gersim Male Brother Rex z Martinovy Veze Betty z Potštejnska
Gina z Prazne cesty Female Sister Rex z Martinovy Veze Herta Podhraz
Brian z Bartosova chovu Male Brother Rex z Martinovy Veze Iris Podhraz
Bart z Bartosova Chovu Male Brother Rex z Martinovy Veze Iris Podhraz
Bria z Bartosova chovu Female Sister Rex z Martinovy Veze Iris Podhraz
Gandy z Prazne cesty Male Brother Rex z Martinovy Veze Herta Podhraz
Carin z Labskych Strani­ Female Sister Rex z Martinovy Veze Deny z Pisecneho Ostrova
Gent z Prazne cesty Male Brother Rex z Martinovy Veze Herta Podhraz
Bart Hevart Male Brother Rex z Martinovy Veze Cera Perlit
Betty z Bartosova chovu Female Sister Rex z Martinovy Veze Iris Podhraz
Britta z Bartosova chovu Female Sister Rex z Martinovy Veze Iris Podhraz
Gin z Prazne cesty Male Brother Rex z Martinovy Veze Herta Podhraz
Gita z Prazne cesty Female Sister Rex z Martinovy Veze Herta Podhraz
Gera z Prazne cesty Female Sister Rex z Martinovy Veze Herta Podhraz
Cilka z Labskych Strani Female Sister Rex z Martinovy Veze Deny z Pisecneho Ostrova
Carmen z Labskych Strani Female Sister Rex z Martinovy Veze Deny z Pisecneho Ostrova
Akut Žihadlo Male Brother Rex z Martinovy Veze Frona Bobrava
Andy Žihadlo Male Brother Rex z Martinovy Veze Frona Bobrava
Anny Gersim Female Sister Rex z Martinovy Veze Betty z Potštejnska
Assy Gersim Female Sister Rex z Martinovy Veze Betty z Potštejnska
Beny Alstar Female Sister Rex z Martinovy Veze Dyra Perlit
Athos z Jílovického nádraží Male Brother Rex z Martinovy Veze Eny z Pisecneho Ostrova
Alma z Jílovického nádraží Female Sister Rex z Martinovy Veze Eny z Pisecneho Ostrova


Name Sex Relationship Father Mother Birth Death Life Span Cause Of Death
Aldo z Heranovy Vily Male Progeny Graf Guido v. Franckenhorst Agnes Arnak
Cyr Anzu Male Progeny Hasan Bobrava Agnes Arnak